Ideas for First Date


New Member
Ideas for First Date Update 8:05pm 9\5\08

I met this guy yesterday and he wants to take me out. He ask when would I be able to go out with him. I told him Friday. He ask what did I want to do. I hate being a wishy washy girl and say "Oh whatever you want to do." On the other hand I don't want to go all out either. What is a girl to do? The weather is still nice in Pittsburgh, all of the summer jazz concerts in the part ended in August. I don't want to be cooped up with him all evening if I don't like him and, the big AND, I don't want to start off making all the plans and if we end up in a relationship then I will be doing it all again. The last part is just my tangent,moving too fast, please bear with me.

The bottom line of my post is that I would like suggestions for a light easy first date. We will meet up around 6pm, still daylight. Of course he won't pick me up at my house. Don't know him all like that.


Take note of the time of the update, I met him at 7pm est at the park. All week he has been telling me that he was ill. He called me after work today to confirm that we were still meeting. His days off are Friday & Saturday. He said he stayed in bed all day and was resting. We meet say hello, grabbed a shaved ice sit on the bench, eat shaved ice, watch the trains go past make small talk. While we were sitting there my sister strolls by, remember I don't know this dude from Adam, so I need an eye witness in case I went missing. He stands, and tells me he is going to go home because he really should be resting. I am like ok. I knew it wasn't long. We make small talk back to my car, he tells me I look pretty and good bye I will call you tonight.


Ladies I drove around the corner stopped at the local chicken shack, got a 3 peice and some fries and I was still home before 8pm. Oh and at the time of this posting I had already eaten and washed my face and brushed my teeth.

2 things, he was really sick or created that week long sickness in case he really didn't like me. Either way it left a really bad taste in my mouth because I did tell him if he was too sick we could reschedule, he said he wanted to see me.

I look darn cute and I should go out. I am baffled but I kept my cool and I said nice seeing you and I hope you feel better, I smiled and rolled out.
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I suggest Dinner and a movie to be on the safe side that way you are around alot of people and dont have to worry about being totally alone with him.

Dave and Busters is another place fun and games and it offers a place to eat.

While on the date you can find out alittle bit more about him and if things work out you can pick a better place to go out to.

coffee if your drink it, ice cream parlor, sandwhich shop. Arcade, pool hall, sports bar someplace you want have to stay to long but can have a conversation without yelling too much.

Have a great time!
No coffee and ice cream place, sandwich place sounds nice, so does D & B's, but I am not a video game player and neither is he. Ex Hub was a gamer and I will NEVA EVER date another Playstation, Wii, XBox dude. This guy is a bit older and he is into comic books and old records. I really don't want to do a movie because I want to get to know him, can't talk in the movies.
Bowling is fun and light-hearted, alot of people are around, you can have a drink if you want to and an appetizer, and you get to talk ish all the way to the car when he escorts you to your car.

The two of you are more likely to be yourselves instead of the 'representative'. I know you said he's not into games, but at least this shows he can loosen up and have a good time. One round of bowling can take about an hour so it's still early if you two decide to grab a bite at a nice cafe or go for a quick drink.
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I agree with the bowling idea and you don't have to be a pro in it...

Bowling is fun and light-hearted, alot of people are around, you can have a drink if you want to and an appetizer, and you get to talk ish all the way to the car when he escorts you to your car.

The two of you are more likely to be yourselves instead of the 'representative'. I know you said he's not into games, but at least this shows he can loosen up and have a good time. One round of bowling can take about an hour so it's still early if you two decide to grab a bite at a nice cafe or go for a quick drink.
mmmm, I never thought of bowling. I will call the local alley. The good thing about the nearest bowling alley is that it is in the heart of the bohemian area, great tea houses and tapas joints. You ladies are wonderful keep it going. I am going to call to make sure it isn't league time.

I just checked 6p-8p is open bowling family night. 9p-mid is over 21 bowling, they have a dj and karoke.
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I say just do dinner. Scratch the movie idea. That's 2 hours of silence. Make that the second date

And is he picking you up or are you meeting somewhere??

I always meet the guy for the first few dates. If the date doesn't go well, you don't have to suck it up because he's your only ride. I always drive myself and that way i know a getaway car.

Plus, folks shouldnt know where you live right off the bat.
I say just do dinner. Scratch the movie idea. That's 2 hours of silence. Make that the second date

And is he picking you up or are you meeting somewhere??
I said scratched the movie idea earlier because I am trying to talk a little. Of course I am driving myself to and fro, don't know a brotha like that. The chop to the throat is a little more effective when I chop him, if need be and run, not chop him and ask him for a ride home or dig for my cell phone to call my brother who would break every darn traffic law known to man to come get his baby sis.
Do you have a Dave and Busters or Jillians in the area? DH and I went to Dave and Busters on our first date and it was a great way to have pressure-free fun. :yep:
We have a D & B's. But where it is located it is super busy on a Friday night. It is a whole entertainment complex with Improv, Loews (super duper mega theatre), 15 restaurants\bars and late night shopping. Also on the weekends it is the college hang out, on the weekdays it is nice. I am 36 and my date is 42. If we were under 30 it would be perfect.
mmmm, I never thought of bowling. I will call the local alley. The good thing about the nearest bowling alley is that it is in the heart of the bohemian area, great tea houses and tapas joints. You ladies are wonderful keep it going. I am going to call to make sure it isn't league time.

