If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST THIS..


New Member
This Homemade Avacado/Protein-Moisture Mask. It really helps, and the properties have lasted in my hair even after 3 washes. It moisturizes as well as strengthens, and keeps your ends silkier then ever. I've even used this in a spray bottle before and its helped with slicking my hair back and keeping it healthy @ the same time.

I had posted/and or replied to a thread about this in the homemade section, but its worth being in here as alot of ladies find it hard to make the balance when using either protein or moisture (i know i have!!)

I hate mushy hair that breaks, and i hate straw hair that breaks..a mix of the protein and moisture is the KEY. instead of using a protein THEN a mositure conditioner, this is a fast treatment (i call it treatment as u dont use this often, its when breakage is gettin a bit scary!) that smells delisicious (may not LOOK delish..but hey!) and really conditions the hair well..anyway, enough of the long talkin..here are the ingredients:


  • A soft (preferabley going off) HASS Avacado..(hass apparently contains more protein and alot of moisture)
  • Half a cup of EVOO
  • HALF a cup of DISTILLED, BOTTLED or plain old boiled and left to chill,,WATER
  • A whole EGG


  1. Cut up the Avacado and scoop out the flesh - throw away the seed
  2. This should be real mushy as its about to - or HAS gone off,,,if you see dark bits in the flesh, use these too..ITS ALL GOOD!
  3. Put this into a boil and mash up with the cup of EVOO
  4. Once runny, add the EGG
  5. Mix together
  6. Now add your water, and stir and mash like theres no tomorrow!

Instructions (2):

  • Wash your hair thoroughly with either a Clarifying poo or just your regular poo (depends on how many poducts you've been using recently)
  • Add this mask (yes i know its cold but that is also why it works so well! - you can also warm it up, but only for 30 seconds or so LUKEWARM!(
  • Now find a nice magazine, cover your head with a cap and towel and relax for approx 30 mins
  • After 30 mins, remove the cap, and your hair will be a lilly stuck, but its allllright, get under the shower and let the water rinse it for around 5 mins.
  • Now using your hands gently massage the excess mask out. You can use a conditioner afterwards if you want to, but i find missing out that step and simply using a GOOD LEAVE-IN does the trick!
  • whether you blowdry or airdry u will notice a big big difference in the strength and elasticity of your hair. it will straighten out easily if you use heat, or curl real nicely if you airdry. It will also shine and ur ends wont be frizzy or as frizzy. i strongly recommend this if you use heat regularley
  • THE LAST STEP...thank me later!!

I really hope this helps after massaging the mask out, i wouldn't follow up with a cold water rinse because u have not used a purely moisturizing treatment, and this could make you hair a little stiff just use warm to lukewarm and your leave in will seep into the hair after...

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Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

Candy_C said:

  1. Cut up the Avacado and scoop out the flesh - throw away the seed
  2. This should be real mushy as its about to - or HAS gone off,,,if you see dark bits in the flesh, use these too..ITS ALL GOOD!
  3. Put this into a boil and mash up with the cup of EVOO
  4. Once runny, add the EGG
  5. Mix together
  6. Now add your water, and stir and mash like theres no tomorrow!


Do you mean to to put into a bowl or do we need to boil it?
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

I think she meant to put it in a bowl.
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

Sounds good.
But... what's a hass avacado and how is it different to a normal avacado?
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

PerfectDoak said:
Sounds good.
But... what's a hass avacado and how is it different to a normal avacado?

I'd like to know to, haha its funny when i here avacado... i call it pair
Candy_C said:
This Homemade Avacado/Protein-Moisture Mask. It really helps, and the properties have lasted in my hair even after 3 washes. It moisturizes as well as strengthens, and keeps your ends silkier then ever. I've even used this in a spray bottle before and its helped with slicking my hair back and keeping it healthy @ the same time.

I had posted/and or replied to a thread about this in the homemade section, but its worth being in here as alot of ladies find it hard to make the balance when using either protein or moisture (i know i have!!)

