If you had to name one person....


Well-Known Member
Hi to all. We all have benefitted from this hair board, it's great, but if you had to name one person who has inspired you, who would you choose and why. The purpose for my question is not to elevate one over others, so please don't take my question in the wrong way. I'm just curious to know who is your "hair" role model. I'll start... Valleygirl inspires me to continue in my quest for long healthy hair. Her hair not only is gorgeous, but she in my opinion does alot of field work, i.e. meeting with different companies and reporting back on her findings. She gave us a through report on her phone conversation with Mr. John, and just recently she met with Stephanie from Hairobics. I ordered the detangling oil and leave-in conditioner based on what she shared with us. There are many celebrities that inspire us, who from this board would you choose.
Hi fancypants007,

That's a good question. There are so many here that inspire me, that I can't name them all, for fear of forgetting anyone. Suffice it to say that I see them giving great advice here on a daily basis. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
adrienne, need i say more? her regime is so so simple and she is definite proof that people on hair care board know what they are talking about (since she got her hair growing tips from hair boards). long strong hair and the woman never even owned a hair book! shamboosie, shame on you!

adrienne is also good with sharing her tips plus its FREE!
I have more than one. Here goes (in no particular order).

BlackMane (she's the person who helped me go from natural to texturized; remember all those questions? /images/graemlins/grin.gif)

Jade21 (I would love to see her pics).
There are many ladies on this board whose hair, knowledge and kindess, and sharing sense of spirit I admire. Some of my biggest inspirations are Allandra, Adrienne, Brownrelaxedhair, Blkmane, Valleygirl, Caramela, Sweetcocoa, Londondiva and of course Amethyst are some of the names that come to mind.

But my hair idol I would have to say is Tracy: The reason why is I have gotten several recommendations from her that benefited my hair the 10th power. Her reviews are always very thorough and comprehensive. She gives you the ins and outs and the low-down dirty on products. She always seem to know the WHY of how things work, which I really like. I really enjoy reading her posts. Always very informative. Also, Tracy is my hairtwin and that's probably why most of her recs work good on my hair as well.

All the ladies here have inspired me in many ways!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I have way too many.... I got a little bit of 'sumpin', 'sumpin' ... from everyone.... /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I know you said one person, but EVERYONE is so helpful. I just washed my hair and its a big helmet head cause I got soooo much new growth! /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
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sweetcocoa said:
I have way too many.... I got a little bit of 'sumpin', 'sumpin' ... from everyone.... /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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D I T T O /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Ive learned from everyone and I cant just pick one person

Ms. Monserat

and the list goes on......
Everyone has contributed to the overall success of my hair journey so I can't name just one or even two. From the recipes on henna to pomades to the recommendation of supplements and to-die-for hairproducts, I just can't count the ways of how some of everyone has helped me progress fabulously /images/graemlins/smile.gif

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Everyone has contributed to the overall success of my hair journey so I can't name just one or even two. From the recipes on henna to pomades to the recommendation of supplements and to-die-for hairproducts, I just can't count the ways of how some of everyone has helped me progress fabulously


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/images/graemlins/smile.gif Well said Amethyst. Very well said. btw, I PMd you, did you get it?
Great Thread!

In no particular order:
Adrienne(sic?) IN my dreams, I'd like to believe that we are hair twins...
Tracy aka Miss Colourshines Rep, Ma, you're in law school AND still find time to always come w/ the in-depth reviews AND latest products...
Jade, Your extensive knowlege about all the "essentials..."
Amillion, for her off the wire fashion sense.
Honestly, the list, like Badu, could go on and on...I love y'all all...

A. /images/graemlins/rosebud.gif
I think I've learned alot from everyone. One of the things I admire the most about the people on this site, is that people here seem to be sincere and positive. I also like the fact that yall put a link up to make your resources credible.
Everyone on this board is an inspiration to me. I feel like we are all in this together. I have learned something from everyone's struggle.
/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif /images/graemlins/notworthy.gif

I'll let the bandwagon roll by...

