Ideal age to marry?


Well-Known Member
If you could choose your ideal age to get married which would it be and why?

My ideal age would be 25 to 28. That way I could be settle into my career and have more money but still have time to enjoy marriage life for a couple years before having kids.
My ideal situation would be to marry later, much later in life IF having children is not a priority or if one already has a child. MHO.
When (and if) you are emotionally ready and find the right partner for you. Age has nothing to do with it.
The statistics say 25 and older, but everyone's different. Not a one size all thing.

For me I'd say 30-31. Give me some time to get settled post-grad school.
Age at which you are: most attractive/physically fit + financially unencumbered + mature
Between age 25-30; I hope to marry in that age range. Waiting until after 30 would not be ideal for me, especially since I want children and don't want to have late children.
For me early twenties was the best, I like that DH and I have been able to grow and build a life together. If I had to remarry later in life, my standards would be through the roof.
After 40 if I decide to not have children. I always thought I'd meet my perfect guy at around 50. I have no problem with waiting later in life especially since I will probably not have children.
I'm 28. I say 29. My boyfriend just said "that doesn't leave us much time to get married."!!!!:grin:

I LOVE this man:pepper::pepper::love3::love4::reddancer: