Your hair looks amazing! Hope you are enjoying your birthday!

BTW, I had to laugh at you and your camera, not wanting the lady to knock you out and all. I wouldn't have chanced it either. My husband is now looking at me crazy.
happy birthday! at least YOUR hair wasn't crucified, it looks good!

i believe you when she said she put relaxer on the lady's scalp, i've seen it before, and believe it or not, the client was askin the stylist what to use to grow her edges back!
happy birthday! at least YOUR hair wasn't crucified, it looks good!

i believe you when she said she put relaxer on the lady's scalp, i've seen it before, and believe it or not, the client was askin the stylist what to use to grow her edges back!

That's one thing I hated about going to the salon. . .people watching me get my hair done! LOL! Your hair looks great! Happy birthday!
That's one thing I hated about going to the salon. . .people watching me get my hair done! LOL! Your hair looks great! Happy birthday!

:lachen:I couldn't help but look at her she was sitting right in front of my dryer and there is a long narrow walk way right between us.:lachen::lachen:
Happy Birthday and your hair looks GREAT!!! Now please go get in the bed and rest you just had surgery diva. I dont want your next post to be from the hospital!
The lady probably doesn't know how to care for her hair, or she may not know the do's and don'ts. until I found this site I was ignorant to good hair care and I still have a ways to go. The truth is now that I'm getting educated by you ladies (LHCF) I'm scared to go to the salon. I've had more progress; health in the 5 months that I've been a member than the 15 yrs that I've been going to salons AKA professionals. So now I say "no thanks", :nono:I'll be taking care of my hair myself.
I can't help but laugh at the visual I'm getting of the lady with relaxr on her forehead.... :lachen:

Luckily your hair turned out beautifully!!