I want a T-Shirt that says... (hair-related)


New Member
If you're on LHCF, then HAIR at the very least is your favorite hobby... sometimes don't you just wanna let other women know what you've
learned, debunk the myths, express yourself in one phrase...

Here are some of things I think when I'm walking on the street or in the mall that I wish I could tell people or just silly little phrases I wish I had a t-shirt for...

"Carol's Daughter Sucks"
"Hair Typing Confuses Me"
"Trimming Doesn't Make Your Hair Grow"
"Weave is Whack"
"Daily Co-Washer"
"I heart my Jilbere Shower Comb"
"I heart my Denman D4 Brush"
"Product Junkie"
"Embrace the Kink"
"Embrace the curl"

What are yours???
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Awww this thread is cute. Mine would be...

"I heart LHCF"
"Yes its real"
"Got Conditioner?"
"Don't touch my hair"
Honestly... I just want a T-shirt that says "Niko's Cousin" so that I don't have to ask anyone.
I see too many people I want to ask and it's just too nerve wrecking to think about walking up and asking each and every person... might as well just advertise it :ohwell:
Yes, it's real.:lachen:

I have always wanted a t-shirt with that phrase on it. I would probably never have the guts to actually wear it.
Yes, it's real. No, it's not natural.

Natural: Been there, done that.
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Yes, it's real.:lachen:

I have always wanted a t-shirt with that phrase on it. I would probably never have the guts to actually wear it.

I have one that says
no need to stare, the hair is real. with big eyes undrneath stare.. I didn't have the guts to wear it tho.:sad::lachen:
I have one and love it!! it has a Red circle with a line going across it and in the circle it says "CHEMICALS" then under it it says
"RELAXERS ARE EVIL" on the front

and on the back it says "Natural Headed Girl".

I love it!!! :)
i just came in here to post DONT TOUCH MY HAIR...i see i am not alone in my sentiments, lol.

also, something about how your hair WONT fall out if you put water on it, but im not good with phrases. Niko's Cousin is good...conditioner junkie would suit me well...but nothing about "creamy crack fire cream" cause people already look at me and think i'm anti-chemicals.
If you're on LHCF, then HAIR at the very least is your favorite hobby... sometimes don't you just wanna let other women know what you've
learned, debunk the myths, express yourself in one phrase...

Here are some of things I think when I'm walking on the street or in the mall that I wish I could tell people or just silly little phrases I wish I had a t-shirt for...

"Carol's Daughter Sucks"
"Hair Typing Confuses Me"
"Trimming Doesn't Make Your Hair Grow"
"Weave is Whack"
"Daily Co-Washer"
"I heart my Jilbere Shower Comb"
"I heart my Denman D4 Brush"
"Product Junkie"
"Embrace the Kink"
"Embrace the curl"

What are yours???

Yes, its all mine...and No. I'm not mixed. :yep:

My favorites!!:yep:

sooo who's gonna be the first to start selling?? for real....
"Weave is Whack"

I love this one! I wonder if it would cause confrontation. I wear a shirt that says" I heart hunting accidents and even that get's folks started...but I don't care. :grin:

"Embrace the Kink"
"Embrace the curl"

These are cute too!

What are yours???

I would wear these 3!
Honestly... I just want a T-shirt that says "Niko's Cousin" so that I don't have to ask anyone.
I see too many people I want to ask and it's just too nerve wrecking to think about walking up and asking each and every person... might as well just advertise it :ohwell:

I say someone creates a pin that says "Im Nikko's Cousin. Are you?" so we can wear it everyday
YES! This is my real hair, please don't touch. THANKS!

I would order in 7 colors and wear each day of the week. Just kidding.
If you're on LHCF, then HAIR at the very least is your favorite hobby... sometimes don't you just wanna let other women know what you've
learned, debunk the myths, express yourself in one phrase...

Here are some of things I think when I'm walking on the street or in the mall that I wish I could tell people or just silly little phrases I wish I had a t-shirt for...

"Carol's Daughter Sucks"
"Hair Typing Confuses Me"
"Trimming Doesn't Make Your Hair Grow"
"Weave is Whack"
"Daily Co-Washer"
"I heart my Jilbere Shower Comb"
"I heart my Denman D4 Brush"
"Product Junkie"
"Embrace the Kink"
"Embrace the curl"

What are yours???

off topic : i love you blog .. really good !
I have one that says
no need to stare, the hair is real. with big eyes undrneath stare.. I didn't have the guts to wear it tho.:sad::lachen:

Girl, if i had your hair, i'd order it in every colour...and id have to be begged then forced (kickin n screamin) to wear something else....:look:
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Yes, it's real.:lachen:

I have always wanted a t-shirt with that phrase on it. I would probably never have the guts to actually wear it.

Girl, you better make sure the phrase is written on the back of the t shirt or you're gonna have every one eyeballing your :naughtycouch:
i just came in here to post DONT TOUCH MY HAIR...i see i am not alone in my sentiments, lol.

also, something about how your hair WONT fall out if you put water on it, but im not good with phrases. Niko's Cousin is good...conditioner junkie would suit me well...but nothing about "creamy crack fire cream" cause people already look at me and think i'm anti-chemicals.

I guess "Touch my hair, lose a finger" would be too harsh then, huh? :giggle: