I went HAM on my supervisor and co-workers today about hair!

I was so happy to read this.. I'm really glad you said something, and I loved @Nonie 's response on page 2, or 3..

Why couldn't either of you have been there when one of my mum's friend's rude sister was asking:
"What happened to your hair?"
She went on to say:
"I mean you've always had bad hair since you were a child.."
"Why don't you straighten it like *sister*"?
"Oh so you just wanna keep it natural. You don't want to put a weave in or anything" (said all while smiling!)

Okay, granted my hair was in a bun.. it wasn't smooth or "tight" at all, and my nape wasn't combed through.. there's nothing that irritates me more than the person who feels they just "have" to say something or keep it "real", particularly when you haven't seen them in x or so years, or you didn't ask! She just happened to see me when my hair wasn't "done", not that anything actually 'happened' to my hair.

Anyway, she's heavily pregnant so I couldn't say the first thing that came to mind. Commenting on her visible blackheads (even with foundation on) would have been a bit personal as well. The ONLY plus was that I didn't get defensive or anything. I only really said "how am I supposed to answer that?" while laughing. I said "I'm gonna go to the loo", then left her standing there, and "I like having my (own) hair out"..

I still allowed what she said to irritate me though.. believe me, I was irritated for a good day or two, while she prolly went home w/o a care in the world.

And this is why when someone says something out of pocket, I get into that a$$ right then and there, cause I'll be damned to go home still pissed cause I was mad that I didn't put them in their place.

Oh no. I feel like this- if you're bold enough to come out of your face, then you'd damn well better be able to handle what I throw back, cause I cuts DEEP. I can and will throw all tact out of the window.
:yay::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: well done OP I admire people like you who can stand up to others (i'm usually the type to ignore it and then be angry the whole day :nono:). I'm glad you stood up for yourself because people always try to say something rude and pretend its a joke when we all know its not. It also reminded me of the saying that goes: 'no one can make you feel inferior without your consent' I'm glad you showed them that you are not inferior :woot:

Ps: why do people come into a thread to give it a 'side-eye'? If you don't like the thread why not do the logical thing and close it?

Anyways you handled your biznez :grin:
Girl, WHY do you have GORGEOUS WSL+ 3b-ish hair and they were tripping and adding their 2 cent? Glad you got them straight. :perplexed

I guess for my BSL 4a-ish hair they would just tried to make me feel like I had matted up fur on my head or something.:look: they knew better...
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And this is why when someone says something out of pocket, I get into that a$$ right then and there, cause I'll be damned to go home still pissed cause I was mad that I didn't put them in their place.

Oh no. I feel like this- if you're bold enough to come out of your face, then you'd damn well better be able to handle what I throw back, cause I cuts DEEP. I can and will throw all tact out of the window.
empressri -IA.. you should. I was just dumbbfounded because wouldn't she know at 30-something that she's plain rude.. of course she would.

Wish the convo would have gone differently, but
inwardly - I don't know anything about her relationships or what she does (she doesn't live here), only that she's verbal about things /rude.

outwardly - you can tell she puts in a bit of effort.. just the right amount head to toe. Her weave actually suits her! Not sure what her real hair's like.

Guys, let me know what you would have done if you know you weren't looking hot that day lol, and you know nothing about the other person either.
Ok, finally found your hair. I was searching for a Fotki and everything! Now, you mean to teellll me... that YOUR HAIR IS WAIST/TAIL BONE LENGTH AND THEY STILL TRYING TO MOCK IT?!! Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Yeah... they're jealous. You can do a gazillion things with all that gorgeous hair.
And this is why when someone says something out of pocket, I get into that a$$ right then and there, cause I'll be damned to go home still pissed cause I was mad that I didn't put them in their place.

Oh no. I feel like this- if you're bold enough to come out of your face, then you'd damn well better be able to handle what I throw back, cause I cuts DEEP. I can and will throw all tact out of the window.

That's how I feel. If you can fix your mouth to say something to me then why shouldnt I fix my mouth to respond. Now grant it I didnt need to get down on their level, but sometimes you gotta cut them or they dont get it lol.
@empressri -IA.. you should. I was just dumbbfounded because wouldn't she know at 30-something that she's plain rude.. of course she would.

Wish the convo would have gone differently, but
inwardly - I don't know anything about her relationships or what she does (she doesn't live here), only that she's verbal about things /rude.

outwardly - you can tell she puts in a bit of effort.. just the right amount head to toe. Her weave actually suits her! Not sure what her real hair's like.

Guys, let me know what you would have done if you know you weren't looking hot that day lol, and you know nothing about the other person either.

I would have went hard on her too! First thing she would have gotten out would be "what happened to your hair" If I knew I wasnt looking a mess my response would have been "I dont know, what happened to yours? Its been MIA for a good minute now hasnt it?" Cause you know a good portion of the weavers arent like LHCF and using it as a protective style.

Then when she said "You've always had bad hair" I really would have went in with "So you're telling me what God blessed me with is not good enough? So I should be like you and be ashamed of the real me and hide who I really am from the world? Baby I'm not that insecure. What would you have me do next? Lighten my skin to meet your standards? Girl bye!" and at that moment it may have gotten physical because with that "bye" I probably would have whiped her with my hair or flicked her forehead with my fingers.

But I also have to add I have been to anger management 3 times and after India I'm considering going a fourth when I get home. So you may not want to always take MY route cause its not always the best lmao. Find a happy medium!!!
Girl, WHY do you have GORGEOUS WSL+ 3b-ish hair and they were tripping and adding their 2 cent? Glad you got them straight. :perplexed

I guess for my BSL 4a-ish hair they would just tried to make me feel like I had matted up fur on my head or something.:look: they knew better...

Stormy said:
Ok, finally found your hair. I was searching for a Fotki and everything! Now, you mean to teellll me... that YOUR HAIR IS WAIST/TAIL BONE LENGTH AND THEY STILL TRYING TO MOCK IT?!! Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Yeah... they're jealous. You can do a gazillion things with all that gorgeous hair.

If you dont have think 1b hair and light skin here (which 90% of the people I see DO NOT) You need to walk with your eyes to the ground because you are a shame!!!