I Wish I Could "Do Dat Derrrrr!" With My Hair!


New Member
First off - yes I LOVE my hair - BUT sometimes I wish that I could do other styles that other women can do with their hair. I would LOVE to be able to rock a fro, but because of the type of hair I have I can't. I can achieve BIG hair...just not the FRO. They are so beautiful to me.

What's a style that you wish you could get but because of your hair type - you can't??
I seriously doubt I will ever be able to rock a WNG. I can wash it and put some stuff in it but it's going to turn out to be that fro you want. :lol: My braid outs, and twists outs are just various versions of a fro. Waiting to see if hitting APL will change that.
I seriously doubt I will ever be able to rock a WNG. I can wash it and put some stuff in it but it's going to turn out to be that fro you want. :lol: My braid outs, and twists outs are just various versions of a fro. Waiting to see if hitting APL will change that.

alla dis right here :grin:^^
First off - yes I LOVE my hair - BUT sometimes I wish that I could do other styles that other women can do with their hair. I would LOVE to be able to rock a fro, but because of the type of hair I have I can't. I can achieve BIG hair...just not the FRO. They are so beautiful to me.

What's a style that you wish you could get but because of your hair type - you can't??

The same...I can only get what's close to a real fro if I comb out a braid out and its really humid outside...

I wish I can have full chunky medium sized twist....
I'd so love to be able to do two strand twists, but they never manage to stay in my hair :sad:
I wish I can just do a braid down my back and then lay it over my shoulder. I know it's wack, but that's how I'll know it's "long".
I wish I could do comb coils.....lol I am 4b with SOME 4A(I think). I guess I just have to do them on damp hair. I also would love have a hanging wash n go. It just hangs to my neck now :yawn::drunk:
Amoreofcurls You're so pretty! Your make up in your siggy and your avi... :drool:

I wish I could get really BIG hair. But unfortunately the density of my hair will not allow that. :(
i wish i could go back to WNGs without getting ssks. my twist outs don't look like twist outs. they just look like stretched out hair. i wish my twistout fro looked bigger. it looks big in the mirror, but when i take pics it looks short and crazy. i wish i didn't have to put my hair in so many sections.
I wish I could have defined braidouts. They always frizz when I separate the pieces, and my hair isn't thick enough not to do that. Same for twistouts sometimes.
I wish i could have mbl hair that blows in the wind- yes it may get caught in my lip gloss but I don't care- I WANT IT!!! I also would like a big afro puff bigger than my head.
I wish I could have super full twists. My hair's thick but my strands are very fine.... soooooo my twists (unless they're super shrunken) look sickly. *sigh*

I wish I could have a super fantastic wng where all of my grass is one texture. :nono:

I wish I could have a perfectly round fro. :look:
I wish I could do flexirod and rollerests, like the fly ones I see on here. Sigh, one day.
I wish I could have super full twists. My hair's thick but my strands are very fine.... soooooo my twists (unless they're super shrunken) look sickly. *sigh*

This is the thing that surprised me the most when I went natural, that with all the hair I have, my twists are skimpy :blush: I was shocked initially and thought all of my hair must have fallen out when I wasn't looking until I read in LHCF that my hair was dense but my strands are fine. oooh poo :sad:
Like a lot of others, I wish my twists were thick and juicy! They're still cute IMO, but I have to do many mini twists for them to look good.



Fine strands, high density. I also have a floppy fro. Even if I did a true WnG (never do) it wouldn't look like an afro. It would just look... weird. :perplexed:
Nice full flexi rod set
Full bun with no fake hair added
defined braid out
Fish tail braid.....oh it sucks to have fine low density hair :(
i've been wanting this sooooooo bad. I've been obsessed with ponytail braids this summer

or this


my hair isn't long enought....and its not thick enough to make a nice thick braid either. life sux
I wish I could wear a wash and go and have my shrinkage to be only BSL or APL. Nope its SL and if I look at it funny, it shrinks to NL curly.