I Was So Wrong..So When Was Your First Relaxer ???

I was in the 4th grade, I remember because I had to beg my mother to have it done.
She was attempting to make me wait until High School, -- I did not want the hot comb an longer. I have been relaxed since around 1978 or 1979???? Wow
I was about 8 years old. My aunt did it behind my mother's back. I rarely got retouches and my hair broke off immensely as a result of it.
I Was 6 years old & my sister was 5. My aunt did the same exact thing to us. My mom wasn't pleased at all when she saw us. :blush:
I was twelve. I was going to be in my cousin's quinceanera. Though I have memories of having a virgin relaxer done twice. Anyway practically since middle/high school, I've been wearing my hair down/straight. Funny thing is, I've gotten two compliments from people who see me fairly regularly since I started bunning a week or so ago, and they seem sincere. That's weird to me.
I think I was in 4th grade. Looking back at pics of myself as a child it makes me angry. I was mbl before that and a black neighbor informed by white mother that a relaxer would help with my dryness and make it healthier.

I've seen younger. My niece got her first relaxer at 5 I believe. She's 9 now and has since gone natural again. If I ever have a daughter, she can do what she wants when she's 18, but until then she will be natural. :yep:

Girl, I know dats right!:yep: I've been saying that to myself ever since my first relaxer application (age 9, that promptly ended up breaking my hair, and I went from long APL to a neck length bob in one day at the salon). Guess what, I do have a daughter now with the exact same hair I had as a child (type 4a, sandy brown in color), and she WILL NOT be getting a relaxer. I will do what I need to do as far as manageability, but no chemicals. Plus, with the Internet and LHCF, I have a wealth of haircare info to pull from...
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I remember my first relaxer to be when I was in the 7th grade. But I might be wrong about that. I seem to have a vague memory of going to a fancy expensive salon, and thinking back, it must have been for a virgin relaxer. My family's afraid of chemicals on the hair, and I think my mother thought if she took me to a high class professional it would prevent all my hair from falling out. I remember her talking a lot with the stylist, so I guess she was getting a consultation. But I don't think I went back there more than 1 more time and they just resumed pressing my hair rather than the chems until I was in jr. high.
I was 13 but in Jamaica that was high school. Most people there don't relax their hair too young. My grandmother was in total opposition to it. I have a cousin who is 16 yoa and she is still not relaxed b/c her parents won't allow it they don't think she is old enough. I think this is very popular sentiment in the islands.