I Wish...

I wish my hair had an alert to tell me when I need a trim, a deep conditioner and specify whether protein or moisture, when and which shampoo to use, and go "awesome sauce" when she is happy with all the hard work and effort I put into her.

I wish my hair could sense when a stylist is too scissor happy before she touches my hair and growl at her like a dog growls at people to protect it's owner.

I wish I would never get gray hairs no matter how old I got and the ones I do have, I wish they would magically disappear tomorrow morning when I wake up.

  • I wish I had APL un-stretched hair.
  • I wish this biotin would work harder.
  • I wish I knew how to style my TWA.
  • I wish I could try the old Mega-Tek formula.
  • I wish I could tell my curl pattern so I could get an idea of how my hair will look in the future.
  • I wish the hair on my head would grow as fast as the other hair on my body :prettyplease:
So many of theseeeee....
I wish SSKs were extinct.
I wish my mom had never relaxed my hair when I was 3.
I wish I could do wash and gos and cute puffs without a detangling DEFCON 1 on wash day.
AND YESSSSS @whosthatcurl I wish my hair and I could just sit back and sit back and talk, like ".... you know that had coconut oil right?? What. Did. I. Tell. You. About. Coconut. Oil" :catfight:
Holy crap, SSKs really are a nightmare.

I wish my hair had a zapper to zap every single one of them that even dream of curling into a knot.

My hair goes"I think I'm gonna just wrap myself around my" .... Then my hair zapper goes "bbzzzzzzz.....stop right there, stick 'em up."

:lol: I tickle myself just thinking about it.
I wish heat didn't cause damage. I won't even chance heat on my hair. My hair laughs at heat protectants. I haven't flat ironed my hair in over a year.

I wish it didn't take 2 1/2 to 3 hours to twist up my hair after a wash.

I wish these greys would stop popping up 2 weeks after I dye my hair :cry3:
I wish I would DC every weekend like I said I would, I wish I could trust a stylist to not burn my hair or cut too much off, I wish more leave-ins came in larger containers and didn't cost more than $20, I wish I could find them at local BSS and not only from specialty stores online, I wish I was at full WL and I wish that my crown and front were closer to the back of my hair.
I can go on and on....
I wish I could stop breaking my nails. My fingers are long and skinny so they look weird with short nails.
So do you do anything else to your nails? I just leave mine plain because nail polish, although beautiful, is very distracting to me. I do mostly a clear nail mani. That way when it starts chipping it doesn't bother me as much lol
I wish that my hair would stay moisturized so I didn't have to M&S everynight. (I'd even take every other day.)

I wish that I'd stuck with a hair regimen when I found out about this site years ago.

I wish that my hair textures would either become uniform or switch positions. I have 3C at the nape and 4A in the front. If I'm not diligent with my 4A then I'm rocking a mullet.

I wish I could take biotin without breakouts.

I wish I had thick strands.

I wish I received a hair allowance at the beginning of each month.
So do you do anything else to your nails? I just leave mine plain because nail polish, although beautiful, is very distracting to me. I do mostly a clear nail mani. That way when it starts chipping it doesn't bother me as much lol
I use Sally Hansen gel on my nails once or twice a week. This is the only diy brand that lasts up to a week without chipping especially since I wash my hands a lot. Every now and then I let them breathe and go bare. When my nails are bare I massage them with evoo or coconut oil to add strength and shine.
Thanks, appreciate it. I use Sally Hansen's wax strips for my legs so I kinda dig the brand.
I use Sally Hansen gel on my nails once or twice a week. This is the only diy brand that lasts up to a week without chipping especially since I wash my hands a lot. Every now and then I let them breathe and go bare. When my nails are bare I massage them with evoo or coconut oil to add strength and shine.
I wish:

I wish have done my second big chop sooner.
I wish black man where I live love natural hair.
I wish more deep conditioner don't some much protein.
I wish my 3c curl could hold styles longer then two or three days.
1. I wish I stayed true to one product line instead of "experimenting" as much as I did
2. I wish my 3 textured hair was so pesky, especially my sides, which are always unruly!
3. I wish Aveda products (which I love) weren't so expensive
I wish I could blowout, rollerset or straighten my own hair. That ish is expensive at the salon...

I wish my favorite products didn't get discontinued all the time (Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship leave in, Cream of Nature detangling poo in the red bottle) :cry3:

I wish I had unlimited funds so that I could be a pj without the guilt :drunk:

I wish my shed strands didn't tangle with healthy strands all the time creating knots and tangles.

I wish that my hair grew 1 inch per month:rocker:

I wish I could go hard in the gym without ruining my hair.

So what's on your "wish list"?

I wish all of the above and that I only had one texture of hair in my head instead of what seems like three.
I wish all my strands were thick, instead of thick in the back and fine on top.

I wish my hair was naturally darker.