I PROTESTED AT THE SALON...................(kinda long vent!)

Wow!:nono: I'm glad you stood up for yourself, you can tell she wasn't use to that.:ohwell: I can imagine you staying it all with your facial expressions.:lachen:

Your hair is beautiful, more beautiful in person.:yep:

Trust me girl, I was nervous as I was raising my voice (i was shaking) b/c I truly didn't want to have to clown in public, b/c it's just not me, but just b/c I didn't understand spanish didn't mean I didn't know she was cursing me out for questioning her. (But I have to say that I did clown her in a respectable manner cause you don't know what folks are capable of these days:nono:)
wheezy807, awesomely_nappy, january noir and blackmaven: Thank you!!:kissing4:

carribean_dream: Yep, just put your "big girl panties" on and be prepared when you go to the salon. You have to do it. And i don't even think this was a language barrier, not clearly when she was pointing to my ear saying that's where she was going to start and I was like :nono: and I ponted to my shoulder and she was like :spinning:. I don't know why she was like that b/c even if she didn't understand English, that was plain. Wouldn't you agree? Think she was already pissed b/c we had just had the conversation/dispute about her blowdrying my roots only as opposed to the entire length of my hair. And she better be glad that I only was a little loud. It's not in my character to do anything more than just talk loud, plain, and clear (to make her feel like the crazy person she was), but I know some people that would haver read her the riot act!!

hothair: Yes, I thought about going to a mainstreal salon for a minute, but they are usually scissor happy and instead of doing what you want them to do, they are quick to tell you what they "can't" do; just like the chick last night was trying to do. Heck, I may have to break down and go see Balisi!! (the only reason I haven't gone before now is the distance, but based on her reviews here on the board, I can see that she would give me an honest assessment of my hair and listen to what I want)

loved: See girl you are absolutely right. I have to be thankful that that's the only thing i am apologizing for right now; could have been sitting her boo-hooing for being a wimp! I still desperately need my ends clipped and after she couldn't understand what i wanted to do with the layers, i had a brief moment of insanity:grin: and thought "well, I'll just let her clip my ends, b/c I need them clipped really bad" What the heck was I thinking? I still would have probably been sitting here :wallbash:
I know you live in Marietta but it might be worth the trip to venture out to JImmy Carter Blvd. There are tons of Dominican salons there. What is this about charging extra for natural hair ? I never heard such a thing on JC.
Best to have an uncomfortable moment before they start cutting than to have a ton of regrets afterwards.

Good for you!!!
you did the right thing. better that you left at that point instead of letting a disaster happen on your hair. it is very beautiful by the way. i also dont think there was a language barrier. i think it was just a case of her wanting to do your hair like she wanted to, not how you wanted her to do it or she just wasnt skilled enough to do it like you wanted. although you was got for 5 dollars at least your hair wasnt victimized.
I know you live in Marietta but it might be worth the trip to venture out to JImmy Carter Blvd. There are tons of Dominican salons there. What is this about charging extra for natural hair ? I never heard such a thing on JC.

I've heard about the ones on JC (well Lilly's is the only one I have heard about), but I don't frequent them. I am transitioning and I mostly wear braidouts. I just needed my ends clipped and had made my mind up about getting layers and thought I would let them do it.

There is also one in Kennesaw where I live and when I used to go there, I treated my friend once, who is all natural. Her hair is very dense/thick and tightly coiled when wet and i thought they were still going to rollerset her like I had seen them do a lot of other naturals. They put her under the dryer (after they towel blotted her hair) and when she was about 85% dry I guess, they took her from under the dryer and blow dried her hair. Her hair was beautiful but she was not happy b/c she kept saying that she could have done that herself. She thought they were going to do it like she heard me talk about. They charged me $55 and they said it was b/c she was natural.

So does Lilly's charge the same for everyone whether natural or not?
Best to have an uncomfortable moment before they start cutting than to have a ton of regrets afterwards.

Good for you!!!

Girl who you telling?!?!? I have been saying this same thing every since last night.

OT: I stalked your fotki for some natural inspiration and I liked what I saw!!! And kudos to you for compromising with the hubby yesterday; your hair was still beautiful though.
you did the right thing. better that you left at that point instead of letting a disaster happen on your hair. it is very beautiful by the way. i also dont think there was a language barrier. i think it was just a case of her wanting to do your hair like she wanted to, not how you wanted her to do it or she just wasnt skilled enough to do it like you wanted. although you was got for 5 dollars at least your hair wasnt victimized.

