If you don't want long hair or believe your hair will grow why are you here?


New Member
Just thumbing through some of these threads I just have to ask: If you don't want long hair, are tired of extensive hair routines and products, and/or you don't believe your hair will grow why are you here?

Why pay your 5 bucks a year and waste your time reading threads if you don't believe in the fundamental concepts that this board is founded upon.

Honestly, with all the beautiful progress picks showing quick and lovely growth and the women on the board with long beautiful hair of ALL types is there really any reason to doubt.

Yet, no one chained you to the key board at this site. If you don't like the concept or don't agree then move along to something else.

No one is paying for the stereotypes and negativity. To me this board has always been about breaking black hair stereotypes. And it's simply about learning about different products and techniques that are working for others.

So if you're not feeling the long hair game or this board then move along. But don't piss on the parade of those of us who are here to learn and share in a positive way.

AMEN SISTER!!! :grin: :grin: I may have just read one of the posts you are alluding to and I was like, :confused: :confused: ??? Being outspoken and being insensitive to others are two COMPLETELY different things. And yea I know $5 aint a lot, but it's still money you are wasting...
I totally agree! Sometimes it just seems like a quest for attention. It also amuses me how some people voice opinions about touchy subjects and get away with it (people just laugh it off) while other cant without being attacked.

The way I see it, once you are really tired of doing something, you will stop doing it...and there will be no need to start a vicious thread about it to see if other people are willing to jump on your bandwaggon or coax you out of it.

So silly....
I agree with you.

I don't get it. In this short life that we have why do we have to even take things so seriously. Even if someone simply makes it a hobby to take care of their hair and enjoy it as a pastime, pampering time, etc. - should a person take hair that seriously?

I guess I am just different than some because I don't make such a big deal about length as much as I do about healthy hair in general.

But, whatever someone is here for, why would someone be all up in somebody else's mind and what their goals are. Even if someone never reaches the goal length they want, does that mean they should just stop taking care of their hair and give up on attaining a beautiful mane?
I'm here, and I want my hair to grow.


SOME WOMEN here frequent the OT and ENT. boards, and you only see them really on the hair board if the others are down. :look:
Choklatekiss79 said:
I totally agree! Sometimes it just seems like a quest for attention. It also amuses me how some people voice opinions about touchy subjects and get away with it (people just laugh it off) while other cant without being attacked.

The way I see it, once you are really tired of doing something, you will stop doing it...and there will be no need to start a vicious thread about it to see if other people are willing to jump on your bandwaggon or coax you out of it.

So silly....

I agree! Some are just drawn to controversy. If there is none, they bring some up.
Choklatekiss79 said:
I totally agree! Sometimes it just seems like a quest for attention. It also amuses me how some people voice opinions about touchy subjects and get away with it (people just laugh it off) while other cant without being attacked.

The way I see it, once you are really tired of doing something, you will stop doing it...and there will be no need to start a vicious thread about it to see if other people are willing to jump on your bandwaggon or coax you out of it.

So silly....

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: ITA.
I knew someone would write a thread like this. Probably in response to the thread I made a while ago that Blossom decided to bump up for whatever reason.

When I made that thread, I totally wasn't thinking and I had no clue that the ladies would take it so personally. I was just thinking aloud and I apologize to all who took offense and believe me when I see I DO believe that black women can grow hair.

All in all, I hope this wasn't a sly shout out to me because I didn't mean for people to think that I thought all black women can't grow hair at all. Just thinking out loud.
LocksOfLuV said:
I knew someone would write a thread like this. Probably in response to the thread I made a while ago that Blossom decided to bump up for whatever reason.

When I made that thread, I totally wasn't thinking and I had no clue that the ladies would take it so personally. I was just thinking aloud and I apologize to all who took offense and believe me when I see I DO believe that black women can grow hair.

All in all, I hope this wasn't a sly shout out to me because I didn't mean for people to think that I thought all black women can't grow hair at all. Just thinking out loud.

