I Was So Wrong..So When Was Your First Relaxer ???

I got my first relaxer in the 8th grade, age 13. I hated that I had to wait so long. Everyone else my age had one!!
i think i had my first relaxer when i was 12? i just have a vivid memory of suddenly having super shiny straight hair and liking how it would swing. and i remember which school i was attending at the time. i don't think that's too young of an age. i would get them redone at 3 or 4 months. my mom scheduled everything and i just went with it.
Wow! I must have been 12 yrs old. I kept bugging my mom to have my hair relaxed and she refused. So, I went behind her back and let my cousin do it. When I came home that day, my mother didn't freak out. In a nice and even tone she said" "All of your hair will fall out..." and subsequently; it did.
6th grade and I asked my mom for a relaxer (she was relaxed). I was tired of the pressing every 2wks and the reversion.

I wonder if she would have ever relaxed me, if I had not asked. :ohwell:
It's crazy to see how many of y'all begged your moms for relaxers at such young ages, I didn't even know what a relaxer was until high school! All of my friends had natural hair, so I didn't know any better.
I was 10 years old and I didn't know what was going on either. All I know is that the next day my hair felt very soft and my hair looked long. I believe I was probably tailbone length at the time. My mom never let me wear my hair down but I remember the long braids. A year later it was neck length.

Needless to say I was traumatized LOL and my daughters both have natural hair.
I was about 8 years old. My aunt did it behind my mother's back. I rarely got retouches and my hair broke off immensely as a result of it.
I was 10 and I had Revlon mild lye...I don't really know why she had it done...but I'm sure it has something to do w/ easy maintenance for her and I. I did the same thing to my DD some where around that age for the same reason...if I could do it all over I'd wait.
We (my twin sister and I) were 6 years old when our mother took us to this hair salon just for kids in Washington DC to get our first relaxer. By 8 or 9 years old we were transitioning. My hair grew to wl and my mother started pressing it. It started to break and I was back to shoulder length after a cut. Transitioned again and another relaxer at age 13. By then my hair was back to wl. I have had a love/hate relationship with relaxers for a very long time.
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i was 5 years old, and then I got a s-curl at 7....talk about bad times!!! oh, then i got my 1st weave ponytail at 9, and the braids and weaves continued until 2004.
I was 10. My mum had a mild relaxer put in because it was so thick. It had to be really mild because my hair was still very thick and not very straight. She took care of it well though. The problems started when I started taking care of it and cutting it in styles and putting in highlights.
I was about 8 years old. I guess my Mom was tired of pressing my hair so she had a stylist to give me a Revlon relaxer:burning: I'm not even sure if my hair went pass NL. Around 10, I got a jheri curl.:grin: By 13, I was back to relaxers, jheri curl at 15 then relaxer at 17.:yawn: I've had healthy, chemically treated hair at times but I think my hair was in it's best condition with I was natural as a child. So, after nearly 30 years of playing around with chemicals, I finally decided to transition.:grin::yep:
I was 18; it a couple of weeks right before I went to college.

My mother never had a relaxer so therefore getting a relaxer was never really high on my priority list since the straightening comb was all I knew. But we were talking about trying to find someone to straighten my hair while I was away at college and I just couldn't see myself trusting a stranger with a straightening comb around my ears! I guess you could say I got a relaxer by default.

My middle sister got hers when she went to college too (I think). She's 28 now and started transitioning last year and just did her BC earlier this year when her hair was at her nape.

My youngest sister is a senior in high school and is still natural. I have been trying to show her ways to wear her natural hair but I think she will end up getting a relaxer as well.

I was young. I wasn't tricked though. My mom was fine with blow drying my hair styling, but my older cousin had a relaxer. I wanted one because she had one. I begged my mom I wanted to have hair like "........" so she did it. She didn't want to though (she was/is natural). I think when I was 11 I stopped getting them and straightened my hair with a pressing comb. I got one again (self-relaxing) when I was 13. Stopped relaxing again same year, then I started relaxing again when I went to high school.

My excuse was pure laziness. I wanted to keep a straight style and the relaxer let me do that. I think if I had a good flat iron I would have still been natural. My problem is and still is that I like to wear my hair straight more than wet/dried, and relaxing cut my steps drastically to achieve that.
It's funny you ask this because I have been talking with my mom this weekend. I've been asking questions because I decided to transition. She said she did put in a relaxer in my hair when I was young. She said I wasn't old enough to ask. She did let it grow out and cut it. My hair was mostly in pig tails or braided. It was pressed also. She said it was not difficult to deal with at all. She said when she grew my hair back out it came out in waves at the roots. Her natural hair has a wavy texture which she has said she doesn't like. She has also rocked a huge fro and MBL hair back in the day. In looking at photo albums she looked like a cottony 4a. Many of the women in my family (my mom being the exception right now--she's relaxed) have natural 3c, 3c/4a, or 4a hair. Doesn't mean my hair will fall into one of those categories but I do suspect after doing a 6 month stretch I think I may be a 4a.

I went to a variety show for teens a few weeks ago. I saw all types of hair but the most beautiful hair I saw were the naturals. I saw a 4a pulled up into a messy bun and I think 4zdfg pulled into two afro puffs.

My first relaxer was when I was in the 7th grade, 12 years old. I wanted to be like everyone else. I got tired of being a natural.
I was 6 years old :nono: In my grandmother's defense, she is caucasian and did not have the slightest idea how to maintain my hair. So since then I had a weekly appointment at the hairdresser. My hair was very well taken care of and by the time I was 16 I had hair down to my hips (I was never allowed to cut my hair, only trims at the salon :perplexed).

When I turned 18 and moved to NY to go to college I shaved my head bald :lachen: I was so sick of all that hair. Since then I have relaxed twice and did the BC twice more. I just did my last BC in June. Hopefully I won't make the mistake of going back to a relaxer again. This last time I only lasted 3 months with relaxed hair...
I was 19... Yes I am so against relaxers on toddlers as well. My first relaxer was an adult decision, my parents specially my father were against it at a younger age ...
i saw my mom doing her hair and i asked if i could have one too. i was only 3 or 4. I don't regret it all. I'm glad a had a mom who didn't put any negative pressure for my hair to be a certain way. I used to relax every 3-4 months, and at one point i was only doing to relax every year, and she was fine with it, i dyed my hair all sorts of colors. cuts my hair to all sorts of lengths. my mom has her own hair business plus shes a stylist and i was always taught that hair is just an accessory, so ive never had any negative feelings towards getting my hair relaxed.