"Your hair looks like you never had a perm and it looks super dry."

If you don't already, I would recommend taking Flaxseed Oil Pills daily.

Great suggestion. Fish oil may help, too. I've been taking fish oil supplements for about 9 months, and my hair has been growing in shinier and stronger than ever.
Just wanted to add that over time I see a huge difference in my hair when I use a Dudleys relaxer vs other brands. And the jojoba oil from GNC adds a lot of shine as well when used as needed.
I just thought of another sealing oil that might be helpful- have you ever tried wild growth hair oil as a sealant. I know some don't like the smell, i love it personally. But it is a nice combo of olive, coconut and jojoba oil- all of which have been mentioned in this thread.
Thanks for the suggestions ladies.

I have started taking flaxseed oil a couple of weeks ago because I know it helps with shine.

I will try sealing with coconut oil too.

jewelle, thanks for the compliment :). I'm not sure if my hair is overprocessed because I have some parts that are very kinky. I think most of it is underprocessed.

Sareca, I thought I might have had a hard water problem. I need to find how I can test it.

I have been drinking more water lately but for years wasn't getting enough of that or protein either.

I'm gonna work internally and change up my products a bit like you ladies suggested. Thanks again.

I bought john freda clear shine glosser, so I'll let ya'll know how that works. :)
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stylists always said the same thing about my hair even though I moisturized daily. I have a 4b, although, if there is a category beyond that I would fit in it. I think when you have super coarse hair it is hard for the moisture to get through.
Are you using a no-lye relaxer? If so, then that could be the cause of your dry hair issues. Once I changed over to lye my hair looked so much better. No-lye relaxers do not lay the cuticles down flat resulting in the hair not looking shiney.
I'm not relaxed anymore, but during the last two years of my relaxer days my hair did a 180 in the shine department, plus a few other hair changing techniques from the hairboards.

ITA, my hair was super dry when I used no-lye relaxers. My hair has never been more beautiful than with lye relaxers (Affirm).

BTW, Loca, I can't send you a pm until you clean out your inbox.
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This is what the shampoo lady told me today. :sad:

People have always told me how dry my hair looks (even when I was natural) and it's kinda embarrassing for me to hear that.
moisturize and seal with castor oil every day
clarify/chelate regularly
wash and DC once a week

My hair will be shiny and smooth once I leave the salon but three days later it looks dry as a desert.

This is my theory: since my hair is not relaxed straight (not on purpose:rolleyes:). and it still looks kinky:ohwell: the cuticles are not flat therefore they do not reflect the light well. I've heard people here say that 4b natural hair doesn't not shine, but might have sheen. Don't think I have sheen either. :ohwell:

My hair is very resistant, conditioners don't do much, shine hardly last long, hair rinses last a week at best.

I know my diet isn't the best but I'm working on that and I know only the hair coming in will benefit. So it will take time to see a change.

I know hair sprays can help somewhat but aren't they bad?

I really don't wanna use a bunch of product but I'm tired of people telling me how dry my hair looks.

Any advice or suggestions?

I'm at the point where, I don't care about length anymore, just give me some shine and I'll be happy:grin:

Try the vinegar rinse
My natural hair color would have people believe that my hair is dirty and unhealthy. I dye it with henna and indigo. It makes it look 23420934 times healthier.

But if I were you, I'd do a check on the hair and find out if I need a trim and a chelate.
May I suggest you an ACV rinse or any cuticule sealer. When your cuticule is lift up it is very hard to retain moisture and your hair looks dull. Good luck :)
i'm not about to load his short little napps up with product lookin like Jherri-curl Junior just to please other people. :rolleyes:

omg i so feel you. folks kill me tellin naturals that their hair looks dry. if a natural were to drown their hair in juice, folks would think they had a curl lol. :lachen:
Don't get too discouraged; my hair is the same. I use ACV rinses...moisturizing conditioner, pretty much everything, and my hair never looks shiny and it never bounces around...i think I have the coarsest hair known to man. I'm going to try some of these techniques, though, to see if they help

The ladies are giving you great advice. I think someone posted this link (http://www.livecurlylivefree.com/curly hair basics.htm) before, but at the website, the lady does a good job of helping to understand if your particular hair needs protein or moisture. I have really fine hair that is dark reddish brown so aloe vera juice sealed with coconut oil works great for me. Good luck to you and stay encouraged. It can take time to work these things out but don't give up.
Thanks for replying ladies.

I haven't learned to multi quote yet.

kacie, my hair is kind of off black, and a dark brown. I tried co washing and my hair never felt moist with it. I did use dark and lovely black rinse and it was jet black but it only lasted a week, when i went back to the salon my hairdresser couldnt even notice it.

Sometimes, it does feel dry but even when it doesnt it still looks like it a little bit. I never tried sebastians or colorshower. I couldnt find colorshowers in the BSS. I never tried the chi silk infusion.

I moisturize with wave nouveau moisturizing lotion. I wear my hair down everyday because it's too short for protective styles.

When I wash my hair on my own, I use CON poo and either kenra MC or Elasta QP DPR-11 for moisture. Doesnt do much though.

I tried an ACV rinse, it gave me good shine but it only lasted for about two days plus it gave me sooooo many tangles.

Caribgurl, maybe I'll try the EVOO, I just hate the way it smells, plus its not that cheap around my way.

Cutebajangirl, I chelate about once a month. I will try to look for the proclaim shine spray.

Oh and I do use a no lye relaxer but I just started using it 3 months ago. People were telling me about my dryness even when I was using lye.

