I think I'm addicted to Washing my hair...

Re: I think I\'m addicted to Washing my hair...

Hey its a new club, I am glad I am not alone, I can show this post to my PPl
, when they think I am crazy, I mostly just think about it, I love to wet my hair, And I am geting a new shower head this month I hope
, I dont have any shame wet, wet wet, hehe I enjoy it, those 45 mins are like normal time for me, with 4a/b thick hair, So I know how you feel
, it is not that I want to take that long, It just happends to take that long for me, and trying to get my hair clean and soft and combing it out, Best of luck
Re: I think I\'m addicted to Washing my hair...

I'm addicted. Especially now that my hair is short, it is sooo easy now to wash every day and in the shower instead of the sink. The condition washes softens my new growth and makes my hair so much more manageable.
LOL, I am also addicted to rinsing my hair daily, I just don't feel the same if I go more than a day without rinsing it, it is sooooo relaxing I am ALWAYS thinking about it, I rinse/wash every night before bed and I sleep like a baby!!!
Re: I think I\'m addicted to Washing my hair...

Eclipse said:
I can relate 100%!! I have washed my hair daily since June 11th. I think I'm addicted because it's what I think about when I wake up, at work, on my way home from work, and when I go to bed! I think the thing about "washing at your natural oils" is bogus because for the first time in my life, I have healthy, thriving and moisturized hair, quite the contrary!

I completely agree! My hair has been its healthiest since I've begun washing my hair almost everyday. I feel as though it's producing more oils because of this.
Im addicted to washing my hair everyday also. If I dont I always find an excuse to. I think thats y Im tempted to go natural or cut my overprocessed ends. Im too chicken though, plus I dont want to loose length. I cant wait for my hair to be more balanced from root to tip.
I love, love, love washing my hair. I wash every three days and condition wash once. To think that I at one time washed my hair only every two weeks now just makes me say ewwwwwwwwwww!:eek: I tried to go down to once a week, but I can't. Plus my hair is thriving. So sign me up for W.A.S.H.!
I'd like to conditioner wash my hair today but, i really dont know how. i have 4a/relaxed hair and i'm afraid i'll mess it up when trying to style it afterwards.
I love to conditioner wash my hair. I love to wash my hair...I just love my hair...I really start conditioner washing when I am 6 weeks post and guess what....I am 6 weeks post today..well actually this coming Tuesday...so I can start co washing every 2 days now:yay: :yay: :yay: I LOVE CO WASHES...today I washed and deep conditioned...it felt sooooooo good...