I hate mushy hair that breaks, and i hate straw hair that breaks..a mix of the protein and moisture is the KEY. instead of using a protein THEN a mositure conditioner, this is a fast treatment (i call it treatment as u dont use this often, its when breakage is gettin a bit scary!) that smells delisicious (may not LOOK delish..but hey!) and really conditions the hair well..anyway, enough of the long talkin..here are the ingredients:

Are you still using a leave in and moisturizer after the avocado treatment? Or any other follow up products before you style your hair at the end?

Instead of doing the protein conditioner followed by the moisturizing conditioner, have you tried using a light protein conditioner for your wash-- towel drying and following up with strictly moisture-based products-- (leave ins, moisturizer)? That way you get both. Seems like it would be a bit faster :)
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

PerfectDoak, I think the hass avocados are the ones with the bumpy peel. They turn darken when they are ripe.

I can't wait to try this, but I just ate the last avocado. :lol: Plus, I am trying my olive oil pretreatment w/a hot wet towel today.
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

I thought they all had bumpy peels?!
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

PerfectDoak said:
I thought they all had bumpy peels?!

No they don't all look the same, take a look at http://www.avocadocentral.com/ for an example of the hass variety. I never saw pears/avocados like them until I moved to the US. They are also smaller than what I grew up eating.

Couldn't we blend the ingriedients together instead of hand mixing?
MizaniMami said:
I was always told that the protein molecules in egg were to big/large to penetrate to the hair strand.

yeah from my understanding, they only coat the shaft-- the way a light protein treatment would.
Great recipe! I'll try it hopefully soon...

Thanx. :)

Candy_C said:
This Homemade Avacado/Protein-Moisture Mask. It really helps, and the properties have lasted in my hair even after 3 washes. It moisturizes as well as strengthens, and keeps your ends silkier then ever. I've even used this in a spray bottle before and its helped with slicking my hair back and keeping it healthy @ the same time.

I had posted/and or replied to a thread about this in the homemade section, but its worth being in here as alot of ladies find it hard to make the balance when using either protein or moisture (i know i have!!)

I hate mushy hair that breaks, and i hate straw hair that breaks..a mix of the protein and moisture is the KEY. instead of using a protein THEN a mositure conditioner, this is a fast treatment (i call it treatment as u dont use this often, its when breakage is gettin a bit scary!) that smells delisicious (may not LOOK delish..but hey!) and really conditions the hair well..anyway, enough of the long talkin..here are the ingredients:

  • A soft (preferabley going off) HASS Avacado..(hass apparently contains more protein and alot of moisture)
  • Half a cup of EVOO
  • HALF a cup of DISTILLED, BOTTLED or plain old boiled and left to chill,,WATER
  • A whole EGG
  1. Cut up the Avacado and scoop out the flesh - throw away the seed
  2. This should be real mushy as its about to - or HAS gone off,,,if you see dark bits in the flesh, use these too..ITS ALL GOOD!
  3. Put this into a boil and mash up with the cup of EVOO
  4. Once runny, add the EGG
  5. Mix together
  6. Now add your water, and stir and mash like theres no tomorrow!
Instructions (2):
  • Wash your hair thoroughly with either a Clarifying poo or just your regular poo (depends on how many poducts you've been using recently)
  • Add this mask (yes i know its cold but that is also why it works so well! - you can also warm it up, but only for 30 seconds or so LUKEWARM!(
  • Now find a nice magazine, cover your head with a cap and towel and relax for approx 30 mins
  • After 30 mins, remove the cap, and your hair will be a lilly stuck, but its allllright, get under the shower and let the water rinse it for around 5 mins.
  • Now using your hands gently massage the excess mask out. You can use a conditioner afterwards if you want to, but i find missing out that step and simply using a GOOD LEAVE-IN does the trick!
  • whether you blowdry or airdry u will notice a big big difference in the strength and elasticity of your hair. it will straighten out easily if you use heat, or curl real nicely if you airdry. It will also shine and ur ends wont be frizzy or as frizzy. i strongly recommend this if you use heat regularley
  • THE LAST STEP...thank me later!!
I really hope this helps after massaging the mask out, i wouldn't follow up with a cold water rinse because u have not used a purely moisturizing treatment, and this could make you hair a little stiff just use warm to lukewarm and your leave in will seep into the hair after...

