I think I just found my MIRACLE detangler!!

I'm not trying to sound dramatic but I believe this brush just performed a miracle.

It just detangled my week old un-combed wash n' go on DRY hair!!!
That's right, I didn't use any detanglers, water, condish.....just a little oil and that's it. The brush got from ends to roots with no problem! Very little hair lost and that was just shed hair.

I've been hearing the raves on this brush for a while, not so much on this board but some others. I was reluctant to try it because I was like it's just a brush. Well, I don't think it is just a brush.....i don't know what it is, lol.....but it's amazing. I can't really explain how it works but yall should've saw me when I brushed through my tangled wash n go like butter......I kept looking at the brush like wth.

Anyway, I just wanted to share. This could help someone with their detangling issues. (I have the paddle brush)

Goody Styling Therapy Jojoba Styling Brush

Now maybe I should go get another one for back-up in case yall buy them all.

:lachen::lachen:...Now you know you had better go and get more because the whole hair land knows now......:lachen:

Shoot, I'd better go get one too for when my hair gets to be your length....I'm off:cowgirl:
:lachen::lachen:...Now you know you had better go and get more because the whole hair land knows now......:lachen:

Shoot, I'd better go get one too for when my hair gets to be your length....I'm off:cowgirl:
:lachen:Ha Ha! I know, I curious to go by Wal-Mart to see if there's anymore there. You should get one though. Yesterday wrapped all of my hair with ease using this brush. Normally it takes two different combs and two different brushes, and a lot of effort to wrap my hair, lol. This made it a breeze.
Ok ladies, I just bought the Denman from sally's....should i return it and get this???
Well for me they serve two totally different purposes. The Denman I use for styling curls, not for detangling at all. This brush I'm using only to detangle. The denman does not detangle like this brush.
Ummm, I just got back home from Target. I am going back now to get this brush. I hope they have it. I must try it. I'll go to Walmart if I have to.

Oh wait, I just scrolled and saw that CVS has them. Man, I'm out. I'll be back with a review.
Okay, this is as sneak peak of me brushing my hair with it. My hair is not like the hair in most of the other videos; there will be no gliding. Ever. (sorry Nonie :kiss: ). So I just put the brush in, move it down an inch or two, take it out, insert it again an inch or two down, move it down another inch or two, and so forth.

This is the 2nd half of a video I intend (maybe) to upload as an update to my detangling method. This post is really timely cuz I just did this video 2 days ago.:
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v194/mwedzi/hair - part 2/?action=view&current=MVI_1640.flv

you have BEAUTIFUL hair!
Ummm, I just got back home from Target. I am going back now to get this brush. I hope they have it. I must try it. I'll go to Walmart if I have to.

Oh wait, I just scrolled and saw that CVS has them. Man, I'm out. I'll be back with a review.
Hey Cichelle! I hope it works good for you. I still can't believe I was combing my DRY wash n' go!:blush: You still have to work through tangles of course but the brush works them out with ease and w/o breakage.
AUUUUUGGHHH! If I had known about this brush while I was transitioning, I probably wouldn't have relaxed my hair.:wallbash: I'm going to see if I can find one.:yep:
i saw this brush a couple of weeks ago, I was about to get it but then I thought about all the stuff i've been buying for my hair lately and decided not to...hmm...now I want to try it out...
I haven't seen this brush at CVS or Walmart, but based on the info here, I'll be looking for it, the next time I go to the corner drug store!:driver:
Hey Cichelle! I hope it works good for you. I still can't believe I was combing my DRY wash n' go!:blush: You still have to work through tangles of course but the brush works them out with ease and w/o breakage.

Hi! Yeah, I got the brush at CVS and it just so happens it was three dollars off, so I was pretty happy. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I definitely plan to later tonight or tomorrow. Thanks so much for starting this thread!
The directions say the brush should only be used on dry hair and replaced every 6-9 months. It also says when washing it not to use soap. I'm imagining all of this has something to do with the Jojoba oil.

Btw, I tried the brush last night. (However, I want to mention that I already had my hair in twists so though it still had tangles, it was less tangled than if I'd had my hair all lumped together.) I was actually able to brush my hair while it was dry. I wish I could say it slipped through, but I wasn't that lucky. But, the fact that I was able to brush it dry at all without lots of broken hairs and damage is pretty impressive. It's not something I would do often, as I think regular use of it would hurt in the long run...same as almost any brush. But this will come in handy in certain situations, particularly now when I don't have the time or place to really wash my hair as much as I'm used to washing it.

Thanks, Pokahontas!
The directions say the brush should only be used on dry hair and replaced every 6-9 months. It also says when washing it not to use soap. I'm imagining all of this has something to do with the Jojoba oil.

Btw, I tried the brush last night. (However, I want to mention that I already had my hair in twists so though it still had tangles, it was less tangled than if I'd had my hair all lumped together.) I was actually able to brush my hair while it was dry. I wish I could say it slipped through, but I wasn't that lucky. But, the fact that I was able to brush it dry at all without lots of broken hairs and damage is pretty impressive. It's not something I would do often, as I think regular use of it would hurt in the long run...same as almost any brush. But this will come in handy in certain situations, particularly now when I don't have the time or place to really wash my hair as much as I'm used to washing it.

Thanks, Pokahontas!
Your welcome. I'm glad it worked out well.

It definitely should only be used on dry hair because I tried it on wet and it was a no go.

It didn't slip through mine either at first. I had to work the tangles out a little and then it was smooth sailing. Much easier than loading my dry hair up with tons of condish and water just to try to detangle and still have to struggle.
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OMG!!!! This is an absolute MIRACLE brush. How about this . . . I did not feel a thing. I forgot that i was brushing my hair. I got about 10 long hairs out the brush when I done.

Let me give you the story . . .

I washed my hair last night since it was itching badly. (i am still trying to figure out why) It was really late. And I was hella tired. I washed and did a quick condition. I usually make sure i comb my hair while I have the conditioner on. But I was lazy to did it. Remember, l love my hair, but i was hella tired. I towel dried my hair, place a satin scarf on and went to bed. When i woke up. My hair was matted and tangled. I almost cried since i hate this part of figuring out what to do with my hair. I was able to brush through dry, matted, 4a/b hair!!! AMAZING. In more than a half the time less than it would have normally have taken me.

Thanks again for the REC - Poka :yep::grin:
i got the brush yesterday from walmart.it was kinda hard to find...But i found it! It was 10.00

it works well i will choose this over the denman!

thanks pokahantas and mwedzi!!!
Anyone living near Rite Aid, you can get the brush for $11.99 with a $4.00 mail-in rebate ($7.99). Just thought I'd share.