I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so that....

- I can rock all types of buns.
- I can have a massive traffic stopping afro.
- I can have a gigantic puff.
- My shrunken braids/twists will sit on my shoulders.
- I can do a rollerset.
Swing it all around lol
wear a pretty chignon whenever:yep:
a puff
long twists
long braidout in the summer
long twistouts
-I can rock a nice bouncy full ponytail
-I can pull my hair over my shoulder(s)
-I can rock more than donut bun without it looking so pitiful.
I can get weave checked:grin:
Wear it straight, go to church and have eyes pop out of their sockets :burning:

To visit an ex-boyfriend who swore I could never had long hair and leave him like: :pant:

To preach to all of my cousins: Yes, we can have it to! :reddancer:
I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so it can make my lower back itch!
I wish it would grow so I can show people that we can have long hair too.
It's so big I wish it was smaller!
I need help on wash days - lol!
All my friends and family say they want the same - ie we can do it!
So I can prove people wrong about black people not being able to grow long healthy hair.

I totally agree. Too many people think that Black people cant have healthy long hair. It's always got to be a weave. Even Black men doubt us.

I cant wait for mine to grow so I can get weave checked too!!!
this thread inspires me to 'go hard' on my regimen so i can finally reach my goal :grin:

i wish my hair would hurry up and grow so that...

.i can get weaved check by strangers (i've been weaved check already by a close friend, i guess she didnt believed i could have hair past my shoulders:ohwell:)
.my braid outs would be APL
.i can have more styling options
.and just like some of you ladies already stated --> to prove that you can grow healthy relaxed hair
-So my aunt will stop believing that hair growth is about genetics
-So I can style my hair however I want without worrying about length (that's a Natural hair plus - I can always make my hair looks short)
-So I can stop worrying that maybe my hair really does not retain length
-So I can maybe get my little sister to accept her natural hair.
-So I can just toss my hair in a bun or a single braid
-So I can swing my hair and accidently hit someone in the face (so tired of being on the wrong end of that)
-So I can accomplish a dream I have had since I was a little girl
-So my future daughters will never know what it's like to think their hair does not grow
-So I can prove that 4abcdefgh hair is good hair too
-So I can finally wear my hair like a hippy!
-So I can have the one thing that I felt was missing. Long hair hair just fits my personality.
I wish my hair would finally grow so I can do the southernTease bun without a butt load of flyaways!

So I can rock a messy sloppy big 'ol bun and people think its a weave!
I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so that I can do a decent bun or braid-out....

I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so that I can prove to all the Doubting Thomasinas that it CAN:grin:.
I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so that I can be the first person in my family to have pass APL hair

I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so that I can wear two long pocahontas braids
oh and be au naturale
-So I can wear two apl french braids
-So I can wear a large, thick bun
-So I can prove to my bff that you can have long, 4abc, natural hair
I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so... I can cut off the heat damaged ends in the front with going bald! :wallbash:

... So I can wear wngs and my hair is still long!

... So when I ever decide to roller set it I actually get some serious cascading curls! Not just a "bump" :grin:

... So I can rock a BAA!

... So I can truly show off how THICK my hair is!
I want my hair to grow so
I can be the first one in my family with long "healthy" hair instead of the cousin that always has in a long weave.
Swing my hair in all of my haters faces (oh yeah, ex boyfriends included)
So I can have a bun thats full and sexy
I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so that i can stop wearing weaves!!!! i've wearing weaves for 13 years now!!!!!:perplexed
I wish my hair would hurry up and grow so that i can finally fit in with the family..the shortest length among the girls (excluding me) is BSL