I tried Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship....


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
There have been a few threads about this new line HE has out, a lot of folks are curious about it and I've only read one review from Traycee. She loved it, and I wanted to try it because of the yummy ingredients. So for anyone interested in this line, here's my E! True Hollywood Story :lol:

I've been having the conditioner, but for some reason I never used it by itself, always mixed it with something else. And I could never find the leave-in in this stupid town.

So today, I found the leave-in at CVS and decided to dc with the conditioner by itself. I put it on dry hair and sat under the dryer for an hour, then cleaned up the house, and took a long nap. Yada, yada, yada, a few hours pass by and I finally rinse it out. My hair was soooo soft and the tangles just FELL out of my hair. I got out of the shower and put on some of the leave-in, can you say slip and super softness? My ends felt so moisturized and my hair kept almost slipping out of my hands when I put it back in a twist! I only had ONE broken hair in my comb!!!

This stuff smells delicious and gives wonderful softness and moisture. The con and leave-in are definitely gonna be a part of my arsenal from now on! :yep:
No problem :) I was hesitant to try it too, because the only other thing I tried from HE was Hello Hydration conditioner and that did NOTHING for my hair. But I decided to jump out on a limb and try LTR, and I'm glad I did! :up:
I love it too! Especially that leave in. My hair is drinking it up right now. It is helping me detangle and keep my newgrowth soft and I am not losing alot of hair when I wash either. The smell is yummy and you can't beat the price.
I love it too! Especially that leave in. My hair is drinking it up right now. It is helping me detangle and keep my newgrowth soft and I am not losing alot of hair when I wash either. The smell is yummy and you can't beat the price.

OKAY! Isn't the leave in the ish?! I think it's gonna replace my beloved Sunsilk, cause this gives great results without the mineral oil :yep:
Yep, they both have cones in them. The conditioner has dimethicone and the leave in I think has two cones

If it's good enough for Gymfreak, it's good enough for me :yep: She knows all about ingredients and wouldn't put any crap in her hair. So if she's using it, I know it's good :grin:
Ok I cant find this stuff ANYWHERE around me, lol. I'm going to have to pop into Target this week to find it.

I really love the HE line of products. I've been using Hello Hydration and Dangerously Straight condishes for my co-washes or my mid-week wash w/o DC. I also have the Break's Over leave in which is AMAZINGLY yummy!:yep::yep: All 3 leave my hair SUPER soft and I never have any tangles (I never seem to have a problem with that anyways, but detangling isnt even necessary when I use these products).

But using it as a DC.... Hmmm never thought of that... I always thought that conditioners that say to leave on for just a few mins were not good for DC-ing:ohwell:. Then again Humectress (my staple DC) says to leave on for like 3 mins, lol. I just realized that the HE bottles say to "leave on as long as you like." Can someone clarify this for me?
I do not appreciate this review!!!!!!! I was ignoring the whole HE line, now this!!!! :spank: I'll let you know how I like it later.....
No problem :) I was hesitant to try it too, because the only other thing I tried from HE was Hello Hydration conditioner and that did NOTHING for my hair. But I decided to jump out on a limb and try LTR, and I'm glad I did! :up:

Why, Tiffers? Whhhhhhyyyyyyy!?! Why you gotta stir up the inner PJ in a sistah? I almost had the beast tamed, and now this.

Just like you, I tried Hello Hydration and it did nothing for my hair. Now with this testimonial (plus the fact that you like Sunsilk like I do), now I'm uber tempted to try this too.

Dagnabit!!! :wallbash:

(But seriously ... thanks for the review. I'll let you know how it works for me too). :grin:
Ok I cant find this stuff ANYWHERE around me, lol. I'm going to have to pop into Target this week to find it.

I really love the HE line of products. I've been using Hello Hydration and Dangerously Straight condishes for my co-washes or my mid-week wash w/o DC. I also have the Break's Over leave in which is AMAZINGLY yummy!:yep::yep: All 3 leave my hair SUPER soft and I never have any tangles (I never seem to have a problem with that anyways, but detangling isnt even necessary when I use these products).

But using it as a DC.... Hmmm never thought of that... I always thought that conditioners that say to leave on for just a few mins were not good for DC-ing:ohwell:. Then again Humectress (my staple DC) says to leave on for like 3 mins, lol. I just realized that the HE bottles say to "leave on as long as you like." Can someone clarify this for me?

