I Was So Wrong..So When Was Your First Relaxer ???

Goodness when I was a teen, very short lived b/c I was natural up until 6 years ago. I wanted a relaxer when I was a teen b/c of the PCJ relaxer the way the girl on the box looked.
i was in tenth grade about 15 or 16 years old. i had begged and begged my mom for a relaxer but she wouldn't. i was the last one of my friends to get one. i was always teased about my bushy, frizzy ponytail and bangs.
so when i finally got one i was sooo happy. The stylist came to my house. It was Revlon and my hair was jet black afterwards. i used revlon for about 10 years then switched to the no lye relaxers.
I was somewhere in my upper teens. Maybe 17. Or 18. My mother didn't do relaxers, she would just braid two french braids across our heads and send us on our way. I'm the youngest of ten, ( eight are girls), so that would have taken too much time and money.
I had to be like seven or eight. All I know is I went from having my ears burned with the hot comb and grease to chemical burns.:sad::rolleyes:
I was 7. I spent the summer with my aunt and she didn't know what to do wit my hair since it was relaxed. My cousin (2 years younger) already had a relaxer. My aunt asked me if I wanted my hair like her's (my little cousin's) and I said no. Then, my cousin started crying because she thought I was calling her hair ugly, so I said yes to make her happy. Grew it out and didn't get another one until I was 13 (my sister did it this time). Grew it out again, been natural ever since.
I was first relaxed at 20 or 21. It started getting harder and harder to find somebody to press my hair.
i was in the 4th grade....funny thing is my hair was still thick as ever and you couldn't really tell it was relaxed........
I used Just for Me and my mom did it herself......I guess she knew about texlaxing back then, but I doubt it......
Hair really didn't start looking "a mess" until I started going to the salon.......
Goodness when I was a teen, very short lived b/c I was natural up until 6 years ago. I wanted a relaxer when I was a teen b/c of the PCJ relaxer the way the girl on the box looked.

This is the exact reason I wanted a perm. I saw that little girl on the box when I was five years old & I begged my mom for a perm. When I turned six, I got one. I started the first grade with a perm. When I turned nine, my mother decided that she didn't want to be bothered with all of the upkeep of the perm, so she stop putting it in my hair. The problem was that, before the perm was fully out of my hair, she began to press it w/ a straightening comb. That didn't turn out so well. My hair started breaking off so much that she bought me a braided wig to wear to school while she took care of my hair underneath.

I got the PCJ perm again when I started undergrad & then decided that I didn't want it anymore. This time, I transitioned w/ braids, though. I haven't had a relaxer since I was 19.
Sadly, I was 6, it was the end of kindergarten and my mom took me and my sister to my aunt where they "did" my hair. Up til then I was heat pressed once a week. When I told my mom I was transitioning she was supportive for a minute but now that I am in month 5 she has been asking me when I'm going to relax my hair....
I was pretty young, like maybe 4th grade. I asked (begged) for a relaxer. I hated getting my hair pressed & I hated getting braids. I was too old for plaits.

Looking back, I don't have a problem with it. My mother always took very good care of my hair.
Wow, so many of ya'll were so young when you were relaxed.

I got my first relaxer at age 20, so I have lots of experience with my natural hair.
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I was 3 or 4:sad: My mom had 4 heads to do not including hers and I guess she just wanted to make it "easier" But I remember being natural! I believe that we were too young but I guess she felt it was best:perplexed
I begged my mom for one in the 7th grade and she finally gave in. I was just tired of having my mom do my hair EVERY morning. (still wearing plaits at 12...)She gave me a relaxer out of a box and since I had virgin hair, she had to relax the length of my hair. There wasn't enough relaxer so she didnt relax the ends. lol I lost alot of length.
I was a junior in high school when I got my first relaxer. I saw so many girls with relaxers and their hair always looked straight & bouncy.

I had it done at the Broadway which was a department store back then with a salon in it. My hair was swangin' when I came out of there!

I was so proud & happy...I BC'd 3 years later. :ohwell:

i had my first 'professional' relaxer when i was 12. but my mom did many at-home weird concoctions and straightening things to my hair before then so im really not sure when i had my first relaxer by her. If i had a choice, i would have NEVER gotten one. My mom just wasnt very good with hair.

Just recently i took my step daughter for a salon trim and this little girl, had to be about 5, was getting her hair done. I asked the woman who brought her if she was relaxed or natural (cuz i really couldnt tell, her hair was really thick) and the lady said. 'well she just got her first relaxer, she is staying with me for the summer'. in my head i was like 'i REALLY hope she has her moms permission to do this and is not just doing it to make HER life easier for a summer'. I didnt talk to her anymore after that. Poor little girl
Age 11, and far too young IMO. I doubt mine will get a relaxer, but if she does, it will be when she is old enough to take care of it and research the right products for her hair type. I just looked back through an old photo album of the progression of my hair from 6th grade to H.S. graduation. WL to SL...so sad. No one had any clue how to keep it healthy---not me, not my mom, not the hairdresser. My mom insisted that I put grease on my ends every day. They basically disintegrated. I also didn't have enough money for professional maintenance, which IMO is very important if you are chemically relaxing. Oh well, I'm almost at BSL now, and no plans to go back to WL, but how sad!
I was in the fifth grade, and my mom actually did not want me to get a relaxer AT ALL. All of the "cool" kids had relaxers though. My mom gave in to me, but she was nice enough to help me keep hair on my head.
I got my first relaxer for my graduation from jr. high at the age of 13...so the summer before I went to high school. I can't believe I've already been relaxed for 7 years, LOL. And while I don't mind getting my hair relaxed because at that point I didn't mind my natural hair in it's perpetual braids with beads but I wish that I was at least given some knowledge or tools to know what to do with my own hair so that I wouldn't have to go through high school with unwashed, jacked up hair :(
My first relaxer was in the 8th grade when itwas about time for me to graduate and go to the 9th grade. it was long though it made so many people jealous they kept walking by and pulling my hair. The reason why my mom permed it is because she couldnt bother anymore with detangling my hair when washed i wish someone would have told her exactly what product to use in my hair.