I'd like to see ____ DEAD in 2014.

The word "female" when used instead of "woman" or "girl".

Yes, yes! This one burns me up. I can't focus on anything else that comes after that. :angry2:

I hate when guys do that but I have to admit, I do it too.

I was having a conversation with a friend of a friend's who happened to be a man, he kept using the term female when making references to certain women but not all women. I asked what it was really all about and this was the response I got (summarised version), "There are some people who are too old to be called girl and not worthy enough to be called a woman, so I call them females". I guess he was mixing up personal attributes/characteristics/personalities with genetics :look:

And this is why. There are some women that I just cannot refer to as women but they aren't little girls anymore. Female is also a good substitute when I'm annoyed at a woman and can't bring myself to call her by her name (I don't use profanity so my choices are very limited). I do have to admit that there is something about "female" that sounds disrespectful and just plain annoying but I'm not sure why.
People on youtube making 16 second videos. What can you possibly convey in such a short period of time that will be interesting let alone useful to anybody? I think people do it just to be cute but IMO it's just a waste of 16 seconds. Make a decent video when you have the time.
I hate when guys do that but I have to admit, I do it too.

And this is why. There are some women that I just cannot refer to as women but they aren't little girls anymore. Female is also a good substitute when I'm annoyed at a woman and can't bring myself to call her by her name (I don't use profanity so my choices are very limited). I do have to admit that there is something about "female" that sounds disrespectful and just plain annoying but I'm not sure why.

Maybe because it strips us of our humanity and reduces us to anything that has female parts attached to it, dogs, cats, electrical plugs you name it.
People on youtube making 16 second videos. What can you possibly convey in such a short period of time that will be interesting let alone useful to anybody? I think people do it just to be cute but IMO it's just a waste of 16 seconds. Make a decent video when you have the time.

On that note, you tubers who start a video with a bunch of excuses, they're tired, hungry, just woke up, kid's are screaming in the background, but they're gonna make a video about braid outs... really? ? It's not that serious.
I was having a conversation with a friend of a friend's who happened to be a man, he kept using the term female when making references to certain women but not all women. I asked what it was really all about and this was the response I got (summarised version), "There are some people who are too old to be called girl and not worthy enough to be called a woman, so I call them females". I guess he was mixing up personal attributes/characteristics/personalities with genetics :look:

Who is he to determine what attributes a woman needs to have to be worthy of being called a woman? Which is what she is.

He could have kept that one...
Lose not loose. I hate when people mix these up.

I want to lose some weight.

I found some loose change.

You lose.

My shirt isn't tight, it is loose.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
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Maybe because it strips us of our humanity and reduces us to anything that has female parts attached to it, dogs, cats, electrical plugs you name it.

Or you could be talking about a vast age range and can't call everyone a specific thing that covers only one group.
Jenny McCarthy(I don't want her dead, just apologetic) - who just came out and said that her son was NEVER autistic. She needs to have a lawsuit presented against her for all that money she made off her book telling parents to stop vaccinating their children.
Jenny McCarthy(I don't want her dead, just apologetic) - who just came out and said that her son was NEVER autistic. She needs to have a lawsuit presented against her for all that money she made off her book telling parents to stop vaccinating their children.

What in the world... I never heard that. *off to Google*
Hashtags in nonhastag areas:

The following phrases, especially coming from people who attended college:

When speaking:

"We was(n't)..."
"You was(n't)..."
"I'm is..."
"Where is they at"
"Where was you..."

When texting:
Dat instead of that
Dey instead of they
Dem instead of them
Jenny McCarthy(I don't want her dead, just apologetic) - who just came out and said that her son was NEVER autistic. She needs to have a lawsuit presented against her for all that money she made off her book telling parents to stop vaccinating their children.

Apparently that's a rumor and she straightened it out in interview with US Weekly
I just thought of something I don't like seeing in LHCF threads:

When people post a response in which they talk about the OP as if they are not there.