I don't think there was language barrier there; she was intent on doing it "her way". I am not a stylist and don't know (maybe a stylist can chime in) but I would have thought that it would have actually been LESS work for her to do the layers longer as I requested, as opposed to going all up and through my head like she was trying to do.

And why did my girlfriend tell me I was a fool when I told her that I told the lady she had just tipped herself:grin:. I had already made up my mind that I wasn't going to give her a tip after the way she had treated me and acted with me.

Funny thing is when I went to the ATM before going to the salon, I took out enough money for the shampoo/set, the cut, and a nice tip if she had hooked me up. She would have enjoyed my tip (that I was going to originally give her) b/c folks were giving her $1 and $2. But I guess she did after all ($5) b/c it was more than she had gotten during the time I had been ther:grin:
your hair is gorgeous! Good for you that you stuck up for yourself! If you hadn't and let her do what she wanted you would have been really upset. I had a similar experience the last time I went to a dominican stylist when I started my transition to natural. That was almost three years ago and I haven't been back since.
your hair is gorgeous! Good for you that you stuck up for yourself! If you hadn't and let her do what she wanted you would have been really upset. I had a similar experience the last time I went to a dominican stylist when I started my transition to natural. That was almost three years ago and I haven't been back since.

What happened?
Girl trust, I will be bitin' it!:grin: I would much rather pay more money and get better service than to pay a little and get treated like crap - any day. I still need my ends clipped and may even go there tomorrow to let them clip them. I hadn't quite decided.

Or I may use the graduated method of cutting (flipping my head upside down, gathering all my hair in a ponytail and just going straight across the ends) and clip them myself. I have done it before and it didn't come out too bad.

At least this way you'd know exactly how much of your hair was being cut.:yep:
Hey Miss PrettyGirl,
One thing I have learned in life is to never put myself in the position to fight with the person withmy hair in her hand. You were better off going to your regular salon and spending the $45.
Hey Miss PrettyGirl,
One thing I have learned in life is to never put myself in the position to fight with the person withmy hair in her hand. You were better off going to your regular salon and spending the $45.

You are absolutely correct! After we had the confrontation, I was standing there and my mind was telling me to pay the lady and just leave. She had only blown my roots out and my ends needed to be smoothed down with the flat iron. I said in another post that for a brief second, I had a moment of insanity that said to just at least let her clip my ends b/c I really needed that, but then i snapped back to life and just said I would let the ***** smooth my ends out and then get the heck out of there.
I've heard about the ones on JC (well Lilly's is the only one I have heard about), but I don't frequent them. I am transitioning and I mostly wear braidouts. I just needed my ends clipped and had made my mind up about getting layers and thought I would let them do it.

So does Lilly's charge the same for everyone whether natural or not?

I haven't been to Lilly's. I've tried out 3 other ones. One was Norma's which I really liked. The stylist there is Jazzlee and she trimmed my hair last without hacking it off. My last fotki pic in May is after going to see her. She only charges $25 for a roller set and then she blow dries the roots. I am going back this week. The other 2 places cost more and either they took forever or I wasn't impressed.
At least this way you'd know exactly how much of your hair was being cut.:yep:

Exactly! And guess what? If it got jacked up, I would have no one to blame except myself. I don't mind being mad at myself, but to be mad at someone else (that i also gave my hard earned money to) when it could have been avoided? That's crazy!
Lawd, chile, I can't believe how beautiful your hair is! Yummy!

I can't believe one of the customers told you that if you spoke Spanish, there would be no misunderstanding.

This is what America has come to.

When the Chinese/Japanese invaded America back in the 80s, English speaking Americans weren't required to learn their language, but now with all these filthy Latinos over here, we have to learn SPANISH?

Why the f**k can't they learn English or take their happy a$$es back home? :mad:

I'm glad you didn't get into a physical confrontatation, baby. All your poor hair would have been gone!
I was going to comment on what happened at the salon til I saw your hair.......:wow: :drool:

I'm glad you stood up for yourself because that lady prolly would have chopped you bald since she already had an attitude. :nono:

Oh dear Jesus *fainted*
I'm glad you stood up for yourself because if you hadn't, we'd be hearing a totally different story in this thread... probably along the lines of you getting some hideous, unwarranted hack job at the hands of your scissor-happy stylsit, etc.