Candy C, this is the TRUTH!! I did this in the past when I first started my hair care journey and it was wonderful :eek: It works great on relaxed and natural hair b/c my daughter's then natural hair LOVED it! I haven't done this in like a year, but now it's on my weekend to do list :grin: Thanks for posting this.

ETA: I didn't put water in mine, just avacado, egg, and evoo. I also whipped the avacado and egg in a blender and :lick: :lick: :lick:....Oh now I can barely wait till the weekend
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You're kidding. I was just about to post this. Avocados are very cheap here in Arizona. I can get 10 for a dollar. I usually eat one half of it and put the other half in the blender with some mayonnaise (oil + egg) or some yogurt (lactobulmin protein), honey (humectant), or whatever else is laying around in the house.

Heads up Candy! :up:

Oh, and about the egg thing: Yea, I heard that the molecules are too big but that isn't what my hair says. My hair is super strong when I use egg in my conditioners.
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

I can't wait to try this as I have thrown my Apoghee in the trash for making my hair too dry and then having not enough moisture. Thanks for the timely info!
anky said:
You're kidding. I was just about to post this. Avocados are very cheap here in Arizona. I can get 10 for a dollar. I usually eat one half of it and put the other half in the blender with some mayonnaise (oil + egg) or some yogurt (lactobulmin protein), honey (humectant), or whatever else is laying around in the house.

Heads up Candy! :up:

Oh, and about the egg thing: Yea, I heard that the molecules are too big but that isn't what my hair says. My hair is super strong when I use egg in my conditioners.


Yes i did mean BOWL sorry.

i have tried protein cons but this one is worth it if you hair doesn't like the other stuff they put in them. i mean preservatives...they could be filled with any crap.

this does go stale so u can store it for only about a week in a sealed tub...

i'll get back to the other posts a bit later, i'm @ college
I have to salue MaCherieAmour!!!

I used this mask for the first time in months today as i airdried totally sloppily last week and my hair wasn't acting right AT ALL! it was being dry and strawy...what was going on? i mean i clarified 2 weeks ago..PLUS i am due due dueee for a retouch soooo yep, protein time!

I used maCherie's method of applying the treatment before shampoo...

AND OHHH MY GAAAAAWDDD, MY ENDS feel like theyre not mine! WHYYY are they so so soft...they feel strong liek horse hair!!! never ever has my hair felt like this, and to be honest i thought macheries method would be good but NO THIS GOOD! does anybody know why this method works so damn well?

i applied the mask, let it sit with a hot streamy towel over my cap for half hr, i then used a lil bit of keraC hydrating poo and scrubbed up my scalp, as it rinsed my hair felt super strong...and stiff, just like after a protein treat. I added humecto MINUS adding any oils cos the avocado mask has EVOO added, and i let it sit for only about 5 mins. i rinsed, and as i rinsed its like it revealed a new head of hair. my regrowth looks so cute like spiral curls, my hair is so hydrated and moisturized yet strong and elasticated. argh i'm in LUV thanks macherie your golden! i really feel like i can go the whole 12 weeks now!!

i swear i feel like promoting this to all my people, i've already began mixing some up 4 my friends and famo.
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Candy_C said:
I have to salue MaCherieAmour!!!

I used this mask for the first time in months today as i airdried totally sloppily last week and my hair wasn't acting right AT ALL! it was being dry and strawy...what was going on? i mean i clarified 2 weeks ago..PLUS i am due due dueee for a retouch soooo yep, protein time!

I used maCherie's method of applying the treatment before shampoo...

