
New Member
I'd like to see who has met their goal, near their goal, or if you're trying to get there and have done so without the help of growth aides.

I'm not knocking them, I have tried MTG and MT and they both worked great for me. But when it comes to my hair I am extremely lazy, its too time consuming and most times I forget. I'm good, lol...

Just check in if you've done it or if you're doing it w/o the help of growth aides. Feel free to post your fotki link or regimens also :yep:
Growth aid free hair here! (out of sheer laziness actually)
I tried one growth aid on my thin temples only (but it didn't work for me anyway)
Recently (2 weeks ago) started taking Chlorella for health and it has hair growth as an added bonus, let's see if it's true.
Growth aid free hair here! (out of sheer laziness actually)
I tried one growth aid on my thin temples only (but it didn't work for me anyway)
Recently (2 weeks ago) started taking Chlorella for health and it has hair growth as an added bonus, let's see if it's true.
This is me all the way. I never stick with anything long enough to see if it actually works.
I big chopped in 2004 to 1-2" of hair. I'm now bsl including trims. I've never used any growth aids because I try not to put anything that is unnatural in my body. I think proper diet, exercise, limiting heat usage, moisturizing and protective styles are the keys.

fotki: http://public.fotki.com/nappy85/
password: NaturalHair
I'm not at my hair goal (as you can see in my profile, it's "to the floor" :giggle: ) but I'ma get there without aids. I BC'd to this in Feb 2007 and grew to this in braids (extensions) without growth aids or any other products besides shampoo and conditioner during the wash.
I did it once... got to APL.
I tried MTG for a little while, but found it messy and stinky, so after 1 month, never used it again.

I went from SL to APL. It took me a long while (didn't count months)... but now I'm back to SL because I'm transitioning and chopped off. I'll let you know how far I get this year without growth aids again.
I don't use growth aides. I do occasionally oil my scalp but nothing fancy. I BC'd in April of last year. Here's my latest progress picture.

Well I use growth aids, but before this site, I wasn't using anything, just moisturizing my ends, and I still got good growth, but right now, I'm trying to reach BSL, I have never been BSL, and I'm pretty close and after I reach BSL, then no more growth aids, I don't want to be dependent on them........but I think growth aids just give a minor boost so some people won't be discourage, but I think everyone can do without them......
Honestly, now that I think about it. All the women here who have super long hair or have made big progress, to my knowledge, don't use growth aids.
I haven’t reached my ultimate goal yet but I plan on doing so with out the growth aides. I have tried ovation and the moegrowth oil and they both worked wonderfully but my scalp is much happier without extra stuff on it. My best growth aides thus far have been a healthy diet, water, and aerobics:yep:.
**Raises hand**

ME, ME, MEEEE!!!! I'm midback length now. I started my journey at a little above armpit length. I didn't use any growth aides. My sister started with neck length hair and is bra-strap length. She didn't use any growth aides either.
I did it once... got to APL.
I tried MTG for a little while, but found it messy and stinky, so after 1 month, never used it again.

I went from SL to APL. It took me a long while (didn't count months)... but now I'm back to SL because I'm transitioning and chopped off. I'll let you know how far I get this year without growth aids again.

You have beautiful hair!
This is me all the way. I never stick with anything long enough to see if it actually works.

Me neither. After wasting money on BT & MT I said never again. I recently sold the bottle of MT (it was 95% full too)...I gave the BT to my sister.
i just started my hair journey and my starting pic is in my avi and most recent pic is in my signature. the starting pic is mislabeled - it's actually november 2008. too lazy to change it. lol. no growth aids for me.
i used mega tek for like a month last summer - my first bandwagon jump - but by that time my hair was already right at apl. i was too lazy to keep up with afterward a month. i got all my growth on my own. i don't know if i noticed a true different with the mt. i used to think so, but that 1/4 inch i feel was more imaginary than anything.

i like it better without aids. it's more realistic because i know how to grow my hair with just some soap and water, so to speak, and patience or aka keep it simple stupid.
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Beside various vitamins, I don't use growth aides. :)

Me either, just my vits. I've been growing just fine without all the extras!

i used mega tek for like a month last summer - my first bandwagon jump - but by that time my hair was already right at apl. i was too lazy to keep afterwards. i got all my growth on my own. i like it better that way. it's more realistic because i know how to grow my hair with just some soap and water, so to speak, and patience or aka keep it simple stupid.

I thought is stood for keep it simple sistah! :lachen::lachen::lachen: Cute!
I'm kind of tired of applying this MegaTek/Oct to my scalp!! I think I will finish up the bottle and call it a day on growth aides!
I met my goal of waist length without the use of "growth aids". My motto is a healthy body will produce all the growth aid I need for my hair.:yep:
I got to my initial goal of APL last year (although my hair's much shorter than that now due to a major trim/cut in December) without growth aids and now I am transitioning to natural hair without growth aids.

My main reason is: I tried ORS Nape and Temple Balm = DRY, PEELING scalp, MN = VERY itchy scalp and just decided not to risk it anymore.

I'm currently pleased with my growth rate and I think it might have something to do with me working out 5 days a week and trying to eat healthy 70% of the time.
Me neither. After wasting money on BT & MT I said never again. I recently sold the bottle of MT (it was 95% full too)...I gave the BT to my sister.
I have MT (+ the cream rinse and rehydrator), BT, Bee Mine, Surge 14...all collecting dust. My cousin just had surgery and they had to shave half of her head. I'm giving her my collection. I reached my 1st goal of BSL in about a year and MBL in about 14 mos just by decreasing heat use, cowashing/dc's and protective styling. It doesn't have to be all intricate and difficult.
Besides using GNC hair skin and nails for a few months, I dont use growth aides at all. I dont believe in them.
:sekret: Okay, I just came in here to be nosey. I use my Indian oils and powders and Gro-Aut oil, I do believe they are all considered growth aids. I have gotten great results.:cowgirl::roadrunner:
:sekret: Okay, I just came in here to be nosey. I use my Indian oils and powders and Gro-Aut oil, I do believe they are all considered growth aids. I have gotten great results.:cowgirl::roadrunner:
:giggle: @ the horse and roadrunner. I think the Indian oils and powders have the extra benefit of growing hair...their main purpose is to create a healthy scalp environment that provides optimal hair growth. I thought. I guess I never really thought of them as growth aids; more like overall hair health improvers. Yes, improvers lol. Interesting...
My one year and some months progress is in my siggy. I used OCT for 2mths, the rest I just eat my best (and sometimes not my best :D).
:giggle: @ the horse and roadrunner. I think the Indian oils and powders have the extra benefit of growing hair...their main purpose is to create a healthy scalp environment that provides optimal hair growth. I thought. I guess I never really thought of them as growth aids; more like overall hair health improvers. Yes, improvers lol. Interesting...

Thanks, I just know that I have seen a BIG difference in my hair since I started using them in March '08. My hair is really healthy and strong, hence the increased growth and retention.

No wonder I :heart2:LHCF so much, you ladies know your stuff. :yep:
Thanks, I just know that I have seen a BIG difference in my hair since I started using them in March '08. My hair is really healthy and strong, hence the increased growth and retention.

No wonder I :heart2:LHCF so much, you ladies know your stuff. :yep:
We've seen the difference as well :yep: Your hair is a great testimonial to the wonderous effects of Ayurveda! Okay, commercial over lol.