If her tracks are showing....would you tell her or not?

If her tracks are showing, would you...

  • Tell her

    Votes: 51 32.9%
  • Keep quiet

    Votes: 104 67.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hello Lovely Ladies,
As i was on my way to work (riding the A train for my NYC ladies) i looked down to watch Beyonce's "Diva" video on my Zune...but something caught my eye! :blush: The young lady sitting in front of me (i was standing while she was sitting by the way) didnt examine her hair in the mirror carefully before she left the house because her tracks were out there saying "HOW U DOIN'"...then i started to think "should i tell her? would she be offended if i say something?...how should i tell her without being rude?

Has this happened to you? Did you tell? Did you clown her with your homegirls? Did you offer to fix it? Would you like a stranger to tell you your tracks are showing?

Let's hair :lachen:the stories...

FYI...i tell my coworkers when their tracks are showing...i dont have the guts to tell a stranger :nono:
Actually when I was younger, my friends would always point out the principals tracks but I could never see it, didnt even understand what it was, lol.
Even nowadays I cant tell whose hair is real or fake.
If she were close enough for me to do it discreetly I would compliment her hair and then tell her.
I would just tell the person. If they get offended that is on them. You are just trying to help them out.
I've never said anything to anyone who's tracks were showing. I know back in the day girls would make fun of another girl if her tracks were showing. But now, I think it's not a big deal. It's just like showing your underwear or butt crack. I don't think too many people care anymore.
I've seen people's tracks lots of times and I've never told them. Only because I didnt know them. If it was my best friend, I would tell her.
I wouldn't tell. You never know how strangers will react even if you are trying to help them out. Plus she might already know.
There should have been a poll for this! haha

But no I wouldn't tell... but my younger sister would! She tells people (strangers) when their slip is showing...when they have toilet paper dragging on their heels and yes when their track is showing.

I would be embarrased to tell... I don't know why?
Nope, don't want to get cussed out on the train. Especially in the City, some folks are dead up crazy. I'm not trying to deal with the drama.
:lachen: I asked the exact same question a couple of months ago - the general consensus was "Nope!" then, if I remember right....
I think that's something you only tell to a friend or a close family member. It might be embarrassing to have someone tell you your tracks are showing. I mean, sure there might still be some feelings of humiliation when she figures it out on her own, but she may be able to brush it off thinking that no one else noticed. If you tell her, she might think that everybody's noticed it.
I would probably tell her discreetly, especially since you were on your way TO work. Assumingly that she was on her way to work also, I wouldn't want her to get there with the track hanging out and be like that all day. Of course, I would try to assess her mood first - if she was already feeling foul, she might not need any more bad news!
NO. I would only say something if it was friend/ classmate/ close- co-worker/ family member, but not a stranger.
LOL. This reminds me of when my lil sis used to get the most horrific full multicolored weaves done by her friend who also had similar weaves. :nono: We have different styles and she had never taken my advice before on hair. One day she asked me "is my track showing". I said girl your whole head is one big vortex of tracks. (at the top it was going round and round in a circle) :lachen: She looked so shocked and said why didn't you tell me? I said, "I thought that was ya'lls style". Your friend got the same thing going on and you never said nothing about it. How am I supposed to know? :confused: There was no way of even covering the tracks since no hair was left out. She has since been wearing full wigs.
LOL. This reminds me of when my lil sis used to get the most horrific full multicolored weaves done by her friend who also had similar weaves. :nono: We have different styles and she had never taken my advice before on hair. One day she asked me "is my track showing". I said girl your whole head is one big vortex of tracks. (at the top it was going round and round in a circle) :lachen: She looked so shocked and said why didn't you tell me? I said, "I thought that was ya'lls style". Your friend got the same thing going on and you never said nothing about it. How am I supposed to know? :confused: There was no way of even covering the tracks since no hair was left out. She has since been wearing full wigs.


But you do have a point: for some folk it's a STYLE, not an accident.... I guess it's like when bra straps were supposed to be hidden; now if you tell someone that it's showing she'll tell you it's her cami and it's mean to show....
If I wanted to get my butt whooped I would do tell someone their tracks are showing. I work with a lot of people (parents of patients) who have a lot of tracks, back fat, stretch marks, wig caps, satin bonnets etc showing. And they are all rowdy or potentially rowdy...I just keep my mouth shut lol.
LOL. This reminds me of when my lil sis used to get the most horrific full multicolored weaves done by her friend who also had similar weaves. :nono: We have different styles and she had never taken my advice before on hair. One day she asked me "is my track showing". I said girl your whole head is one big vortex of tracks. (at the top it was going round and round in a circle) :lachen: She looked so shocked and said why didn't you tell me? I said, "I thought that was ya'lls style". Your friend got the same thing going on and you never said nothing about it. How am I supposed to know? :confused: There was no way of even covering the tracks since no hair was left out. She has since been wearing full wigs.

:blush::lachen::lachen: Oh my goodness! I have got to use that one!
She knew they were showing.

If she looked at herslf, she knew.

Lips would be sealed.

I dont get it.

If you know you wearing fake hair, dont you check, double check, and triple check that bad boy before you go out the house?!?!

It was a girl I used to work with at BCBS that ALWAYS had her tracks showing. I mean the ones in the FRONT!!!!!! It was literally ON TOP of her hair. I stared at it allllllll day long too. While I talked to her.

My mouth remained closed. I figured she was making a fashion statement.
I have been in this situation. I told the lady and helped her "straighten up" her do. But I guess it depends on the mood and circumstances. I would want someone to tell me so I'd do the same.
Actually when I was younger, my friends would always point out the principals tracks but I could never see it, didnt even understand what it was, lol.
Even nowadays I cant tell whose hair is real or fake.
Hah, I'm that person too! I'm always telling people they're lucky to have such nice hair, and they look at me like I'm so stupid before telling me it's a weave or a wig. It pretty much has to fall off your head before I realize it's fake.

On topic, though, I would not tell someone unless it was a close friend. Some people might get offended.
I would pull her to the side..... It's just like someones tag showing or you dragging toilet paper. Just common cutesy.

ETA...... If its a nice looking weave I would but if it's HAM.... she already know that sucker is showing..... then NOPE
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Perfect stranger, no. I was in this situation standing in line at a club. Home girls tracks were just screaming, :nono:I figured if her homegirls did not say anything before they left the house, why should I?:perplexed they looked awful by the way.:sad: