I went HAM on my supervisor and co-workers today about hair!

LOL Actually, our call floor does kind of look like the set of The Office. All the cubicles and what not :lachen:

I'm calm now. The brought me soda and some food. They havent said "Sorry" but as the Alpha now I accept their food offerings as an apology and will let them live to see the next day.

But when it first went down, I thought I might have to remove my earrings and move some chairs and get down! I feel kind of embarrassed that I had to get hood rat on them. But I dont regret it. Now they know and now I have my alpha position lmao :lachen:

Stoopid! :dighole::dighole::dighole:
Kudos to you for putting them in their place.
Those people are a mess smh

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OP- Good for you sticking up for yourself like that. You tell em girl!

I used to work for an Indian outsourcing company where I was one of 3 black people there and the only natural. So I would get all kinds of questions about my hair. Especially when I would wear a new style.

Some people are just so ignorant that I honestly feel sad for them.
@Mz.MoMo5235, you're my girl! :notworthy

Inferiority complexes are so obvious. Where the heck do they get the audacity to come and whack your puff? :huh: See, I don't like games where people "assault" me even playfully so I'd have probably reacted badly by whacking them upside the head back like I have a nervous twitch. What I think was so cool in this is how they had this deluded sense of superiority and you brought them down a few pegs or two. Nothing is more repulsive to me than arrogance so I'd pay to see a snob humbled.

What's more, you also gave them an education on our hair. They got to learn that it's not hard, matted, nor is it bad. It's actually quite an amazing mane we have. Granted, they may never bring themselves to admit they wish they had your hair--and why should they; they probably don't--but I can tell you now, they don't feel that superior about their own hair anymore. They realize that there are plenty of pros to our hair that they never knew there were. :up:

I burst out laughing when they called you a narcissist. :huh: So typical of losers to change the topic when the fight isn't going their way! Grasping at straws coz you just showed them that their stance was moot. :rolleyes:

As long as I've lived, I am still appalled at how bold, rude and tactless people can be. I cannot imagine what would possess me to insult someone or make fun of what they are wearing or how they are. Why do it? What a wonderful world it would be everyone took heed to the advice of Shirdi Sai Baba:
“Before you speak ask yourself: Is it kind, is it necessary, it is true, does it improve upon the silence?”
And if the answer is no, then simply STFU.
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FOLKS NEED TO MIND THEIR MANNERS! The co workers were out of line and borderline insulting!:ohwell: When is it his place to down your hair?!:hammer: He deserved to be put in his place.:nono:
You arent the only one girl...I think today was Bold Indian Man day. I had to get into one today!!!! What is going on.

I betcha they'll leave you alone.
Just in case you need it.... Here is the weak spots that people have in that area.....Skintone. As a last resort, you can always let them know that you have no issues and are beautiful as you are. Skin is nice and smooth. No bleach needed....someone starts mentioning lighter is better, hair etc... simply say... Let me see your armpits...cause you might not be that light shade everywhere....If decided to go there...get ready to actually fight.

Daannng. Girl, where do you work that you all could sit there and argue like that, for what, an hour?

Omg I can't believe your boss would sit there and do all of that, beyoond disrespectful.

I'm glad you stood your ground because they'll try their best to bully you with all that passive bull.

I still can't believe they would act so ignorant in the workplace. They are mad.
Aaaand, ish like this is why I am almost glad I live in an area where people are too scared of black folks to say some ignorant mess like that to my face. LMAO!
LOL Actually, our call floor does kind of look like the set of The Office. All the cubicles and what not :lachen:

I'm calm now. The brought me soda and some food. They havent said "Sorry" but as the Alpha now I accept their food offerings as an apology and will let them live to see the next day.

But when it first went down, I thought I might have to remove my earrings and move some chairs and get down! I feel kind of embarrassed that I had to get hood rat on them. But I dont regret it. Now they know and now I have my alpha position lmao :lachen:

This was HAAALarious:lachen::lachen::lachen:. Momma always told us if you want to get someone off your back you have to stand up.:yep: Now she did not say any thing about removing earrings or moving chairs. I'm glad it did not come to that.

I would have lost the hand through hair challenge .......my jel would have caught me and I would have had to go to the restroom and wet my hair to get free.......:blush::lachen::lachen:
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vavouna stats:

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Who should really be getting the "side eye"?

:lachen::lachen: Now THIS ^^ is why I call this wretched place home.... I love LHCF lol
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vavouna stats:

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Who should really be getting the "side eye"?

Thank you for this because this was my next step!

I've been in this forum for too long to troll. And my real life is plenty entertaining (as you can see) to play make believe online
I don't know about this here story.

You dont have to know because I've been out and about enough to KNOW. I dont know were you are from or where you have been but as an Army Veteran who served a tour over seas with people through out the nation and as someone who is CURRENTLY LIVING in a foriegn country where Africans and blacks and dark skin in general is frowned upon... I think I have a bit more know how on knowing what people are cabable of saying and doing to you to purposly or accidently make you feel lesser than. And as a grown women how is proud of her ethnic background I am lesser than no one on this planet.

Daannng. Girl, where do you work that you all could sit there and argue like that, for what, an hour?

Omg I can't believe your boss would sit there and do all of that, beyoond disrespectful.

I'm glad you stood your ground because they'll try their best to bully you with all that passive bull.

I still can't believe they would act so ignorant in the workplace. They are mad.

YES IT WAS LIKE AN HOUR MAYBE AN HOUR AND A HALF!!! It was a hot mess! I work in a call center and we were on the call floor but seperate from where the calls were being taking. I'm out here for a corporate training program so we end up having WAY to much time on our hands obviously. Especially now that we are hitting our last 60day stretch, we fart around online all day at work really. Plus we work the grave yard, so no one is really at.