If you deep condition your hair weekly (after shampooing)

After DCing, I use porosity control then my leave-in conditioner and my other leave-ins.
If I am experimenting with a new DC and don't like how it effected my hair will then then put in a rinse out conditioner to counter it.
I still do my RO because I finger detangle or use my wide tooth comb while in the shower - my curl pattern seems to be less interrupted that way rather me detangling outside the shower with my DC (like I used to do). After I RO, I apply my DC out of the shower (a lot of mine are in jars so this is less messy), then use my steamer or DC overnight. Sometimes I rinse it, sometimes not...then go about my styling.

Shampoo with diluted suave in applicator bottle

Co-wash with Suave condish and detangle with wide tooth comb.

Deep condition

