I went HAM on my supervisor and co-workers today about hair!


Well-Known Member
I wore my hair in a puffy ponytail today because I didn't
feel like wearing a bun again and I also didn't feel like washing before my wash day.
One co-work comes up while I'm typing and literally attacks my hair like a cat would a cat toy!
I was like "What is wrong with you?" He said "I couldn't help it! Its so poofy!"
Then my boss (Indian.. for those who don't know I'm in India right now)
says something about my hair that I didn't catch but I knew it was something
side ways because everyone starts going 'OOOOOHHHHH!!!" and laughing.
So I ask him to repeat his self but he wont.
I then state "Don't hate on me because you're jealous"
And his response was "Jealous of what? I can do this with my hair" And runs his fingers through his hair.
I said "And so can I" and did the same.
He then challenged me to do it from root to tip with out the pony tail holder.
I gladly take the challenge and do it.
I then explain again that he's jealous because my hair is more versatile and there for better than his.
I then said... and yes, I did say it
"I got that good hair cause I have African in my family and you're jealous cause your hair,
you future wife's hair, or anyone you know for that matter will never be able to do
all the things I can do with my hair".

He proceeds to pull up a picture of him when he had long hair and says "Now that is good hair" I then laugh at him and say "Your hair looks limp and greasy! That is not good in anyone's eyes!"
I then kick him out of his seat, pull up my FB and my LHCF acct and force him and 3 other co-workers to look at all of my hair pictures. There was an off topic argument about my make up but that's 30mins of something else.

After debating, and by debating I mean forcing my opinion on them until
they gave up rolled over and admitted defeat and I was named Alpha.
They then had the nerve to say I have too many pictures of my self and that I am a narcissist.
I then advised "No, I just have self esteem unlike the other girls here's"
They paused, blinked, then said
"That you are right about. You are the only one with self esteem here".

But y'all!!!! I had to go in on them! One co-worker even made a comment
"You look like you brushed your hair with a blender" and my reply was
"At least I have hair to brush and didn't start going bald at 25 Mr. Cul de Sac"

I felt like I was back in 3rd grade!
They were saying all the things that used to make me cry and hate my hair thus relaxing it.
The only difference was this time I stood my ground and brought up that they
talk about my hair because its just that awesome and important to them that its on their mind at all times.

They're scared to talk to me right now I think.
I just notice them looking at me from the corner of my eyes
and when I turn they smile nervously and turn around back to their monitors.

Wow, I can't believe they said all this in the work place :nono:? I'm glad you stood your ground and didn't back down!
So many quotables up in this joint! :rofl: Wow, the I can run my fingers through my hair challenge? Really?

This is very reminiscent of grade school, but they started it.

This killed me.

One co-worker even made a comment
"You look like you brushed your hair with a blender" and my reply was
"At least I have hair to brush and didn't start going bald at 25 Mr. Cul de Sac"
You are my hero. I wish I could just have u with me whenever someone says something slick about my hair.
But y'all!!!! I had to go in on them! One co-worker even made a comment
"You look like you brushed your hair with a blender" and my reply was
"At least I have hair to brush and didn't start going bald at 25 Mr. Cul de Sac"

I felt like I was back in 3rd grade!

Oh LAWD!!!! :dead:

All of y'all are rude at your office. I would have been sitting at my desk in shock at all of that. Then I would have laughed and come in here and talked about all of you on LHCF.
All of y'all are rude at your office. I would have been sitting at my desk in shock at all of that. Then I would have laughed and come in here and talked about all of you on LHCF.

Girl, I am in India! They are all rude out here and there is no such thing as HR.

My supervisor has even called me fat before and I go in on him. I think he secretly likes being cursed out by an angry black women! The others know I'm crazy cause they have seen me go in before but this was the first time they got it directly and I think they're scared. But I just got a free soda. So I'm all good and I still have my poofy pony going.
Work em over girl. Sometimes people are just begging to be educated. And they may be looking at you funny now but usually those same people will have an unspoken respect for you because you do have the self esteem and nerve enough to speak up to them.

You took it there though with the hand through your hair :lol:
OP, was this you?? lol :perplexed:lol:
ETA: my gif disappeared...

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No you didn't call him cul de sac lol Did you literally kick that man out of his chair?

I HAD TO! The rest of the CP's are blocked from FB. I'm on a proxy blocker right now at my CP just to post over here lol.

I said "Move... MOVE!!! I'mma show you!" And he got up fast after the 2nd move lol
Yaaassss!!! You must be from Chicago, we will go in on somebody, talking smack is what I do. Dang she put them on their backs with their necks exposed.

They thought because you was the only black woman they could gangup on you but you put them in check.:afro::worship2:
Lol@this story....well your hair is gorgeous so I don't blame you. I dunno if I would have gone that far but I do hate to see ppl just stay firmly planted in their ignorance.
Hmm, I would've lost that Run Your Fingers Through Your Hair Challenge.

I don't have enough energy to be arguing like that at work, just reading that made me tired haha.
Why can't people leave black women and our hair alone.......there is always someone with something to say.
I wore my hair in a puffy ponytail today because I didn't
feel like wearing a bun again and I also didn't feel like washing before my wash day.
One co-work comes up while I'm typing and literally attacks my hair like a cat would a cat toy!

I feel so bad that this literally made me howl in laughter.
It's not supposed to be funny.
My supervisor looked at me like she wanted to throw a stapler at my head.
You handled your business though.
Why did I picture all of this going down on the set of "The Office"?:lol:
damn OP, i was scared for you when he told you to run your fingers through your hair. I literally held my breath when you said you actually accepted the challenge. did you have to do it extra rough to get it through? :look:

and i wish i were like you. even when ppl say mean things to me an i know there are some things i can call them on, i hesitate bc i dont want to hurt their feelings, even if they hurt mine. i need to snap out of that passive mindset.
Given all this happenned outside of the US, I will reserve my comments. You did need to put them in their place but I guess that's how you do it in India.
I feel so bad that this literally made me howl in laughter.
It's not supposed to be funny.
My supervisor looked at me like she wanted to throw a stapler at my head.
You handled your business though.
Why did I picture all of this going down on the set of "The Office"?:lol:

LOL Actually, our call floor does kind of look like the set of The Office. All the cubicles and what not :lachen:

I'm calm now. The brought me soda and some food. They havent said "Sorry" but as the Alpha now I accept their food offerings as an apology and will let them live to see the next day.

But when it first went down, I thought I might have to remove my earrings and move some chairs and get down! I feel kind of embarrassed that I had to get hood rat on them. But I dont regret it. Now they know and now I have my alpha position lmao :lachen:
damn OP, i was scared for you when he told you to run your fingers through your hair. I literally held my breath when you said you actually accepted the challenge. did you have to do it extra rough to get it through? :look:

and i wish i were like you. even when ppl say mean things to me an i know there are some things i can call them on, i hesitate bc i dont want to hurt their feelings, even if they hurt mine. i need to snap out of that passive mindset.

Girl the only reason I accepted the challenge was because right before work I had detangled my whole head, put it straight in to a pony and then left for work and all this went down with in minutes of us getting here so I knew my hair shouldnt be too bad. Had this been on a 2nd day co-wash day or anything like that... I might have had to give up the fight and turn around lol