I knew it too. In any case I don't see what was wrong with the question you asked. I must be missing something...
Choklatekiss79 said:
I totally agree! Sometimes it just seems like a quest for attention. It also amuses me how some people voice opinions about touchy subjects and get away with it (people just laugh it off) while other cant without being attacked.

The way I see it, once you are really tired of doing something, you will stop doing it...and there will be no need to start a vicious thread about it to see if other people are willing to jump on your bandwaggon or coax you out of it.

So silly....

I also agree with this. It's funny just comparing my thread with Blossom's thread how everyone was PISSED at me but laughed at Blossom. And yet I NEVER called out anyone or any hair type on this board, nor did I ever say Black women can't grow hair. I literally was JUSt posing a question.

I guess.:ohwell:
LocksOfLuV said:
I knew someone would write a thread like this. Probably in response to the thread I made a while ago that Blossom decided to bump up for whatever reason.

When I made that thread, I totally wasn't thinking and I had no clue that the ladies would take it so personally. I was just thinking aloud and I apologize to all who took offense and believe me when I see I DO believe that black women can grow hair.

All in all, I hope this wasn't a sly shout out to me because I didn't mean for people to think that I thought all black women can't grow hair at all. Just thinking out loud.

I think this is in response to the new thread, not yours.
LocksOfLuV said:
I knew someone would write a thread like this. Probably in response to the thread I made a while ago that Blossom decided to bump up for whatever reason.

When I made that thread, I totally wasn't thinking and I had no clue that the ladies would take it so personally. I was just thinking aloud and I apologize to all who took offense and believe me when I see I DO believe that black women can grow hair.

All in all, I hope this wasn't a sly shout out to me because I didn't mean for people to think that I thought all black women can't grow hair at all. Just thinking out loud.

Locks, that post was tame compared to the current one. imo.
Far less divisive.
I definately know that if that had been one of the first threads I saw when I first came on here, I would have been discouraged. Newbies it can be done... trust me:)

i found this site by googling roller setting techniques

butt length hair is not my goal and it is not the goal of everyone on this site

i just wanted to have healthy hair and maintain healthy hair without the need for a stylist, the information on this site is not limited to "how to grow your hair to your waist in 5011 steps" (by the way there are people here who have grown their hair without the use of complicated regimen). there is information on how to relax, style, condition, shampoo, roller set, product reviews etc..

i just wanted healthy hair and after lurking for a year i achieved my goal, i continue to lurk because of the wealth of information here, if i want to purchase a hair dryer I check here first because i trust the reviews of the ladies here more than the sales person at the store
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*Bre~Bre* said:
I knew it too. In any case I don't see what was wrong with the question you asked. I must be missing something...

I had to read the thread again to see what all the hooplah was. I mean I didn't get it (and still don't).

I think people are sort of sentive about Black women growing hair (maybe they subconsiously still don't believe 100% yet) so they took it to heart. Which is okay, but people were totally alluding to things that I didn't say.
LocksOfLuV said:
I also agree with this. It's funny just comparing my thread with Blossom's thread how everyone was PISSED at me but laughed at Blossom. And yet I NEVER called out anyone or any hair type on this board, nor did I ever say Black women can't grow hair. I literally was JUSt posing a question.

I guess.:ohwell:

I need to stay out of all these threads. Will not be posting in any of the hot ones again tonight...
dynamic1 said:
Locks, that post was tame compared to the current one. imo.
Far less divisive.

Well thank you and Nubian for letting me know.

I am grown and I would hope if anyone had an issue with anything that I said they would take it with me in PM as GROWN adults and not try to 'stick it' to me by posting threads like this in hopes to have the entire board gang on me.:look: :lol:
HoneyDew said:
I agree with you.

I don't get it. In this short life that we have why do we have to even take things so seriously. Even if someone simply makes it a hobby to take care of their hair and enjoy it as a pastime, pampering time, etc. - should a person take hair that seriously?

I guess I am just different than some because I don't make such a big deal about length as much as I do about healthy hair in general.

