I PROTESTED AT THE SALON...................(kinda long vent!)

I am sorry that this happened to you and I am glad that you stood up to her. On a brighter note, your hair looks so beautiful in your pics!!! You already know that you are such an inspirtation! :)

Thanks girlie!

(OT: Isn't it about time for another update? I always look forward to seeing yours b/c your amazing growth and progress is an inspiration as well!)
I'm glad you were firm...there's is nothing like walking out of the salon with 5" less than you walked in with. That is the problem with many stylists...they think they know better than you what you want done to your hair. The last time I got my ends trimmed, the guy layered the sides by using the razor cut. I told him that I do not like that because it makes my sides soooo thin. He did one side, so I had to let him do the other. I told him that it is very disrespectful to do something to someone's hair that they told you NOT to do...:mad:
Anytime you have to regulate on a stylist, it's a big red flag that you need to RUN not walk...up outta there! I'm so glad you stood your ground girl. It would have been so easy to just trust that she knew what she was doing, and end up leaving there with half the hair you came in with.

It's a shame we can't just automatically assume that the professional knows what to do, especially since we're paying. But, just like you tell the waiter how you want your steak, you gotta tell the stylist how you want your hair. But unlike the steak, you can't send it back if it doesn't turn out right. You did the right thing girl. And I know you're glad that you did!:up:
I'm proud of you!!! And your hair is beautiful!!


LHCF- 1 :grin: and Scissor-Happy Stylists- 0 ZERO
Lawd, chile, I can't believe how beautiful your hair is! Yummy!

I can't believe one of the customers told you that if you spoke Spanish, there would be no misunderstanding.

This is what America has come to.

When the Chinese/Japanese invaded America back in the 80s, English speaking Americans weren't required to learn their language, but now with all these filthy Latinos over here, we have to learn SPANISH?

Why the f**k can't they learn English or take their happy a$$es back home? :mad:

I'm glad you didn't get into a physical confrontatation, baby. All your poor hair would have been gone!

Wow. Just Wow. You really mad huh?

You're a good example to all of us for standing up for yourself at the salon and your hair looks great. I didn't know you were transitioning. Have fun!
Anytime you have to regulate on a stylist, it's a big red flag that you need to RUN not walk...up outta there! I'm so glad you stood your ground girl. It would have been so easy to just trust that she knew what she was doing, and end up leaving there with half the hair you came in with.

It's a shame we can't just automatically assume that the professional knows what to do, especially since we're paying. But, just like you tell the waiter how you want your steak, you gotta tell the stylist how you want your hair. But unlike the steak, you can't send it back if it doesn't turn out right. You did the right thing girl. And I know you're glad that you did!:up:

That's what I'm talking about right there! When I start tellin you what YOU need to do and YOU'RE supposed to be the professional, then it's time to bounce! I love the steak analogy!
Blackbarbie, how's your transition going? Also where's your album? That link you have in your siggy is so not a fotki.

The transition is going fine, thanks to the thread you started a while back!
The link in my siggy is not intended to take you to a fotki (I'm too electronically challenged to master such a thing), however, LHCF has a Photo Gallery and it will take you there. If you can't get there that way, try going to the top of the page and clicking on "Photo Galleries" and you will find it that way....

I'm sooo GLAD :yay: you stood you ground with the scissor happy stylist!

Your hair is beautiful and your transition seems to be going well. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to get my natural hair to your length. :)
BB, why are you transitioning? Just curious.

My hair is very fine and with a relaxer, I feel that I am always trying to "trick" my hair into looking thick and full. I find that my hair looks better when its 3 or 4 months post relaxer, so I can imagine how thick and full it would be with NO relaxer. I can say that it has thickened up considerably during these last 8 months though.

Besides, it wasn't that long ago that I had experience with my natural texture (o.k. so it was 20 years ago!!) and I just didn't know how to manage it then. I like the versatility of being natural; I can rock curly or straight styles without much effort (although I still have cons with each one......I have figure out how to perfect a wash and go for the curly style and I am deathly afraid of all the heat it's going to take for a straight style)
I'm sooo GLAD :yay: you stood you ground with the scissor happy stylist!

Your hair is beautiful and your transition seems to be going well. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to get my natural hair to your length. :)

I was stalking your fotki last week girl!!! I can't wait until I can say that I am 15 months into my transition!!!
Your hair has flourished soo much since first seeing you on the board. Great accomplishments! and yea don't let stylists push you around for payment if your not getting what you paid for. I have a similar situation with a cut that was disastrous and needless to say i haven't been back to a salon in years...