If you could interview potentional dates....


Well-Known Member
and get true answers to your questions. What would you ask? The only rule is you can only ask seven questions.

1. Are you married?
2. How many kids do you have?
3. What do you do for a living?
4. How long can you last while coloring?:blush:
5. How many times can you color in a row?:blush:
6. Have you ever cheated?
7. How do you feel about people that cheat on their significant other?

I can think of some other questions, but I thought seven was a fair limit.
I'd ask 1, 2, 3 for sure. I don't know if I'd actually ASK 4 and 5, but they're good questions :lol:

I also ask guys I meet if they've done any time in jail, do they want to get married/have children or want more children if they do.
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1.Do you have any criminal history?
2.If you had to describe you're style what would you say and why?
3.How close are you with family...does their opinion weigh high?
4.What types of people do you associate with.... business professionals,drinkers,gamblers,ect...
5.How long does it take for you to know if you're going to be serious in a relationship?
6.What kinds of things do you and have you lied about?
7.What is the worse case scenario for a break up?
1) Have you ever been arrested and if so, for what? (If he lies, we're done)
2) Are you married?
3) Do you have any kids as opposed to "how many kids do you have"?
4) What do you do for a living? And why?
5) What is it about me that peaked your interest?
6) What's your family like?
7) Anything else you would like to share with me that I should know?
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1) Have you ever been arrested and if so, for what? (If he lies, we're done)
2) Are you married?
3) Do you have any kids as opposed to "how many kids do you have"?
4) What do you do for a living? And why?
5) What is it about me that peaked your interest?
6) What's your family like?
7) Anything else you would like to share with me and I should know?

The bolded is really slick. lol. I like how you put the open ended question at the end for anything you weren't able to ask.
I'd ask 1, 2, 3 for sure. I don't know if I'd actually ASK 4 and 5, but they're good questions :lol:

I also ask guys I meet if they've done any time in jail, do they want to get married/have children or want more children if they do.

I don't know if I would be bold enough to ask four and five in real life either.
1. What is your full name?
2. Has that always been your name?
3. What is your date of birth?
4. What cities have you lived in?
5. Are you disease free?
6. Is your equipment fully functioning?
7. What is your credit score?

Anything else I can find on my own...lol!!
The reason I posted this is sometimes when I meet men, I wish I could just save time and ask them a list of questions. If the answers aren't what I would like to hear, then I could just move on. A lot of these we would find out on our own in time... but dang, sometimes by then it is too late.
1. What is your full name?
2. Has that always been your name?
3. What is your date of birth?
4. What cities have you lived in?
5. Are you disease free?
6. Is your equipment fully functioning?
7. What is your credit score?

Anything else I can find on my own...lol!!

The bolded is a good one.
1. Do you have good credit?
2. Do you believe in male/female traditional roles?
3. How do you see your role as a husband, define it?
4. Do you want children?
5. What is your spiritual life like, do you have a relationship with God?
1. Do you have good credit?
2. Do you believe in male/female traditional roles?
3. How do you see your role as a husband, define it?
4. Do you want children?
5. What is your spiritual life like, do you have a relationship with God?


I wouldn't ask a potential date this, that's entire too personal, IMO.
Birth date?
Do you have a relationship with God?
Do you have your own place?
Do you see your self married? (for a divorcee) Again?
I really wish we could exchange lists like these attached to our phone #... It would save everyone a lot of time and heartache..

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1) How long ago was your last relationship and why did you break up?
2) Have you done any kind of drugs?
3) Do you drink and if so, how much?
4) What's your relationship with your parents like?
5) Have you ever hit a woman?
6) How often do you hang out with your homeboys?
7) What did you do last weekend?
1. Do you want to get married at some point?
2. When/why do you want to get married?
3. What do you believe are the roles of a husband and a wife?
4. How are your relationships with your parents/siblings?
5. Do you believe in divorce?
6. What do you do for a living?
7. Do you want children?

I have more than 7 but those are the top question.:grin:
Are you married, engaged, shacking... gay? :lol: (I didn't ask these questions but my mother did!) :lachen:It was one of those things were she was in the wrong place at the wrong time (or maybe she wasn't :look:).

The guy was in love with my mother after this!!
Are you married, engaged, shacking... gay? :lol: (I didn't ask these questions but my mother did!) :lachen:It was one of those things were she was in the wrong place at the wrong time (or maybe she wasn't :look:).

The guy was in love with my mother after this!!

i was waiting for this question to be asked
i have to think of my list and get back to you but for sure, rather than ask if he's gay i'd leave that ish open ended like-- please describe all sexual experiences you have had with other men. cause you know there are men out there that would be like yeah i did xyz but i ain't gay :ohwell:
5.How long does it take for you to know if you're going to be serious in a relationship?

I love this one. :yep:

1. What is your full name?
2. Has that always been your name?

:rofl: :rofl:

I was :perplexed at first, but I guess that question is valid cause I remembered someone on here mentioning that a guy couldn't give them his "guv'ment name" cause people were looking for him. :ohwell:

3. How do you see your role as a husband, define it?

Definitely a keeper for the list.

5) Have you ever hit a woman?

There's another one.

please describe all sexual experiences you have had with other men -- cause you know there are men out there that would be like yeah i did xyz but i ain't gay :ohwell:

For real. Gatta keep that question real general, so that you encompass everything. It's astonishing how many men have had 'freaky' experiences, or are on the DL but won't admit that they're homosexual. :nono:

In addition, the only thing I would ask is "Can you cook?" (I need to know)
These questions are great ladies, keep em coming.
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