I remember my friend told me one day, "I dont like that Dominican salon on the corner. My hair came out looking like yours (referring to my dryness) :ohwell:

Where are you from, OP. These people making comments to you seem rather forward. :look: If you don't like EVOO, maybe try to add coconut oil of Vatika to your deep conditioners. Those oils are able to penetrate in a way that most products cannot.

Shampoo bars, heavier leave-ins (used by naturals) and listening to your hair might help. If your hair wants to be DCed every three days, maybe you should do it until your strands balance out a little more.

I don't think you should feel bad about it. Our hair, like our bodies will ask for what it needs. (HUGS)
Steam DC's
Porosity control
Rinsing conditioner out with very cold water.

These three steps enable me to retain moisture more effectively along with consistent shine.

I appreciate this is an old thread though, and you may well have sorted the problem out. :)
My natural hair color would have people believe that my hair is dirty and unhealthy. I dye it with henna and indigo. It makes it look 23420934 times healthier.

But if I were you, I'd do a check on the hair and find out if I need a trim and a chelate.

Girl, I've trimmed and chelated so many times...:nono:

May I suggest you an ACV rinse or any cuticule sealer. When your cuticule is lift up it is very hard to retain moisture and your hair looks dull. Good luck :)

ACV tangled my hair like crazy. I was going to do a semi permanent color as a cuticle sealer.

Where are you from, OP. These people making comments to you seem rather forward. :look: If you don't like EVOO, maybe try to add coconut oil of Vatika to your deep conditioners. Those oils are able to penetrate in a way that most products cannot.

Shampoo bars, heavier leave-ins (used by naturals) and listening to your hair might help. If your hair wants to be DCed every three days, maybe you should do it until your strands balance out a little more.

I don't think you should feel bad about it. Our hair, like our bodies will ask for what it needs. (HUGS)

Oco, I'm from NYC. Poeople here don't hold back :lol:

Steam DC's
Porosity control
Rinsing conditioner out with very cold water.

These three steps enable me to retain moisture more effectively along with consistent shine.

I appreciate this is an old thread though, and you may well have sorted the problem out. :)

I steamed one time. My hair was still dry. But I will steam tomorrow and see how it goes. I tried the PC before it didnt seem to do much but I'll try it again along with rinsing very cool water.

Yes this thread is a year old and I am still having the same issue. My hair is dark brown which I suspect might be one of the reasons it looks so dry. I think relaxers plus the sun lightened my hair. I plan to cut a couple of inches so that would get rid of the brown ends. And like Anky said maybe I just need to change the color but only with a rinse I cant do permanent dye.

Thanks again for your help ladies...Im tired of posting threads about my hair issues, I wanna post progress threads:grin: Maybe within a year I'll get the hair I want..
Hi Loca: Stay encouraged.

I agree with alot of things alot of the Ladies have suggested. You know I am dealing with my own hair challenges right now, and these are the things that have/are helping me:

I switched from No-Lye to Lye
Upped My Water Intake
Added Supplements
I switched to co-washing with a good moisturizing conditioner
I only use 'poo now when I clarify
I incorporate a protein (light or med)
Henna/Indigo has given me Great Blingability:grin:
I Deep Condition Weekly with Heat (cap, steam or dryer) but some sort of Heat Source
I always, always, always use Porosity Control after every DC Treatment
I use a good leave-in treatment
My daily treatment is more moisturizing and sealed with my mixture of EVOO, EVCO and Avacado.

These things are really, really helping.:yep:
Hi Loca: Stay encouraged.

I agree with alot of things alot of the Ladies have suggested. You know I am dealing with my own hair challenges right now, and these are the things that have/are helping me:

I switched from No-Lye to Lye
Upped My Water Intake
Added Supplements
I switched to co-washing with a good moisturizing conditioner
I only use 'poo now when I clarify
I incorporate a protein (light or med)
Henna/Indigo has given me Great Blingability:grin:
I Deep Condition Weekly with Heat (cap, steam or dryer) but some sort of Heat Source
I always, always, always use Porosity Control after every DC Treatment
I use a good leave-in treatment
My daily treatment is more moisturizing and sealed with my mixture of EVOO, EVCO and Avacado.

These things are really, really helping.:yep:

Thanks girl. How are you doing?

I just switched to lye...I've been good with my supplements. I'm gonna do a protein treatment and steam with a moisturizing Dc tomorrow and see how it goes but for right now I'm wearing a half wig so I wont have to think about my hair too much.
Thanks girl. How are you doing?

I just switched to lye...I've been good with my supplements. I'm gonna do a protein treatment and steam with a moisturizing Dc tomorrow and see how it goes but for right now I'm wearing a half wig so I wont have to think about my hair too much.

Things are only going to get better and better. It is a day to day process and I know you know that.

As long as we keep doing all the right things and have this great support system, we will get there.:yep:
Hey Loca! I was in bed, but I had to get back up because I thought of something else:think:: Have you looked at those Glossing Treatments? There was a Thread a coupla days ago on Hair Glossing.

That May Help you get Yo' Shine On!

I know I recently bought the Frederic Fekkai Glossing Creme and it definitely does that. But I think the Henna/Indigo brought me Mad Shine, because my hair was a dirty brown as well. Now it is a shiny Indigo'd black.:grin:
My hair doesn't shine either and tends to be super dry and wiry. I am going to try some of these suggestions.

Subscribing ....
If ACV isn't working, I would try Porosity Control. Hair that is resistent to product usually has an unbalanced PH. Porosity Control is different than ACV, but does the same thing. I get the best results when I mix PC with a deep conditioner and leave it on under the dryer for 15-20 minutes. HTH!