I thought this would be interested . . .


New Member
I thought this would be interesting . . .VENT!

So this guy has been pursuing me heavily, right? But I knooooooooooow he so on some just trying to hit it mess because a) he never asks me how my son is doing, b) he never asks me about school, and c) he never asks me about the books I've published. How can you attempt to date someone and you don't get into detail about thier lives outside of "how was work" and "how was your day"? All you talk about is you and how YOU can get up with me! :wallbash: Lets not even mention the fact that he been trying for about a year now and just can't get it through his thick egotistical skull why I won't date him. How can he claim to like me soooo much and want to give me the world, blah, blah, blah, when you don't even listen hard enough to know my life intimately???? :wallbash:

So I put a tag up on my IM saying how I was finally done with my next book and so relieved. So he sends me an IM saying, "Can I get a signed copy?". I sent him back a IM saying "*****, you gotta get the first three first!!" Urrrrgh!:wallbash:

So...What are some things that a man does, despite the obvious male mishaps, that a man can do or not do that lets you know, he's just not that into you?
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I understand where you're coming from. If the dude doesnot ask about common things in you life then he is not interested in you emotional. The way to get to someone’s hearts is conversation about your interest ie; fam, your everyday thoughts.

Congrats on your book :yep:
Congrats on the books, that's quite an accomplishment!

Disappearing and calling out of nowhere expecting you to have been waiting on their call.
No concern about you and your personal life (as you noted)
Always seems to want more (much more) than he is willing to give.
No I do not ask him about his personal life because I have never been interested in dating him. Despite the fact that I was involved with someone else, it is just obvious that this guy either thinks I'm boo-boo the fool so therefore fall for what he tells me or actually likes me this much and is crazy. :lachen::lachen:I just entertain him because if I don't answer the phone, he'll IM me or email me. (Plus my mother hooks us up. He is the son of her friend, so I try not to be mean) When he isn't trying to be New Jack Smooth, he's actually cool to talk to. He just always talks about him, him, him, and when he can see me, when can we be in a relationship...blah blah blah. He's just too shallow for me but he doesn't understand why I feel this way.

I just know he's not that into me because he doesn't ask about my personal life too deep. Its the chase and the fact that I don't want him that keeps him coming.