AND OHHH MY GAAAAAWDDD, MY ENDS feel like theyre not mine! WHYYY are they so so soft...they feel strong liek horse hair!!! never ever has my hair felt like this, and to be honest i thought macheries method would be good but NO THIS GOOD! does anybody know why this method works so damn well?

i applied the mask, let it sit with a hot streamy towel over my cap for half hr, i then used a lil bit of keraC hydrating poo and scrubbed up my scalp, as it rinsed my hair felt super strong...and stiff, just like after a protein treat. I added humecto MINUS adding any oils cos the avocado mask has EVOO added, and i let it sit for only about 5 mins. i rinsed, and as i rinsed its like it revealed a new head of hair. my regrowth looks so cute like spiral curls, my hair is so hydrated and moisturized yet strong and elasticated. argh i'm in LUV thanks macherie your golden! i really feel like i can go the whole 12 weeks now!!

i swear i feel like promoting this to all my people, i've already began mixing some up 4 my friends and famo.
I am wondering if that is why AO suggests using their conditioners on dry hair....hmm. There has to be a reason why it's so much better on dry hair. Could it be maybe when wet the cuticles are saturated with water (hydrogen/oxygen molecules) so nothing else can get in and if you do it dry only thing in there will be whatever was applied??? Just thinking out loud :lol:
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Faith said:
Would I use the whole egg or just the yolk?

Use the whole egg Faith!

lol i think out loud too, i think your right, i have been thinking about why it works so well all day.
Candy_C said:
This Homemade Avacado/Protein-Moisture Mask. It really helps, and the properties have lasted in my hair even after 3 washes. It moisturizes as well as strengthens, and keeps your ends silkier then ever. I've even used this in a spray bottle before and its helped with slicking my hair back and keeping it healthy @ the same time.

I had posted/and or replied to a thread about this in the homemade section, but its worth being in here as alot of ladies find it hard to make the balance when using either protein or moisture (i know i have!!)

I hate mushy hair that breaks, and i hate straw hair that breaks..a mix of the protein and moisture is the KEY. instead of using a protein THEN a mositure conditioner, this is a fast treatment (i call it treatment as u dont use this often, its when breakage is gettin a bit scary!) that smells delisicious (may not LOOK delish..but hey!) and really conditions the hair well..anyway, enough of the long talkin..here are the ingredients:

  • A soft (preferabley going off) HASS Avacado..(hass apparently contains more protein and alot of moisture)
  • Half a cup of EVOO
  • HALF a cup of DISTILLED, BOTTLED or plain old boiled and left to chill,,WATER
  • A whole EGG
  1. Cut up the Avacado and scoop out the flesh - throw away the seed
  2. This should be real mushy as its about to - or HAS gone off,,,if you see dark bits in the flesh, use these too..ITS ALL GOOD!
  3. Put this into a boil and mash up with the cup of EVOO
  4. Once runny, add the EGG
  5. Mix together
  6. Now add your water, and stir and mash like theres no tomorrow!
Instructions (2):
  • Wash your hair thoroughly with either a Clarifying poo or just your regular poo (depends on how many poducts you've been using recently)
  • Add this mask (yes i know its cold but that is also why it works so well! - you can also warm it up, but only for 30 seconds or so LUKEWARM!(
  • Now find a nice magazine, cover your head with a cap and towel and relax for approx 30 mins
  • After 30 mins, remove the cap, and your hair will be a lilly stuck, but its allllright, get under the shower and let the water rinse it for around 5 mins.
  • Now using your hands gently massage the excess mask out. You can use a conditioner afterwards if you want to, but i find missing out that step and simply using a GOOD LEAVE-IN does the trick!
  • whether you blowdry or airdry u will notice a big big difference in the strength and elasticity of your hair. it will straighten out easily if you use heat, or curl real nicely if you airdry. It will also shine and ur ends wont be frizzy or as frizzy. i strongly recommend this if you use heat regularley
  • THE LAST STEP...thank me later!!
I really hope this helps after massaging the mask out, i wouldn't follow up with a cold water rinse because u have not used a purely moisturizing treatment, and this could make you hair a little stiff just use warm to lukewarm and your leave in will seep into the hair after...


I will definitively use it this summer, I will rock some straight style:D thank you Candy_C!