I'd like to see ____ DEAD in 2015!

- Light skin vs. dark skin nonsense (I can hope okay???)
- YouTube eyebrows
- Spider legs eyelashes
- Little Wayne (musically)
- Excessive use of cinchers
- Cinchers being worn over clothes
- Black men and women being killed by the police
youtube videos with atrocious music playing in the background. And sometimes its so loud you cant hear a thing they are trying to say.

On the subject of videos, the uploads by people who record their tv screens with a camera. if you dont know how to do a proper video capture just stop.

the idea that castor oil is the robotussin of the hair community. I love castor oil too but if you have blisters with puss forming on your scalp you are better off seeing a doctor than rubbing jbco on it.

People who always complain about the weather at this time of year that have been living in the northern half of the US for decades. Well I don't wish them dead but for them to shut up.
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- Light skin vs. dark skin nonsense (I can hope okay???)

- Black men and women being killed by the police

And to add to that, the notion that black people don't care about black on black crime. People who believe this obviously never been to or know anybody in a plagued neighborhood.
And to add to that, the notion that black people don't care about black on black crime. People who believe this obviously never been to or know anybody in a plagued neighborhood.

I agree with all of this.

The term “Black-on-Black crime" needs to get a death certificate & a funeral stat!
To me that term assumes that crime is an event only associated with Black people.

Crime is an occurrence of individual character, opportunity & convenience.

Using LHCF via smartphone. Can't see mentions.
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I agree with all of this.

The term “Black-on-Black crime" needs to get a death certificate & a funeral stat!
To me that term assumes that crime is an event only associated with Black people.

Crime is an occurrence of individual character, opportunity & convenience.

Using LHCF via smartphone. Can't see mentions.

I've never seen anyone use the term "black-on-black crime" to describe all crime. Every time I've seen it used is to describe a particular situation in contrast to another where race was a big factor. I've seen the term "white-on-white crime" also used in this kind of context and it wasn't used to describe crime as a whole either.

But that's just me... maybe I'm missing something.
lmfao@ castor oil being the tussin of hair! You went too far with that!!!

And YES @ the contacts making people look like huskies and pit bulls! I want to blame Tiny, but she's just caught up in the nonsense her self. She didnt start that ratchetness. Took it further than I ever thought one would? Yes. But she didnt start the mess
Overuse of plastic surgery. I'm all for having choices but prefer for them to be VERY well researched/thought out. I feel like recently, people have been overdoing it and a lot of the time pre-surgery looks better than post-surgery. :look:
folks who think castor oil is the be all end all...and then get mad if it doesn't work for all people.

butt injections and implants...after watching one episode of LHHH...just yuck.

natural hair companies who get good reviews and yet never seem to ship out my products.

over use of make-up- you don;t need 25000 layers of makeup.

drag queen makeup

cakey concealer

ashy lip color

folks wearing hair bonnets out in public; you know the ones sold at Sally's that are black..

wearing pajamas in public

54 inch weaves

ombre hair
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I have never heard the term "fleek."

But I'd like for the "weave-checks" and the "Is it real?" and the "he/she/you got that 'good hair' " and the "I know I can't go natural" comments to die. I'd been exposed to things like that sometimes in middle and high school, but I'm hearing it a lot at work.
Messy rooms/nasty backgrounds in the videos of beauty gurus on Youtube. If you're making a presentation for the public, bring out the best that you have to offer. :look:
The only thing I didn't see already mention was exotical...please please let in die a fast death in 2014 and never emerge afterwards!
People that think there's nothing wrong with touching, petting, stroking, caressing, weave checking, etc etc another person's hair. Don't stroke me!! I am not a dayum puppy!! Y'all bout to start losing hands and fingers in 2015.
Death to skinny jeans on fat women I'm sorry but the definition is skinny(the clue is in the name) just because its comes in a UK size 20 doesn't mean its for you.
Debates about Kenya ' s hair. Really. If she says she wears clip ins ocassionally. So what. Got folks going in on her comments and debating the issue about what she does to her hair. Folks get all I'm their feelings about her hair.

Fanaticism/obsession about long hair. If you have it..wonderful. .if not...that is fine too.
The appropriation and watering down/white washing and thus, ultimate destruction of our black culture by white people and their uncle Tom and aunt Jemima enablers. Think blurred lines, or the Aaliyah movie or Igloo Australia.
Oh and all these online "boutique" owners selling the same exact dresses made out of wave cap/bonnet material! Stop it...please stop it!

I know I'm late to the party, but yes! And what is up with dresses that are made of fish net? Who's wearing that? I went to three boutiques last year and not only did the shops have wretched polyester gauze dresses, but they had the nerve to have the word couture in the shop name.

Which leads me to what I'd like to see dead this year:

1. The use of the word "couture" when it describes junk.
2. The use of the term "spot-on" for things that clearly are not.
3. Use of the word "jam" as in, "That's my jam!" when used to refer to anything other than jellies, or a song from the 70s-90s.
4. Bragging about how wasted one got over the weekend. It wasn't cute as a 20-something, in your 30's, it's the sign of a serious problem that requires attention.
The description of something one likes a lot as "EVERYTHING"

Saying something "gave me life"