I just checked 6p-8p is open bowling family night. 9p-mid is over 21 bowling, they have a dj and karoke.

You can always forego the bowling until another time and meet right at the tapas bar or tea house. It's perfect to cut it short if you determine it's going to be a short date because you may not be feeling him. Otherwise it's perfect for a nice mood and ambiance without it being too intimate on a first date.
We decided last night we are just going to go to the park, have shaved ice and feed the ducks for our first date. That is no pressure and I can leave at any time if I want to cut it short. We have spoken briefly the last 2 nights. I am looking for that book of questions. I met and dated this guy last year and he brought that book on our first date and we had a nice time. It had strange but interesting questions sort of like, "If you could do one or the other what would you do, take off a butterfly's wing or go on a magical vacation, you can't do both?" Strange stuff like that and I want to locate that book. I emailed that guy but I am pretty sure he is in Columbia right now. I spoke with him a few weeks ago and he mentioned this trip. If any one knows what I am talking about please help with the title.
No coffee and ice cream place, sandwich place sounds nice, so does D & B's, but I am not a video game player and neither is he. Ex Hub was a gamer and I will NEVA EVER date another Playstation, Wii, XBox dude. This guy is a bit older and he is into comic books and old records. I really don't want to do a movie because I want to get to know him, can't talk in the movies.

**ETA: feel free to disregard i just read the ages and I understand. why no to D & B. the book thing sounds like a great addition. I dont know the title, interested to find out.

I was going to suggest D & B and I will tell you why. Im not a video game person either. but they do have pool, bowling, airhockey etc there AND they are typically in a MALL so that gives you time to walk and talk.

I have all first dates at a mall I know it sounds corny but there is soo much to do there and you can prolong or cut the date short as you see fit.

Typically I hit up whatever decent restaurant is there, then we walk/talk over to D & B for pool or airhockey and maybe some cocktails. If its still going well we may continue to walk and talk or sit in one of the ookstores/cofee shops talk some more over coffee or ice cream.
2nd dates i usually do dinner/movie/drinks or dessert.

I think the mall gives you the most options and you can talk more so than movies.

If your city has a downtown area I suppse you could do the same thing s there are tons of little stops you could make along the way while walking down the streets.

I like to Keep it Simple
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**ETA: feel free to disregard i just read the ages and I
If your city has a downtown area I suppse you could do the same thing s there are tons of little stops you could make along the way while walking down the streets.
LOL Our downtown area closes at 5pm, but we have plenty of malls. I have never considered a mall date. I would think that that guy would think I want him to buy me something. Mall dates were good when I was younger and it was more of a group thing. The entertainment complex where D&B's is located does have shopping, but like I mentioned it would be good to go over there if\when we have a weekday date. Thanks.
Waaaaay back in the day..maybe about 10 years ago, I went on a date with a guy I met in Pittsburgh. He took me to some ski resort about 30-45 minutes away. It was the summertime, so we got on the lift overlooking the mountains. We also went bowling.

That's all I remember, but it was nice. That guy was nice too.

The city was Donegal or something like that...
Re: Ideas for First Date Update 8:05pm 9\5\08


Take note of the time of the update, I met him at 7pm est at the park. All week he has been telling me that he was ill. He called me after work today to confirm that we were still meeting. His days off are Friday & Saturday. He said he stayed in bed all day and was resting. We meet say hello, grabbed a shaved ice sit on the bench, eat shaved ice, watch the trains go past make small talk. While we were sitting there my sister strolls by, remember I don't know this dude from Adam, so I need an eye witness in case I went missing. He stands, and tells me he is going to go home because he really should be resting. I am like ok. I knew it wasn't long. We make small talk back to my car, he tells me I look pretty and good bye I will call you tonight.


Ladies I drove around the corner stopped at the local chicken shack, got a 3 peice and some fries and I was still home before 8pm. Oh and at the time of this posting I had already eaten and washed my face and brushed my teeth.

2 things, he was really sick or created that week long sickness in case he really didn't like me. Either way it left a really bad taste in my mouth because I did tell him if he was too sick we could reschedule, he said he wanted to see me.

I look darn cute and I should go out. I am baffled but I kept my cool and I said nice seeing you and I hope you feel better, I smiled and rolled out.

What the hell? He already saw you before though! This wasn't a blind date. He wasted your time! Men can be so shady!

He already knew what u looked like so why the act??
i wouldn't end it right then and there.
what if he was really sick and just wanted to see you like you said.
It is a little disappointing though.
Did you ask what kind of sickness he had?

why not just wait to see if he calls you to try to make up for the short date?
We spoke briefly on Saturday morning, I had stuff to do. He told me that he really needed to see a doctor. "Ya think?" He sounded like sh!t. What I have finally learned from past relationships and a marriage it there are two types of sick men. The one's who want to be petted (in my mother's words) and the one's who want to be left the heck alone. I have fallen back and if and when he gets better and if and when he wants to go out again. I will go out with him. Because I told him, it's like I haven't even met the real you because you are ill. I know when I am sick, I am not the same person. So if he calls cool, if not I will not call him.