If you stayed...


Well-Known Member
How long did it take you to regain trust in your partner after the trust was betrayed? This goes for any type of betrayal...not just cheating.
(If of course you decided you still wanted to be in the relationship after the betrayal)

What was the relationship like while you were working through it?

What helped you get back to the "good place" you all were once in?
i have stayed and it was a disaster, i dont think you can ever really really regain trust after it is broken. It is always there in the back of your mind to a certain extent. from now on with anymore relationships i wont waste my time. jmho
My personal opinion is that trust betrayed can never be regained. If the relationship is worth saving one thing the injured party has to realise that the the trust level shifts/changes. People who betray your trust expect the relationship to remain the same but it never can and thats something that a lot of people can't handle.
Stayed and still working on it. Some days are better than others. I would love to think that things could back to the way they were before it happened. But I don't think they ever will. I think you have to move on from that point, and work together on making your future. People say leave the past in the past, but it is sooooo hard....Like I said before, I am working on it :)
Stayed and still working on it. Some days are better than others. I would love to think that things could back to the way they were before it happened. But I don't think they ever will. I think you have to move on from that point, and work together on making your future. People say leave the past in the past, but it is sooooo hard....Like I said before, I am working on it :)

Good luck to you! I'm sure it is very hard.

I never wondered why women stayed after betrayal cause I know there are a thousand and one reasons. I have always been curious though about the process the relationship goes through once the decision to stay is made. I know everything doesn't go back to being honky dorey overnight.
I am sort of in this situation at the moment, dont know whether to stay. As I am not sure I can forgive or forget. Still thinking:perplexed
All I can say is that it is very hard. You just have to take it one day at a time. When we went throught counseling, the one piece of advice that has stayed with me is "pick your battles". I have to remember that everytime I get ready to accuse him of something or everytime I want to go back to what happened in the past. I'm not saying that I don't get depressed about what happened, but I do love him and he loves me. As long as you have love and God, then you can make it through anything. If we are meant to stay together we will, but if not then I will live with that also.
It is so hard to build trust once it has been broken down. God didnt create the world in one day and trust is the same, its a process. We women tend to become obsessive once we catch a man cheating its like you want keep searching and investigating until we find something again to support our intuition. Once you made the decision to forgive that person and work it out you have to remember never to bring it up again and go through this one day at a time. If you feel like you are not going to emotionally and mentally stable to try then you need to seperate