I think I'm going to have to BC because my hair looks awful..

I notice you said you wash/co-wash every 3 days. Maybe you should try switching from the ORS Aloe poo to a more moisturizing poo. Some people use it to chelate. For me, it's drying. Maybe doing so will help to put some more moisture back into your hair and help with the overall appearance of it.
I've posted one photo in post #5. Will post more after I get off of work.

Either that or texlax. I know I'll look some sort of funky with a cropped head so it will probably only be the latter. I only went natural because I thought it'd be less maintenance but no it's not. It's much more work and my hair still looks bad. I'm starting to think maybe my hair is damaged which is why it looks bad all the time, but I don't really do anything that damaging to it so I don't know why it would be. I've used heat maybe 10 times. Technically, I've been natural for 3 years, though I've only really started taking care of it for the past 1.5 years. It's always dry. It's always breaking. I feel bad because I wanted to be natch for life but I don't think it's in the cards for me. No matter what I do to it, it just looks off. I see people on this board with my hair type all the time (4b) and it looks nice, but my hair looks bad. People don't ever say anything good about it. I get people s******ing at me all the time. And I know they're right because I know it looks bad. I don't understand where it all went wrong?

First, I like your quote up until the part where you mention your hair is dry as heck. I've been a natural for 10 years. It took me 2 years or more to get the perm completely out of my hair w/o bcing. I realized that some deep conditioners that contain protein are probably better used in combination with another humectant that doesn't contain a protein. I had to stop using ORS by itself. Just did not like the way it made my hair felt. I hear alot of relaxed or texlaxed ladies rave about it. They get this thingy called slip. Well, nothing is going to slip through my natural hair. However, when I use silk elements along with a humectant, (Elasta QP DPR 11 DP, EVOO, honey, Neutrogena Triple Moisturizing) sit under the dryer and my hair feels great! I also started leaving the shampoos alone too. I only co-wash for now. My hair simply loves this too.

Second, try a dry dc and see if your hair likes it. By the way, your hair is nice and thick and I wish my natural stuff was like this.

Third, the last portion of your quote: "but you will survive"....as a well moisturized natural.

Do you spritz throughout the day with anything? I attempted to start a thread asking for regi with all moisture and very little to none protein.
lots of good advice has already been given....i just wanna add that in my world of curls, afro puffs=breakage and protein DCs=breakage so you might wanna cut down on both....especially if you keep your afro puff for longer than 1 day :nono:
Check ingredients for things like petroleum and mineral oils. These just sit on the hair shaft...they don't penetrate...then after a few hours or the next day the hair is dry again...Once I weaned off products with them I noticed a big difference.

Also-natural hair may be more fragile, but it doesn't like too much protein. I do not use any harsh proteins such as Aphogee...I use mild proteins such as Joico K Pax Products....I usually add the Joico to my moisturizing conditioner and or/shampoo if needed to prevent dryness....Remember Dryness leads to breakage....

If you feel you must BC then go for it...I am also almost 2 years post BC and I remember the struggles from the beginning....The easiest thing to do is establish a very very simple regimen....and LISTEN TO YOUR HAIR'S NEEDS....I have what I call an "un-regimen" because working 12+ hr days means I have to keep it simple as possible...I just started co-washing, and I am not even consistent with that.....
--Balance Protein and Moisture
--Baby your ends...seal hair with a natual oil
--Avoid Mineral oils and Petroleum....
I HTH....Once you determine what your hair needs, build your products and always Keep It Simple!
Mini update ETA: bluish tint is from my mac.




I've been doing a few experiments on my hair and I can see a difference already.

I did the CHerry Lola treatmet on wednesday- success! I could feel the difference immediately.Cowashed then Moisturized with Qhemets Burdock Butter and sealed with coconut oil. Next morning hair was a bit dry. Probably should of dced after but, regardless, I don't think I'll be buying anymore qhemet's. It seems to work better on my skin.

Next night I did aussie 3 minute miracle. This will be a stapple. Followed with Cantu shea butter. Love the consistency of the product, the scent, and the price. This is a keeper. Thanks to the lilsparkle!! My hair is so much softer and my hair was moisturized when I woke up!!

:giggle: Still haven't done any chopping. I can see that my ends need it, but I'm scared. I'll do a bit before I do box braid so I don't have to see the shorter strands. :sad:
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i think that you should incorporate waaaaaay more moisture into your regimen. everything your using sounds like a protein product... along with the sulfates it sounds a bit much. CON green label is a great shampoo to use. its moisturizing and gentle. elasta qp cream conditioning shampoo is really good too. but i think you should lay off the protein for a while and see what moisture does for you

I have 4b hair, i'm transitioning (7 mos post) and I totally agree with this. ORS replinishing pak??:nono: Since I've gotten deep into my transition I don't use protein products at all. I deep condition weekly under a steamer with strictly moisturizing conditioners. It sounds like u need to get your moisture level up, which takes time. Its not going to happen when one conditioning treatment. Maybe after a series of strictly moisture conditioning sessions, it will become softer and more manageable.