If I Had Hair Like This, You Couldn't Tell Me Nuffin'!!!!! NSFTWLTPIS


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New Hair Idol Alert! (Not Safe For Those Who Like To Play It Safe) Cipriana - pics @ links

I've been waiting for this follow-up feature since she made her debut on BGLH a while back. (I actually thought I had gone crazy for a moment because when I was searching for her pic to add to my Pre-20th c. Inspiration Thread, I couldn't find the original post on BGLH) Her hair is so awesome and I loooooooove how she styles it!

eta: Oh my gah! Her twin! Another gorgeous head of creatively-coiffed hair! http://urbanbushbabes.com/?p=1522
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WOW, thats alot of hair, its beautiful, looks like it would take double of everything. Double the products, double the time etc.
Wonder what her regimen is.
WOW, thats alot of hair, its beautiful, looks like it would take double of everything. Double the products, double the time etc.
Wonder what her regimen is.

from her bglh interview
What is your regimen?
C: I have been doing my current regimen for 4 years now. I wash my hair with conditioner (no shampoo) in 8 loosely braided sections (my strands are too fine to wash without the braids) every month. I know some ladies are saying “ONCE A MONTH?!” but I am a minimalist when it comes to products. This works for my length, plus I wear updo styles 100% of the time. I also let my hair AIR dry in the braids but before I wash I detangle (a proper detangle is a great weapon for “War of the Hair”).
I detangle once a week with a mixture of coconut, jojoba, rosemary and castor oil which definitely aids in a smoother detangling session along with the use of some major “fine silk like PATIENCE”. Another weapon of war for me is the fingers (which doesn’t sound quite right now as I say it) but finger detangling is a necessity for my hair, it just ain’t happening without some finger action first.
As for my day to day hairstyles, I usually where my hair in about 140 (yes 140, lol) LOOSE twists which gives me easy access and protection to altering my hairstyles without the stress of having my hair loose. For the past 4 years I have been wearing protective styles basically non-stop. I love an afro as much as anyone and at one point in my hair journey this was my staple but it didn’t work for “me” and living in NY, especially with the wind and brick cold weather my hair suffered with dryness and split ends. Also for my hair type the afro just wasn’t low maintenance as my hair grew longer and I had to keep manipulating it due to an active lifestyle.
I moisturize regularly with a mixture of coconut, jojoba, rosemary and castor oil but learning how much product to put in my hair has been a learning process. Back in the day I definitely had the Coming to America “Soul Glo” (all upholstered furniture beware!) but I can now say since I am becoming very familiar with my hair I am now 4 years “Soul Glo” free! In the past when my hair was dry I would just coat it with grease instead of water and natural oils (though I’m not knockin the grease, I have used Blue Magic, Softee coconut and Johnson and Johnson UltraSheen for years). The grease would rectify my hair for the day but wouldn’t really solve the underlining issue……dryness. I also place a little more oil on the ends with water once a week since they are my elders I have to show them a little more respect which means extra TLC.
As for my nightly routine……Silk scarf, silk scarf and oh yeah a silk scarf.

C: Well the first of my 5 step program that I can’t live without for my hair are protective updo styles. The reason why I say protective updos is because any style you see in the pictures featured here are always about 150 loose twists. You can have a protective style but wear it down as well. I definitely see a difference in moisture and overall health of my hair at the end of the week due to protective updo styles.
The second would be MOISTURE and when it comes to my texture more moisture is better. I began the use of all natural oils about 4 months ago and must say I did notice less shedding, and itching of the scalp has become almost non-existent.
The third step would be washing my hair in loose twist or 8-10 loose braids. My superfine hair can’t survive a washing without some type of style protection. So a wash and go for me is unthinkable for my hair type. With my hair texture and length I could wash but my hair ain’t going nowhere!
The fourth step would be wearing a silk scarf at night. My man said it was something he had to get use to but never saw it as a big deal (but to be honest he really didn’t have a choice, lol).
The fifth and real essential step is PATIENCE especially when detangling (as my hair has grown longer detangling on dry hair works best for me). Try not to detangle your hair when you are extremely stressed, tired or hungry because unconsciously you can take it out on your hair.

Here's a video on her channel of her discussing her regimen.

(I can't say that I'd have the patience to deal with so much hair but I guess it's a gradual process that you develop as the hair gets longer and thicker.)
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Wow!!! Wow!! Wow!!!!

What an awesome head of hair---my goodness!!!

I love her hair style too--she washes once a month---don't blame her at all with all that hair. There is nothing wrong with washing once a month if it works for you, I do it for my DD and it works :yep:
..........*swoons* passes out.. *looks at the pic again* *SQUEELS....

*passes out* :) Thank You for posting this... I'm going to read up about her when I

get home
I love it. I really want to wear my hair like that all the time but i'll have to grow it past my butt before it has that much bulk
i actually have her thickness(no where near the length), My mom actually looked at me and said "You will be there soon":look:
In the hair regimen video and she said that her hair is dense but her strands are fine..yup that is exactly my hair!

I am definitely looking into her regimen, but i do not want her hair since IMO it looks like wayyyyyyyyyyyy to much hair to handle:naughty: ..My hand already hurts from detangling my little bit of hair!

...maybe if her hair was detachable?..Like if i could put it on to watch ppls jaw drop and then take it off on wash days:grin:
Luv it!!!! I hope she will always have the patience to take care of all of that hair! She is absolutely gorjus, and her hair is undeniably dream hair to the max! :drunk:
I've seen her picture somewhere before, her hair is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I loved her interview on BGLH, she's BC'd a couple of times, she's had setbacks, and she still has this incredible hair! I just suffered a setback yesterday, but reading her story made me feel so much better! Boy, if I had that hair....
I like it. I can't watch the whole video now but I'll get back to it later tonight. It sounds like the lady with the 4b/c hair is a minimalist which makes sense. So finally some good tips for 4b/c'ers - thanks OP!!
Oh man, thank you so much for introducing me to this lovely head of hair. :drool: :drool: Another hair idol added to the list. Wow, I like that she has a different style. Stuff like this keeps me on track!