I met my first LHCFer!!!!!!!! **Ghanaian Dime**

I was soo excited reading your story. Then have the same thing happened to Jewelle and Firecracker.

Can't wait to say "are u Nikko's cousin?"
Cute story Kini. I was all smilin and felt the excitement too, while reading. You are too cute:)
I can't wait to meet one of Nikko's cousins. I'll prolly be the same way.:grin:
How cute?!?! I would have probably talked the hubby's ear off about it, like he is not sick of hearing about hair stuff now he has to listen to my raving excitement over meeting a fellow LHCF'er..poor man....I wanna ask someone are they Nikko's cousin!?!?!? lol
Hey Girl!!!!

You beat me to it! I didn't get a chance to log on this weekend, but I kept saying "I have to post a shout out to Kinikakes!". Even without make-up I recognized her pretty face! She was embarrassed b/c she said she thought she looked horrible with her glasses on. Puhleez!!!!! And her hair is really gorgeous!

Kini-- I had no hatin' during detangling. There's one chica in there who knows my hair very well, so I waited for her and she took her time.

It's so funny, b/c whenever I see a woman w/healthy hair walk by, I always wonder if she' on the forum. Next time I promise to ask if the person is Nikko's cousin. I think I was just excited to have spotted a fellow LHCFer that I forgot the code of ethics!!!!!
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Really cute story:) Hopefully this summer I'll find one of Nikko's cousins, I know there are plenty of them here:D
Cayenne0622 said:
I saw a couple of girls, here in Houston, who fit the bill of an LHCF'r but I got scared and didn't say anything to them. lolol I wanted to ask about Nikko soooooooooo bad!

Nice story Kini!

The funny thing is, I saw Kini when I walked in and she was sitting at a stylist's station. Then she walked by once, and I didn't say anything. Then she walked by again and I didn't say anything. I recognized her the minute I walked in, but I hesitated, because I wasn't sure how she would react. And I thought if she wasn't on LHCF, and wanted to know what it was, I would have to explain and blah, blah, blah. But then when she was about to leave, I just decided to go ahead and ask.

Glad I did! And yes, She is bubbly!:yep:

And no, she didn't really lung at me:lachen: It was a genuine sistagirl hug!
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aww... i'm so happy for you! i know how you feel. the first (and only) LHCFer i've met so far is Anky. It's always nice and exciting to meet a fellow hair addict.
jwhitley6 said:
Okay, I'm late with this...I'm just now realizing that the "are u Nikko's cousin" thing is a code phrase....LOL. I was so confused about that! :lol:

I'd be happy to run into some LHCFers in my neck of the woods. Very cute story, Kinikakes. :)

me too. in fact i was about to start a thread asking what the heck is this Nikko's cousin thing.
What a cute story! It was interesting to hear it from both sides. I think it would be cool to meet another LHCFer in person, but I'm sure I would be to shy to approach someone to ask. I'd probably be too scared to even use the Nikko's cousin secret code. There are still lots of people on here who don't know what that means.

Oh well.... the odds that I'd see one of you in real life is pretty small anyways.

Maybe I'll just get me one of those "I'm Nikko's cousin" t-shirts when it comes out (just in case ;)).
ghanaian dime said:
Hey Girl!!!!

You beat me to it! I didn't get a chance to log on this weekend, but I kept saying "I have to post a shout out to Kinikakes!". Even without make-up I recognized her pretty face! She was embarrassed b/c she said she thought she looked horrible with her glasses on. Puhleez!!!!! And her hair is really gorgeous!

Kini-- I had no hatin' during detangling. There's one chica in there who knows my hair very well, so I waited for her and she took her time.

It's so funny, b/c whenever I see a woman w/healthy hair walk by, I always wonder if she' on the forum. Next time I promise to ask if the person is Nikko's cousin. I think I was just excited to have spotted a fellow LHCFer that I forgot the code of ethics!!!!!

:lol: Awww, thank you so much girl!!!! You are too sweet!!!!! :)

This makes me wanna make it to the next New York Meet-Up, so i can meet some other lovely, local ladies!!! Im definitely not gonna miss it! *heading over to the Meet-Up forum to check out if anything has been posted*
Kini...Im all excited and i wasnt even there:lol: ...that is adorable! it brings to all to life...Im in Brooklyn as well...heard alot about Sisters...they are doing the dam' thang with your hair...r u Nikkos cuzin?,with that beautiful hair, of course u are;)