But, whatever someone is here for, why would someone be all up in somebody else's mind and what their goals are. Even if someone never reaches the goal length they want, does that mean they should just stop taking care of their hair and give up on attaining a beautiful mane?
:clap: I agree.
LocksOfLuV said:
I also agree with this. It's funny just comparing my thread with Blossom's thread how everyone was PISSED at me but laughed at Blossom. And yet I NEVER called out anyone or any hair type on this board, nor did I ever say Black women can't grow hair. I literally was JUSt posing a question.

I guess.:ohwell:
Girl that was you...at first I was like huh? Which thread did Locks start?...I get it now:)
People grow, change, evolve and sometimes these things take place over a long period of time. Hair is complicated for many or us, maybe even most. So just because someone pays 5 bucks yesterday doesn't mean that today they won't question the relationship they have with their hair and doesn't mean in the future they won't be back where they started in the first place. I was relaxed all my life, then went natural. When I became natural, I was 100% sure I wold be that way forever. However, here I am back relaxed. stuff happens, in your head, that's life. Nobody is forced to stay here but nobody is forced to leave just because they are going through some changes.
destiny616 said:

i found this site by googling roller setting techniques

butt length hair is not my goal and it is not the goal of everyone on this site

i just wanted to have healthy hair and maintain healthy hair without the need for a stylist, the information on this site is not limited to "how to grow your hair to your waist in 5011 steps" (by the way there are people here who have grown their hair without the use of complicated regimen). there is information on how to relax, style, condition, shampoo, roller set, product reviews etc..

i just wanted healthy hair and after lurking for a year i acheived my goal, i continue to lurk because of the wealth of information here, if i want to purchase a hair dryer I check here first because i trust the reviews of the ladies here more than the sales person at the store

My approach for this site is just like yours. I trust the reviews and techniques here. I trust the hair advice. So even if my hair never gets longer than it is now, my hair has never been healthier and it is because of this site. There are those of us here that don't make such big deals about what length we will be this time next year, etc. We are just trying to maintain healthier hair and let it growth as it will.
LocksOfLuV said:
I also agree with this. It's funny just comparing my thread with Blossom's thread how everyone was PISSED at me but laughed at Blossom. And yet I NEVER called out anyone or any hair type on this board, nor did I ever say Black women can't grow hair. I literally was JUSt posing a question.

I guess.:ohwell:
It's cuz Blossom is an untouchable and can say what she want and folks might as well go along with it. :ohwell: But I think this thread is in response to blossoms and not your old thread. :)
LocksOfLuV said:
I knew someone would write a thread like this. Probably in response to the thread I made a while ago that Blossom decided to bump up for whatever reason.

When I made that thread, I totally wasn't thinking and I had no clue that the ladies would take it so personally. I was just thinking aloud and I apologize to all who took offense and believe me when I see I DO believe that black women can grow hair.

All in all, I hope this wasn't a sly shout out to me because I didn't mean for people to think that I thought all black women can't grow hair at all. Just thinking out loud.

No boo not you. Remember how you were attacked in that old thread? Well everyone was agreeing with Bloss and she was saying the exact same thing you did. Apparantly Bloss could say it but you couldn't
gabulldawg said:
Being outspoken and being insensitive to others are two COMPLETELY different things.

Choklatekiss79 said:
I totally agree! Sometimes it just seems like a quest for attention. It also amuses me how some people voice opinions about touchy subjects and get away with it (people just laugh it off) while other cant without being attacked (adding or banned).

*couldn't hold it....

I have been saying this ish for a WHILLLLLLLLE now...to the point I was like "*&*(&(*" it.... something must be wrong with me...I must be the only one seeing it...

*okay, I got it out...
back to observer mode...
*Bre~Bre* said:
I need to stay out of all these threads. Will not be posting in any of the hot ones again tonight...

:( You didn't do anything wrong, but I can understand where you are coming from. I am right behind you.
Well I think we all have to realize that everybody is not here for the same reasons. To be honest, I frequent the OT board more than the hair board. I'm just not stuck on the hair thing anymore. And because we all paid our $5 we can be here for whatever reason we choose. Now I'm not saying that people who are here for other reasons should bash those who are really here for the hair purposes, but I mean we all can say what we choose right?