It wasn't a pretty scene, I'm sure...but you shouldn't feel bad about the way you reacted. If anything, the stylist should be the one embarrassed at having a client have to practically cuss her out when all she had to do is what she was asked. It makes no sense.

On the bright side, your hair is still beautiful and fully intact. You shouldn't let anyone touch it until you feel certain you'll get just what you want! Good luck!

Yes, Lord... do not let what happened (a damn near cuss out) darken any of your days, Barbie.

Your hair DEPENDS on you to protect it. Lay down your life for it! You worked hard for that stuff, girl! :yep:
You have long hair ,how the heck was she going to cut off all that length starting at your ears.

You did right stood your ground
That part about "I guess you just gave yourself your own tip" had me burst out laughing lol

That part is the most disturbing...
I haven't been to Lilly's. I've tried out 3 other ones. One was Norma's which I really liked. The stylist there is Jazzlee and she trimmed my hair last without hacking it off. My last fotki pic in May is after going to see her. She only charges $25 for a roller set and then she blow dries the roots. I am going back this week. The other 2 places cost more and either they took forever or I wasn't impressed.

I didn't know all those salons were over there! I had heard about Lilly's mostly and I thought there was maybe one more at the least. I live a ways away but if i am ever over in that area, I may just check her out.
She is being paid to do what you want to do with your hair. I don't believe the language barrier thing, because you have to know some english to get your business established. A lot of salons charge extra for natural hair in my area, so she may have something there. I'm very sorry this happened to you. Find a more professional place to go to.
.......................and I'm glad I did!!!:yep:
I had finally made up my mind that I was going to go on and get very slight long layers (if that makes sense) as it would be a good way to help me (1) get rid of some of the relaxed ends as i transition, and (2) enjoy my hair on the few occasions I would wear it straight.

I had gone to this salon once before and I liked it because it was convenient to my job, a reasonable price ($25 for a rollerset AND a deep conditioner) and the shampoo guy was extremely gentle when he rollerset me, losing very few hairs (I asked him to see the comb:grin:). When i got there and he started to shampoo, I told him I either wanted my ends clipped or layers, but I would let him know for sure by the time i was done under the dryer. He told me it was $25 for the rollerset, $5 to get my ends clipped, and $10 if i wanted layers. He gave me some books to look at.

I get done under the dryer and I sit in the stylist/owner's chair and as she was taking the rollers out, I told her I only wanted the roots blow dried and I wanted LONG layers. First she starts off by telling me it would be difficult to blow dry only the roots and then cut the layers and flip it up. I tell her that the part she sees wrapped around the roller in the front of my hair is my natural hair but that all of it is not natural, just the first 5 or 6 inches, that the majority of it was relaxed and that my ends were straight. She starts to mumble that it's really going to be difficult, but as she started taking the rollers out, she saw the straight ends. I was tired of arguing with her already and by this time, I just told her to go ahead and blow the entire length (I don't get it done that often anyway so it wasn't that big of a deal; she actually ended up only blowing the roots though)

I showed her 2 different pics. Once was a frontal pic of a lady that showed the layers flipped up and starting right above her breast. The other pic was of the back of a lady's head showing the layers flipped up.
Then she starts to grab her scissors. I move my head and tell her to "show me where you are going to start the layers". She then responds, "just like you showed me in the book mami", and then reaches for my hair again. I asked her again (tried to say it nice, but she was pissing me off by this time "no, you need to show me - ON MY HEAD - where you are going to start the layers; I told you I wanted the slightest layers, and still long enough where I can pull the shortest layer in a ponytail". By this time, she was mumbling in spanish again b/c i had gotten loud and was standing away from her in front of the big mirror. She said it again and then SHE got loud "mami, I gonna do it just like the picture you showed me".

I am thinking in my mind right now that I just want to get up and leave (but my ends looked like crap), so I tell her "the picture in the book IS NOT my head and i just don't understand why you can't point to the spot on my head where you will begin to cut the layers....Is that too much to ask?" She kept mumbling and finally pointed to a spot on my head about to my ears. Then I told her i wanted the layers to start past my shoulder. She was huffing and puffing talking about how she couldn't do that and some more choice phrases that probably weren't so nice. There were two other ladies/customers still left in there (everyone had left) and one of the ladies spoke spanish and the other spoke english. They were both saying that they wouldn't cut if they were me. The english speaking lady was saying that if we understood each other it would be fine and the spanish speaking lady said it would help if I spoke spanish and there would be no misunderstandings.