I cant find it either! I went to 5 stores in two days. I was so ashamed at myself for searching for a product like a feign. I keep seeing the shampoo and con but no leave in. Oh well, maybe its a sign.:look:
Why, Tiffers? Whhhhhhyyyyyyy!?! Why you gotta stir up the inner PJ in a sistah? I almost had the beast tamed, and now this.

Tell me about it! I might try it after I use up all my other stuff. MUST-FIGHT-PJ-URGE MUST-NOT-GIVE-IN-MUST-FIGHT :spank:
OKAY! Isn't the leave in the ish?! I think it's gonna replace my beloved Sunsilk, cause this gives great results without the mineral oil :yep:

I'm saying and I am the BIGGEST sunsilk leave in fan but this HE stuff is the bidness......My hair is loving it right now.
Ok I cant find this stuff ANYWHERE around me, lol. I'm going to have to pop into Target this week to find it.

I really love the HE line of products. I've been using Hello Hydration and Dangerously Straight condishes for my co-washes or my mid-week wash w/o DC. I also have the Break's Over leave in which is AMAZINGLY yummy!:yep::yep: All 3 leave my hair SUPER soft and I never have any tangles (I never seem to have a problem with that anyways, but detangling isnt even necessary when I use these products).

But using it as a DC.... Hmmm never thought of that... I always thought that conditioners that say to leave on for just a few mins were not good for DC-ing:ohwell:. Then again Humectress (my staple DC) says to leave on for like 3 mins, lol. I just realized that the HE bottles say to "leave on as long as you like." Can someone clarify this for me?

:scratchch You got me wanting to try that Break's Over leave in now! What color is it? I'm gonna get some after I run out of the LTR

Girl, I hardly ever use a conditioner or leave in as directed! Like when a leave in says to use a dime size amount, I'm like :lachen: I wish I WOULD use so little, my hair would act a plumb fool! :lol: I think when they say to ''leave it on as long as you like'' that means you could leave it on for a few seconds or a few hours :yep:
Did you use the Leave In Split End Protector? Did you use it on the length of your hair or only the ends? TIA

Thats the one. It comes in a red pump bottle. I use it all over and concentrate a little more on my ends before I put my rollers in. It makes detangling a breeze.
Why, Tiffers? Whhhhhhyyyyyyy!?! Why you gotta stir up the inner PJ in a sistah? I almost had the beast tamed, and now this.

Just like you, I tried Hello Hydration and it did nothing for my hair. Now with this testimonial (plus the fact that you like Sunsilk like I do), now I'm uber tempted to try this too.

Dagnabit!!! :wallbash:

(But seriously ... thanks for the review. I'll let you know how it works for me too). :grin:

LOL!!! Sowwy :lol:

When I tried to dc with Hello Hydration, my hair was like :huh: But it lubs this line, especially the leave in :love3:
I cant find it either! I went to 5 stores in two days. I was so ashamed at myself for searching for a product like a feign. I keep seeing the shampoo and con but no leave in. Oh well, maybe its a sign.:look:

:lachen: :lachen:

I sent dh ALL around this town lookin for the leave in, but no one had it. I just found it yesterday, so I think Herbal Essences is playin games and trying to make people sweat a little by displaying the poo and con first and then bustin out the leave in.

It was well worth the wait!
Thats the one. It comes in a red pump bottle. I use it all over and concentrate a little more on my ends before I put my rollers in. It makes detangling a breeze.

Okay..I have the right one :yep:
When I rollerset I only used it on my ends tho & I used the Qhemet Burdock Butter Creme on the length. Next time I'll use it all over.
I cant find it either! I went to 5 stores in two days. I was so ashamed at myself for searching for a product like a feign. I keep seeing the shampoo and con but no leave in. Oh well, maybe its a sign.:look:

I think you're in my area shtow. I saw it somewhere one day a few weeks ago but I don't rememeber where. I looked at the HE products in Giant yesterday and noticed they didn't have it though. I'll let you know if I see it again.
:scratchch You got me wanting to try that Break's Over leave in now! What color is it? I'm gonna get some after I run out of the LTR

Girl, I hardly ever use a conditioner or leave in as directed! Like when a leave in says to use a dime size amount, I'm like :lachen: I wish I WOULD use so little, my hair would act a plumb fool! :lol: I think when they say to ''leave it on as long as you like'' that means you could leave it on for a few seconds or a few hours :yep:

its in the blue bottle... made with pearl extracts and coco mango:lick:.. I love that stuff.. I use this to do my bantu knot sets. That break's over creme is wonderful.
Now I am curious about that LTR!! I will be sure to look for the red the next time I am in the hair section!
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