If you deep condition your hair weekly (after shampooing)


New Member
Or even if you only deep condition once in a while after shampooing.

After the deep condition, do you use your normal conditioner on your hair as well?? Or do you just deep condition and then style?
i just deep condition. i used to prepoo, then shampoo, then cowash/condition, then DC, but all that isn't necessary.
If after my dc my hair feels dry or if it doesn't have enough strength I will follow with a thin regular conditioner. For example if I use Curl Junkie Deep Fix which never worked for me because it makes my hair stiff and shed when I comb it I'll do a rinse out conditioner with AOHSR or Vo5 Free Me Freesia to help me add moisturize and detangle otherwise I just use my deep conditioner.
I use to use a rinse out conditioner, and the dc. But I didn't really see the benefit of the rinse out conditioner so now I just dc.
sometimes I use a protein conditioner before I deep condition. Afterwards I use my leave in conditioner and style.
Thats crazy I was just thinking about this earlier! I was thinking about doing my regular shampoo but using a regular conditioner for about 5 minutes before my DC. My hair drinks up all types of moisture but I'm trying to figure out if it would even make a difference.
My weekly process is as follows:

Shampoo or Chelate (as applicable)
Protein Treatment (as needed)
Leave-in/Moisturizer Combo

After DCing, my hair should be in optimum condition - soft, supple, well-moisturized and easily detangled; if it is not, then I will place the DC in the ‘mediocre” pile and discontinue using. For me, a moisturizing DC must be able to stand alone without the help of an additional conditioner.
I don't really see the point of using a rinse out conditioner in addition to a deep conditioner after a shampoo. Seems kind of redundant. I just DC then style.
I don't use a rinse out conditioner anymore. I get enough slip from my moisturizing DC that adding another step would just be a waste of time. My wash process already takes upwards of three hours.

I use the old bottles of regular condish to shave my legs. :yep:
I use a rinse out conditioner after i deep condition, because i use AO HSR and it says to shampoo after you condition. I feel like that defeats the purpose of dcing so i cowash just to make sure there isnt any left over product bc AO HSR will leave build up in your hair.
Just deep condition and style. I wouldn't use an instant con before dc'ing because most of them are full of cones and stuff which will coat your hair and prevent you hair strands from getting the full benefits of the deep conditioner.
I dc weekly after I do a moisturizing shampoo but monthly I clarify, oil rinse, then DC. I always thought following up with something else would take away from the DC.
I Deep condition on dry hair with Aubrey Organics GPB (AO GPB), rinse, do a quick oil rinse and call it a day. [oh yeah, before I rinse the deep conditioner, I shampoo my scalp only -using a color applicator bottle w/diluted shampoo]
I use to but as I work on my regimen and get better products for me I am cutting out additional steps. So now i either use the instant conditioner or dc but not both. Today I did the Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor and didn't use either conditioner after. Maybe next time I will try the Aphogee followed by one or the other. It just didn't see necessary. I think I will relegate dcing to once a month or every other week.

I also us a conditioner that works as both an instant or dc depending on how long you keep it on.
It depends. If I'm using a DC that has protein or ceramides in it, I will probably follow that with a moisturizing rinse out/instant conditioner. Mostly I just DC and style though.
I usually shampoo then deep condition then style. But if my DC didn't have enough slip then I follow up with a quick condition.
This is my process
1. Prepoo with oil ( little finger detangling and removal of shed hairs too)
2. Shampoo
3. protein treatment (if necessary)
4. DC
5. While the DC is still in hair, add a little cheapie condish for slip and detangle. Then rinse
6. Braid hair with a leave-in condish.

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I detangle on dry hair before washing with my Aussie Moist regular conditioner then shampoo with the Aussie Moist shampoo and DC with the Aussie Moist 3 Min Miracle.
I'm a stickler for rules so I do what the instructions on the bottle say to do. When I DC with AO GPB, I follow these rules:

...For deep conditioning: Apply to dry and distribute from scalp to ends. Leave on for 15 minutes, then shampoo and condition hair as usual.

When I DC with Emergencée, I follow these instructions:

Shampoo with Nexxus Shampoo for your hair type. Apply an ample amount of Emergencee to completely cover the hair. Work through. Cover hair with plastic cap. Leave in for 10 minutes with or without heat. Rinse with lukewarm water. Shampoo with Therappe Luxury Moisturizing Shampoo and follow with Humectress Ultimate Moisturizing Conditioner to maintain moisture balance.

So yes, I do use conditioner after the shampooing that follows the DC.

ETA: Now if I were not doing a reconstructor DC but just a moisturizing DC (I rarely do these), then it'd just take the place of a regular conditioning and I'd not follow it with anything but the ACV rinse I do at the end of every wash.
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I Deep condition on dry hair with Aubrey Organics GPB (AO GPB), rinse, do a quick oil rinse and call it a day. [oh yeah, before I rinse the deep conditioner, I shampoo my scalp only -using a color applicator bottle w/diluted shampoo]

This is what I do b/c I don't like 2 hop in and out of the shower anymore. Prepooing is deep conditioning so afterward I shampoo my scalp do an oil rinse and then put an rinse out conditioner on while I finish showering, letting my hair get a "stem treatment" and at the end I rinse out or leave in.
Use to do all the extra steps now I keeps it simple - shampoo, insert protein treatment here when needed, DC, air dry.

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This is what I do b/c I don't like 2 hop in and out of the shower anymore. Prepooing is deep conditioning so afterward I shampoo my scalp do an oil rinse and then put an rinse out conditioner on while I finish showering, letting my hair get a "stem treatment" and at the end I rinse out or leave in.

Yeah, thats one of the main perks and purposes to my routine. I've streamlined it so I don't have to get in and out the shower--i can't stand that. I only get in the water one time this way! It's very easy and more moisturizing than anything. I tried the rinse out conditioner after the oil rinse, but found my hair is just as moist (and not oily) with simply rinsing the oil w/hot water.

I also prepoo before I put in the Ao Gpb. I do Chicoro's moisturizing pre-poo (spritz hair w/aloe vera juice & castor/jojoba oil mix & coat w/coconut oil). Then slather on the AoGpb and keep plastic cap on 15min.