If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST THIS..

Faith said:
I am wondering if that is why AO suggests using their conditioners on dry hair....hmm. There has to be a reason why it's so much better on dry hair. Could it be maybe when wet the cuticles are saturated with water (hydrogen/oxygen molecules) so nothing else can get in and if you do it dry only thing in there will be whatever was applied??? Just thinking out loud :lol:

You could have a point there. I know my friend that swims often says she soaks her hair with regular water before going in because not as much chlorinated water can penetrate the strands. When she wears a swim cap she coats her hair with conditioner so she can deep condition while swimming.
I think the reason it works well on dry hair, is because 1. the dirty layer, with all your product build up LIKES PROTEIN. lets say after a week, theres lots of microscopic bacteria running around your hair (sorry - but its true lol)

as soon as they get a whiff of protein, they get happy (protein feeds them). The protein has something to BOND to..the conditioner from your last wash has lost all effect, and the hair and its little friends, are hungry.

whereas clean hair, has been washed, and coned up with conditioners is layered up, not much can get through. have you noticed hair takes a little time to "settle" i think its something to do with that

that may sound sci-fi, but thats what i THINK lol
Jus placed an order on myspace.:grin: Can u tell us more about the moisturizer ur working on and if there are different sizes of product available??
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

or you could just add an egg to your moisturizing conditioner . worked for me :)
Candy_C said:

PS. I ACTUALLY SELL THIS IN A 16OZ BOTTLE if anybody cannot be bothered to make it lol

Candy -x-

You're a total doll! :kiss: I'm just now seeing this but better late than never. I spent some time tracking down your recipe (thank you Search Engine)!! I blended it in a food processor which worked wonderfully. The finished results was :love:

Thanks for sharing this recipe with us. My hair came out very silky, strong and shiny. I'm going to see how it is this week, I was going to retouch but I may not have to now. I don't usually subscribe to the food in hair concept but I can't argue with your and Anky's hair!

Next week I'll use it without the egg and add more oil (like your recipe calls for).
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

I do not know but I have seen them in the grocery store, produce aisle, marked as "hass" avocado.

RainbowCurls said:
Sounds good.
But... what's a hass avacado and how is it different to a normal avacado?
Just a reminder - again - if some of you lurvley ladies didnt see this...

I cannot use real avocado for the reason that it'll go stale and bad no matter how much parabens i put in it!

so i use avocado butter and oil as a substitute, and it works exactly the same - minus the parabens!

[SIZE=+1] Thanks again Candy C and to whoever bumped this thread.:)

I don't have any breakage or shedding but this is nice to know. I might still give myself/daughter a good protein/moisturizer treatment soon.
I have had a little breakage as of late so I'm doing this hair mask as a pre-poo treatment. I shampooed with Nexxus Therappe shampoo and conditioned with 10 en 1 and Aussie Moist Conditioner (I'm leaving it in for 30 minutes with no heat). I plan to airdry. I'll post results after it dries or tomorrow. When I rinsed out the mask my hair did feel stronger, I think.

OK so my hair is airdrying right now. I don't know how smooth it will be but I did have less hair in the comb while combing out. I think I'll do this again next week and then try to do it once a month.
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LuvLiLocks said:
Candy C, this is the TRUTH!! I did this in the past when I first started my hair care journey and it was wonderful :eek: It works great on relaxed and natural hair b/c my daughter's then natural hair LOVED it! I haven't done this in like a year, but now it's on my weekend to do list :grin: Thanks for posting this.

ETA: I didn't put water in mine, just avacado, egg, and evoo. I also whipped the avacado and egg in a blender and :lick: :lick: :lick:....Oh now I can barely wait till the weekend

I must admit this sounds good. I think I am going to the store tonight and buy and avacado and try this and see if it works this weekend.
I loved the results of this! Of course I "tweeked" it a bit....I used:
1 HAAS Avocado

Above leftovers PLUS
Shikaki & Amla Powder
Now this mix was DA TRUTH!:bdance: I had maybe 6 hairs to shed after this 2hr. treatment:bouncy:

Thanks Candy C! My fine hair thanks you as well! This is now part of my weekly regimen.:D
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

bumping cuz i plan on trying this this weekend!:yep:
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH


cos I'm getting hundreds of pm's regarding the recipe

and thought i would bump this up cos theres lots of nice testimonies and variations

kiss kiss

Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

bump for my friend Leah!!