I.e."I don't understand why the OP decided to post about this topic" Instead of saying, "OP, why did you post about this topic?"
Something about that seems disrespectful and similar to someone having a conversation about me with me in the room. :look: :lol:
I just thought of something I don't like seeing in LHCF threads:

When people post a response in which they talk about the OP as if they are not there.

I.e."I don't understand why the OP decided to post about this topic" Instead of saying, "OP, why did you post about this topic?"
Something about that seems disrespectful and similar to someone having a conversation about me with me in the room. :look: :lol:

Yeah, I totally agree with what this poster said. She must have read my mind.:lol:

But seriously, it's the most annoying thing ever and quite rude. It's passive agressiveness at it's finest.
People gluing lacefront wigs down. That just doesn't look natural. I've worn a lf or two in my time, but I pull hair out and there is a big difference.

Chicks talking about I'm team natural but won't wear their natural hair in it's natural state ever! My cousin was talking mess to me today about my relaxer. I know she's natural because she told me but she wouldn't be caught dead without a weave or a wig if she's in between appointments.

Stiletto nails with a bunch of different designs. That ish is so tacky!

^^^This bugs me as well! At Christmas, my two cousins were dogging me because I am still relaxing (texlaxing). Yet neither one of them was wearing their real hair! One had on a booty length lace front and one of the other's edges were saying "see ya later!" due to the extremely tight micros she was sporting :lol: Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing at all against hiding your hair (which they ALWAYS do, you NEVER see them without a wig), just don't lecture me about mine when you are....ok, rant over...

One of my biggest pet peeves is people saying "mines" instead of "mine"....like nails on a chalkboard!!!!!

ETA: I see the "mine(s)" has been covered already! NVM
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I would like that word to die in 2014. I will even offer to pay for the tombstone.

I really can't stand it when people use that word. I just cant...
I'm sick of watching YouTube videos of Black women straightening their hair (super cool with me) but then doing the "White girl hair toss" a MILLION friggin times. Relaxed or straight our hair is beautiful, I get that, many Black women have been raised thinking our hair would only grown past SL if it was in dread locks but c'mon.... There is no need for you to look like a bobble head in the process of showing that Black women can grow long, healthy hair with body, bounce, etc...

Also, YouTubers reviewing weave hair and tossing their heads around even more than the women with natural hair do.

Women who post videos about maintaining a sew-in and do all sorts of conditioning treatments and care for the weave but their hair is unhealthy and broken off underneath when they reveal their own hair.

YouTubers who review vitamins or supplements after only taking them for 2-3 weeks and give a negative review just because they didn't get any growth or see any changes. How about some patience?

Finally, (I think) I can live with all of the above if women, girls, (mainly African American) STOP clicking their tongues in videos. The sound that they make with their tongues that is like a click and pop combined. Please, I beg, STOP. Lol
As for myself;

I'd like to see my thin hair dead (six feet under type)

I'd like to see my sudden dependence for weaves dead, ( I'm a Federal Police officer and can basically only wear my hair pulled back and the first year I did that it ATE up the center where I put my ponytail.)

I'd like to see my need to buy the newest hair growth treatment just because it worked for someone else dead.
companies making products said " best 2013 product " ..." with aloe vera" ... " with amla"... " with argan oil"

all that on the top front of the bottle when at the back those infredients are at the bottom list!!!

stupid theives need to stop!
The low-forehead, "Planet of the Apes" looking hairlines from lace-front wigs.:nono: Ultra-shiny, plastic looking synthetic wigs.:down: Personal challenge to become Fit and Fabulous in 2013. Future Bikini/Figure competitor.

i cried!!! lolol planet of the apes! i remember a girl in class with this look :-/ oh my
Animal hats on Adults. Adults have no business with a Panda, Monkey, Zebra ears and tails on the back on their hats walking around like it's chic or the new in thing. Give that hat back to your 5 yr old niece/nephew and keep it moving.
Too much talking in tutorial videos on Youtube

Ridiculously loud music in the background of tutorials.

Gum popping/smacking while you're doing tutorials.

3 reasons I will click right off of your video. Those are most annoying.