If I Had Hair Like This, You Couldn't Tell Me Nuffin'!!!!! NSFTWLTPIS

I find myself both jealous and inspired all at the same time. :lol:

Both ladies have truly drool-worthy, thick luscious hair! :yep: Thanks for posting this OP!

*sigh* Someday... maybe. :yawn:
her hair is uh-mazing!
but i dont think i could ever handle that much hair especially with that thickness,it would be way too much for me especially since i like wearing my hair out

there is no reason to have so much hair.:nono: i feel like she's doing this to hurt me. she should give me some to make me feel better!
So.Much.Hair! I can't imagine my hair in so many loose twists and not having tangle city. I LOVE her personal style. Some of the updo's are a little overwhelming. She seems like she has it all figured out when it comes to her hair. I hope I get there one day.
It's official @andromeda: I'm in love with you. :over18: Thanks for another awesome thread.
Ah, finally my love is requited! :lol: These threads still don't measure up to your awesomely informative and analytical posts over the years. Besides, the credit for this thread really goes to bglh and cipriana.

I wub her hair :lick: I am going to have that hair very soon <positive thinking>
She's going on my hair-centric vision board. :yep:

..........*swoons* passes out.. *looks at the pic again* *SQUEELS....

*passes out* :) Thank You for posting this... I'm going to read up about her when I

get home
That was my initial reaction too! And I probably also sobbed a little. :cry4: :look:

I've seen her picture somewhere before, her hair is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I loved her interview on BGLH, she's BC'd a couple of times, she's had setbacks, and she still has this incredible hair! I just suffered a setback yesterday, but reading her story made me feel so much better! Boy, if I had that hair....
Yep, love her candor in sharing her hair journey.

Great amount of hair....hate how she styles it though.

tons of hair, im not too fond of her up do tho

I see where you guys are coming from. Her hair reminds me of a wig from the Georgian period - like something that Marie Antoinette would wear. It also reminds me of a gele. I always say that one of the reasons I love afrotextured hair is because it sits atop the head like a crown - her styles are the creative extreme of that! I think the styles are awesome but I can see how it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea. :yep:
the only thing I can say is wow. if i had hair that long, i'd wash it only once a month also. i see the key for her is low manipulation and natural oils. i've noticed that women with very long and thick hair rarely manipulate their hair, protective styles and natural oils and water for moisture.
sweet mercy of hair... that is fricking gorgeous.... I mean good lawd... I don't think I could do it..but mercy mercy me.... that is a beautiful head of hair....
the only thing I can say is wow. if i had hair that long, i'd wash it only once a month also. i see the key for her is low manipulation and natural oils. i've noticed that women with very long and thick hair rarely manipulate their hair, protective styles and natural oils and water for moisture.

What's interesting is that she only started using natural oils recently:
I began the use of all natural oils about 4 months ago and must say I did notice less shedding, and itching of the scalp has become almost non-existent.
In the past when my hair was dry I would just coat it with grease instead of water and natural oils (though I’m not knockin the grease, I have used Blue Magic, Softee coconut and Johnson and Johnson UltraSheen for years). The grease would rectify my hair for the day but wouldn’t really solve the underlining issue……dryness
So low-mani and protective styling has been key but the water and natural oils has her hair (and scalp) thriving even more!

I really find her learning process inspiring. Esp since her texture and strand size are similar to mine.
So two very long haired naturals who wash once a month (longhairdontcare) Her hair is so gorg :yep: my hair has thrived since I stopped the daily co washing and switched over to once a month washing and styling.