(hey leah :grin:)
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

Thank you can't wait to try!
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

Bumping as this migth help me out - I am seeing loads of breakage at the moment :wallbash: and I am scared of waking up bald headed.

I will try it out this weekend and post back how my hair felt. I think I have been putting too much moisture in my hair - It is kind of mushy.

I will modify and use:
Hass Avocado
Olive oil
Amla oil

Should I miss something out/ add something

Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

I have to salue MaCherieAmour!!!

I used this mask for the first time in months today as i airdried totally sloppily last week and my hair wasn't acting right AT ALL! it was being dry and strawy...what was going on? i mean i clarified 2 weeks ago..PLUS i am due due dueee for a retouch soooo yep, protein time!

I used maCherie's method of applying the treatment before shampoo...

AND OHHH MY GAAAAAWDDD, MY ENDS feel like theyre not mine! WHYYY are they so so soft...they feel strong liek horse hair!!! never ever has my hair felt like this, and to be honest i thought macheries method would be good but NO THIS GOOD! does anybody know why this method works so damn well?

i applied the mask, let it sit with a hot streamy towel over my cap for half hr, i then used a lil bit of keraC hydrating poo and scrubbed up my scalp, as it rinsed my hair felt super strong...and stiff, just like after a protein treat. I added humecto MINUS adding any oils cos the avocado mask has EVOO added, and i let it sit for only about 5 mins. i rinsed, and as i rinsed its like it revealed a new head of hair. my regrowth looks so cute like spiral curls, my hair is so hydrated and moisturized yet strong and elasticated. argh i'm in LUV thanks macherie your golden! i really feel like i can go the whole 12 weeks now!!

i swear i feel like promoting this to all my people, i've already began mixing some up 4 my friends and famo.

Was Macherie's method the same as this one? Where did you find her method? I'm willing to try this. Let me know, thanks.
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

Bumping as this migth help me out - I am seeing loads of breakage at the moment :wallbash: and I am scared of waking up bald headed.

I will try it out this weekend and post back how my hair felt. I think I have been putting too much moisture in my hair - It is kind of mushy.

I will modify and use:
Hass Avocado
Olive oil
Amla oil

Should I miss something out/ add something


Get out of my head!!! Thanks for bumping this! I was really looking for some help, and seeing this right now is like an extra special message...... "BREAK OUT THE AVOCADO/EGG MIXTURE!!!!" :grin:
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

Was Macherie's method the same as this one? Where did you find her method? I'm willing to try this. Let me know, thanks.

Marbel, I think Marcherie' method was to put the mixture on DRY hair, then wrap with a hot, steaming towel, covered with a plastic cap for about 30 minutes. I think you can find it in her tutorials in her fotki or website: www.healthytextures.com. It's her "prepoo" method. HTH
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

Thanks for bumping this, I just bought 2 avocados for this purpose the other day!!!!!
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

I am definitely going to try this treatment around the weekend. My hair has been breaking a little and I'm in search of the best remedy for it! :spinning:
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

Marbel, I think Marcherie' method was to put the mixture on DRY hair, then wrap with a hot, steaming towel, covered with a plastic cap for about 30 minutes. I think you can find it in her tutorials in her fotki or website: www.healthytextures.com. It's her "prepoo" method. HTH

Thanks for the info.
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

I forgot all about this thread thanks
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

Its about time this thread got BUMPED!!!

Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

Thanks for bumping this. I actually used this as a prepoo on wet hair for the first time. I used 1 avocado, EVOO and honey. I used wet hair cause I thought it would spread easier. Washed, did aphogee 2 min reconstructor and then my keracare deep conditioner. I have been megateking every day and moisturizing with pantene RN oil creme. The avocado mask and the pantene were a first for me. I realized the other day that my hair was so strong. I initially attributed it to the moisturizing that I was doing every day, because I forgot that I had done the avocado prepoo. But now that I am reading this thread, I realized it may just have been secondary to the prepoo. I will do the same with the next wash without the mask so I can really see what is making my hair so strong.
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

PS. For those of you adding Indian oils to it, how do you decide which ones to add?
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

I'm adding this treatment to my list of Things to Try. I'll just have to get a Hass.
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

Thanx Candy C, unfortunately I just washed my hair yesterday so I can't try it until next week. I'm currently 8 weeks post and I want to go until the 1st week of february, would it be ok to use this treatment 1x a week? I don't want to get protein overload
Re: If your hair is breaking, needs PROTEIN but craves MOISTURE combined.I SUGGEST TH

I've got bentonite in my hair right now but next treatment time I would like to try this