I do have a few heads of inspiration on LHCF, but if I had to name just one person overall, it's definitely:

THIS WOMAN RIGHT HERE! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I am most appreciative of all the ladies on this board. Everyone has been so encouraging and positive. How could i pick just a few?
MMM I definitely can't name one....

Of course everyone here has been integral in my journey. The most fleeting tips and product recs. have made enormous differences...

But I do have a few that have helped me make great strides....

Jade21 - Pantothenic Acid - need I say more? And for knee length hair that inspires me ever onward toward much more easily attanable goals. I always remember thinking - if she can get to knee length I should AT LEAST be able to get to my bra strap.....

Leejure and Sweetcocoa - for convincing me that if I ever wanted to I could certainly go natural and handle my hair with no problem. And it could still get long....

BRH, Daviine, Armyqt and all my other fine haired twins....for providing the comraderie I need to rise above the things I hate about my hair by suggesting tips and products that have made all the difference in the world from a fine haireds perspective.

Of course Adrienne and all the long time hair board posters were also instrumental in teaching me patience and simplicity as a way of achieveing my goals.

Thank you one, thank you all. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi Army, /images/graemlins/wave.gif

Aww, thanks for naming me in your post. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
To Crysdon: YES, I DO remember all your questions! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
My pleasure! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Armyqt: Girl, thanks for mentioning me I'm flattered. Cause
I definitely learn tips from you too. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Dang, this question is soooo unfair. I can't name one person
either...but to mention a few...


Which doesn't mean I haven't "stolen" a few tips from the rest of you! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I do have a few heads of inspiration on LHCF, but if I had to name just one person overall, it's definitely:


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Laela I met her a couple of years ago. Regarding haircare her knowledge is extensive, her hair is fabulous and she is a very nice person as well. I couldn't believe all the trauma her hair went through daily because of her modeling assignments, and for it to be so healthy and that long without any breakage that you could see, I was truly impressed. If I was to name a celebrity that inspired me it would definately be Wanakee also, because she helped steer me in the right direction in regards to taking better care of my hair.

And for Armyqt, it must be my eyes or something,that's making me miss comments directed towards me, but I wanna thank you too for mentioning me in your post. You and the others inspire me as well /images/graemlins/smile.gif

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Ive learned from everyone and I cant just pick one person

Ms. Monserat

and the list goes on......

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Hi BronxDiva! I just noticed my name in your list! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif WoW!!! Thanks girl. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I'm glad I was able to help you out in anyway. /images/graemlins/wave.gif
Yes - many thanks for all the mentions I recieved. I am blushing furiously and hiding under the table.....


And blkmane I forgot you - see this is the danger - but this is a nice thread. Very warm and fuzzy.... /images/graemlins/smile.gif
omigosh!! imagine my shock. to have learned so much from everyone here and be named an inspiration is the ultimate compliment! sincere thanks to those that mentioned me!!

so many people have helped and inspired me along the way including tara, faith, leejure, jade, blkmane and valleygirl... i could go on and on...

but my biggest inspiration is still allandra!!

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adrienne0914 said:

but my biggest inspiration is still allandra!!

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Aww, girl, you're so sweet. Thanks. I feel honored and excited. /images/graemlins/bouncy.gif
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Armyqt said:
But my hair idol I would have to say is Tracy: The reason why is I have gotten several recommendations from her that benefited my hair the 10th power. Her reviews are always very thorough and comprehensive. She gives you the ins and outs and the low-down dirty on products. She always seem to know the WHY of how things work, which I really like. I really enjoy reading her posts. Always very informative. Also, Tracy is my hairtwin and that's probably why most of her recs work good on my hair as well.

All the ladies here have inspired me in many ways!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Armyqt I couldn't have said it better. Though all the ladies on this board have helped me(tremendously) in my quest for healthy bra strap hair, Tracy (my hairtwin), you have always been on point with your recommendations and your reviews and because of that my hair has never looked so good! /images/graemlins/grin.gif