I was still standing up and i told them both that I didn't think it was a misunderstanding or language barrier, but I simply wasn't going to pay someone to do what THEY wanted to do to my hair and that was that. I finally sat in the seat and said "I'll tell you what; just bump my ends; I will pay you, and then I will go". She did that and when she was done, I gave her two $20 dollar bills. She gave me $10 back. I say "It's $25 correct". Then she says, 'no mami, it's $30; you natural". I told her i was just there a month ago and paid $25 and there is no way I could be completely natural in one month. She just looked at me crazy and we are staring each other down for a minute. Finally I just tell her "no problem; i guess you just gave yourself your own tip; have a good night".

I am still pissed, b/c at the least, I STILL needs my ends clipped, even if I can't get layers. The other place I was going to was good, but they charged $45 for a rollerset, but at least the lady did just as I asked her when it came down to clipping my ends......I still may go to her tomorrow just to get my ends clipped.

I wasn't proud of myself that I had to raise my voice at the lady, but I was proud of myself that i didn't let her take advantage of my hair! She had a bad attitude the whole entire time and after I gave her the money, I wanted to tell her so bad that the next time she has a bad day, it would just be best for her to stay home.....

Here are some pics:

ETA: See,THIS is why i want layers! This is after putting 2 jumbo flexi rods in my hair last night. If I had layers that started at my shoulders, this style would look a lot better and hold better as well. Darnit, I was over my longing for layers after my incident last night, but i have the itch for them again now... :-(
I am so proud of you! Feel good you left the salon with hair, by the way YOUR HAIR IS BEAUTIFUL!
You have some gorgeous hair! Kudos to you for putting your foot down.

And ditto the post on the bathroom--I love the color.
I haven't been to Lilly's. I've tried out 3 other ones. One was Norma's which I really liked. The stylist there is Jazzlee and she trimmed my hair last without hacking it off. My last fotki pic in May is after going to see her. She only charges $25 for a roller set and then she blow dries the roots. I am going back this week. The other 2 places cost more and either they took forever or I wasn't impressed.
Norma whacked off my hair and two of my friends hair. I haven't been back since either.

Blackbarbie I'm very proud at how you handled yourself. I was used to Dominican stylists in New York who know a trim means a trim. So when I got to Norma, I relaxed. Man please he whacked off 3 inches when my back was turned. I blamed myself for this one for sleeping at the wheel. But believe you me, I'm on my game now. Because I've never ever been afraid to tell a stylist to get it straight. That same week two of my friends called me up fired up because Norma did the same to them.
DDtexlaxd: Girl that language barrier crap is just that - a bunch of crap. Even if she couldn't understand my english, she should have been able to understand sign language; I was pointing at my shoulder and shaking my head:yep: and pointing at my ear and shaking my head:nono:

jancan7 and ladybug71: Thanks! :kissing4:

mscolwhite: I "fixed" my own problem; I cut it myself!!! O.K. not major though:nono: As I was putting my flexi rods back in, I sectioned it off (1 on each side and 3 in the center mohawk style) and did a little something something:grin: Now, I probably really thought I was doing something but I wasn't cutting more than an inch or more off in each section, longer in some other areas.. My thing is that I wasn't looking for a hard layered "style" or anything, I just wanted some contrast so my hair would "move". And the only way I would get that is if all the hairs weren't the same length.

I won't take it down until tomorrow morning when I am getting ready for work (may peek at it tonight), but I will post pictures when I do.

I am so proud of myself and guess what? I didn't even have to curse myself out!!!
BB I knew your hair is beautiful but those pics caught me off-guard,that is some fab hair right there:yep:

I'm glad you stood your ground against a stylist,too many of us can learn from this and avoid disasters

Good luck on your transition
BB I knew your hair is beautiful but those pics caught me off-guard,that is some fab hair right there:yep:

I'm glad you stood your ground against a stylist,too many of us can learn from this and avoid disasters

Good luck on your transition

Thanks ella! I am going to need a LOT of luck with this transition so i appreciate that as well!
I am sorry that this happened to you and I am glad that you stood up to her. On a brighter note, your hair looks so beautiful in your pics!!! You already know that you are such an inspirtation! :)