I SAW SYLVER 2!!!! My Nikos Cousin Sighting!


Well-Known Member
I saw Sylver in person today at Hershey Park amusement park in PA!!!!! :yay:

She is more beautifullerrrrrr (I know that's not a word) in real life. I was with the family sitting waiting for my Mom and Sis to get off of one of the rides. She walked past with her family (I think) I saw the hair first and I was like :grin: Then I noticed her petite frame and her mole. I was like THAT'S SYLVER! I started to yell it out loud but I know my family would have been ready to commit me!
I wanted to run up to her so bad and say something, but I didn't.
So Yes, she's beautiful, yes, she is ROCKING the braidout's something FIERCE, and YES, she's all that and a bag of chips. I know I am not telling yall something you don't already know!

I hope you had a good time at the park today Sylver. It was such a beautiful day! Next time I see one of Nikos' cousins I hope I will be brave enough to say something....:grin::lachen:
LOL that's cute. Made her seem like it was a celebrity sighting. Can't wait to see her come in and confirm it.
That is sooooo cool! You should have approached her. Knowing myself, i would have probably ran after her.:lachen:I can read the excitement! Way cool, like seeing a celebrity or something, right? Good for you, next time you'll probably be able to talk to her.
That is sooooo cool! You should have approached her. Knowing myself, i would have probably ran after her.:lachen:I can read the excitement! Way cool, like seeing a celebrity or something, right? Good for you, next time you'll probably be able to talk to her.

The bad part is that I have met her before at a meet up. But I think I was just stunned that it was her and by the time I had gotten up the nerve to go speak, she was gone.
she's one of my hair idols! i'd be more shook up seein a cousin than i would an actual celebrity!
I saw Sylver in person today at Hershey Park amusement park in PA!!!!! :yay:

She is more beautifullerrrrrr (I know that's not a word) in real life. I was with the family sitting waiting for my Mom and Sis to get off of one of the rides. She walked past with her family (I think) I saw the hair first and I was like :grin: Then I noticed her petite frame and her mole. I was like THAT'S SYLVER! I started to yell it out loud but I know my family would have been ready to commit me!
I wanted to run up to her so bad and say something, but I didn't.
So Yes, she's beautiful, yes, she is ROCKING the braidout's something FIERCE, and YES, she's all that and a bag of chips. I know I am not telling yall something you don't already know!

I hope you had a good time at the park today Sylver. It was such a beautiful day! Next time I see one of Nikos' cousins I hope I will be brave enough to say something....:grin::lachen:

STOP PLAYING!!!!!!!!!!!:lachen: OMG!!!! why didn't u say anything??
wow what a coincedence..was it daylight or nighttime we were there all darn day!!
Thank u sooo much for the compliments.:blush:.wow I can't believe this!!!!!!!!!!!
STOP PLAYING!!!!!!!!!!!:lachen: OMG!!!! why didn't u say anything??
wow what a coincedence..was it daylight or nighttime we were there all darn day!!
Thank u sooo much for the compliments.:blush:.wow I can't believe this!!!!!!!!!!!
You were walking towards the front of the park right by the merry go round. It was still light, about 3:30 maybe 4 p.m. We were there all day too! But my mom had forgotten to take some of her meds and she wasn't feeling well so the kids wanted to ride one last ride and got on the merry-go round.
I feel like such a dummy for not saying anything!:lachen::lachen:
My family would have been looking at me like:ohwell::nono:
You were walking towards the front of the park right by the merry go round. It was still light, about 3:30 maybe 4 p.m. We were there all day too! But my mom had forgotten to take some of her meds and she wasn't feeling well so the kids wanted to ride one last ride and got on the merry-go round.
I feel like such a dummy for not saying anything!:lachen::lachen:
My family would have been looking at me like:ohwell::nono:

oh yeh..we were hurrying to get out. was at the waterpark part all day. i was cold, hungry & soaking wet..u saw me at a bad time:lachen: we left then came back at 7. i wonder if i saw u or noticed u looking at me...
i wish u would have said something.
u visiting up here?
oh yeh..we were hurrying to get out. was at the waterpark part all day. i was cold, hungry & soaking wet..u saw me at a bad time:lachen: we left then came back at 7. i wonder if i saw u or noticed u looking at me...
i wish u would have said something.
u live up here?
I was sitting on the side with a HUGE stroller and a bunch of stuffed animals!:lachen: I live in Baltimore City. My mom wanted us to do one last "family" outing before the summer was over. Girl, you looked great to me! Everybody looks less than stellar after a long day of walking around at an amusement park!!!:lachen:
That's so cool! Girl I woulda been all up in her face begging to touch her hair. I think we all have a girl crush on sylver's beautiful locks and she is a lovely woman! And that tiny figure?!?! I'm so hatin on that LOL.

You were walking towards the front of the park right by the merry go round. It was still light, about 3:30 maybe 4 p.m. We were there all day too! But my mom had forgotten to take some of her meds and she wasn't feeling well so the kids wanted to ride one last ride and got on the merry-go round.
I feel like such a dummy for not saying anything!:lachen::lachen:
My family would have been looking at me like:ohwell::nono:
That is sooo cool. But you know what crlsweetie, if you ever see me and not say anything, I am not going to be your friend no more!:swordfigh
That is sooo cool. But you know what crlsweetie, if you ever see me and not say anything, I am not going to be your friend no more!:swordfigh
Girl, we would probably be screaming like two 8 year olds.

I was so sure that she would look at me like....:nono: I don't know you lady. I just got scared.
LADIES! If you ever have your nikos cousin moment don't let it slip away!:lachen::lachen:
I was sitting on the side with a HUGE stroller and a bunch of stuffed animals!:lachen: I live in Baltimore City. My mom wanted us to do one last "family" outing before the summer was over. Girl, you looked great to me! Everybody looks less than stellar after a long day of walking around at an amusement park!!!:lachen:

thanks girl..i hope u had a nice day. after 30 something years of loving rides and rollercoasters, i realized tonite i'm not quite comfortable on them anymore..strange.
we doing chocolate world tomorrow..lol
if ya'll ever see me, call me out! write a "t, i saw you" post!
dont be surprised if i dont recognize your face or even user name. but i do recognize the back of heads, lol!
Girl, we would probably be screaming like two 8 year olds.

I was so sure that she would look at me like....:nono: I don't know you lady. I just got scared.
LADIES! If you ever have your nikos cousin moment don't let it slip away!:lachen::lachen:

all u had to say was i'm from the hair board!! i wouldve been so excited..the family would of been like oh lawd:rolleyes:..thy kno the deal:lachen:
Awwwwww! How fun! Crlsweetie you never met her before? I thought you were at the Friday's meetup a while back? She was there with armyqt.

But yes Sylver is all that and a bag of chips. :grin: