I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so that....

-I can prove to myself and others that my hair can grow to at least WL
-I can have thick luscious braid-outs
-I can have hair tickling my lower back
So doubters can see that LHCF isn't a waste of my time.

So I can finally wear my hair out instead of wearing weaves.
so i can prove the first time wasnt a fluke, black ppl can have and maintain long hair.

so that my bellydance costume will look that much better

so that i dont have to worry about my hair any more

so that i can drop jaws when i go back to work after mat leave. (leave with bc'ed hair come back with hip length hair. ha, a girl can dream)
so that I can prove to people that all my crazy methods work.

so that I can have an awesome ponytail.

so that I can prove to black folk that hair growth comes from care
and patience and not the hue of your skin (I am dark and people
still cannot believe that I have curly hair).
I wish my hair would hurry up and grow...

so I can have my curly roller sets stop at my armpit

So that people can look at my hair and ask if its real..:yep:

So my oldest sister won't be the only sister with longer than APL hair (there are 4 of us!)

so people know that my obsession with healthy hair care wasn't all in vain
So that I can prove to my sister, not relaxing every 6 weeks is not going to make my hair fall out.

So that my hair can reach my lower back and be healthy and have people drool when they look at it
I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so that I can amaze people everywhere i go, And So my husband and mom will finally believe that my "Silly Forum" is actually helpful.
I want my graduation pictures to look sexy WITHOUT the weave.

I want to be able to wear my hair likes a bra.

I just want to swang in a few people's face for talking smack to me
...The biggest thing for me is that I need to prove it to MYSELF. I still don't believe I can retain length till I'm APL unstretched...YET... I'm not going to give up.


I want to be able to turn, smile and say, "Yes....it's all mine."

I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so that...

-I could prove the doubters wrong:yep:
-I can see my 4a/b hair HANG DOWN:yep:
-I can do a sloppy bun and still look fly:spinning:
-I can do twists and style them like herFLYness79 (Alicia) on YouTube:grin:
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I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so that

I can wear a waistlength braidout
I can wear it in one big fat braided ponytail down my back
so that my buns won't look anorexic !
so that i can get weave checked....more often. i just love being able to say it's real !
so that my fro will be at least shoulder length
So people will start asking me for hair advice...right now everybody thinks I'm just crazy obsessed
So my rollersets will be blowing in the wind, and cascading down my back, instead of just kinda hanging and barely brushing my shoulders
Plus all the other reasons stated before me!
I wish that my hair would hurry up and grow so that I can obsess about other things like makeup and clothes :grin:
I wish that my hair would hurry up and get to TBL so that...

I can rock humungous buns
I can pull a Catherine Zeta-Jones in Zorro and cover my "friends" with them :grin:.
I can have two long Pokahontas braids like Leobodyc5
I can freak out my relatives at family reunions. I can hear them now: "Where you get all that moss, girl?" Perhaps they'll think I'm related to cousin "It" rather than some native american 6 generations removed :lachen:.
i wish my hair could hurry up and grow:
- so i can rock some hot protective styles,
- stop the stereotypes of black girls dont have hair
- and do cute braidoutss!!!!