Getting layers while transitioning...(HELP!!)...long/sorry

Thanks hon!!

I was kind of thinking the same thing about keeping the layers shaped up while getting rid of relaxed ends, but I was worried about my bun suffering (b/c of the different lengths of hair):sad: I wear a bun 50% of the time.

BB, this won't be a problem if your shortest layer is cut long enough to serve your bun purposes. I have long layers on my own natural hair and I have had no problems, no matter how I style my hair.
Hey Hairtwin!!

First of all, I must say that your hair is freakin' GOURGEOUS!!!! Have I been under a rock????

Okay with that said, here is my advise on the matter.....If you recall, last year, I cut my hair above shoulder length to GET RID OF the layers. Now I have nice even hair all one length....yada yada...and guess what?? I'm thinking about the freakin' layers again. But this is what it comes down to: you'll end up seeing someone with those nice full fat ends and you'll wish you had it all one lngeth again (like I did)....then you'll see someone with a beautiful layered style, and you'll desire the layers.

I would say keep it all one length if your desire is to have a nice pin curl set. I think if you use the right product you should be able to maintain the look you want. Now, I don't necesarily know what that product is....but I know it exists 'cuz other people have all one length and have nice pin curl sets. Ultimately it's up to you. If you feel really passionate about it, then go fo it! You can always grow the layers out if you so desire. If you do decide to cut, I would not do dramatic layers.....just subtle enough to give you "that" effect.

Good luck girly!
Hey Hairtwin!!

First of all, I must say that your hair is freakin' GOURGEOUS!!!! Have I been under a rock????

Okay with that said, here is my advise on the matter.....If you recall, last year, I cut my hair above shoulder length to GET RID OF the layers. Now I have nice even hair all one length....yada yada...and guess what?? I'm thinking about the freakin' layers again. But this is what it comes down to: you'll end up seeing someone with those nice full fat ends and you'll wish you had it all one lngeth again (like I did)....then you'll see someone with a beautiful layered style, and you'll desire the layers.

I would say keep it all one length if your desire is to have a nice pin curl set. I think if you use the right product you should be able to maintain the look you want. Now, I don't necesarily know what that product is....but I know it exists 'cuz other people have all one length and have nice pin curl sets. Ultimately it's up to you. If you feel really passionate about it, then go fo it! You can always grow the layers out if you so desire. If you do decide to cut, I would not do dramatic layers.....just subtle enough to give you "that" effect.

Good luck girly!

Hey hon! That's part of my dilemma too; I know that once I get it cut, I am going to see those beautiful blunt ends on someone and go :love4:and if I DON"T cut the layers, I am still going to look at someone with layers and go :love4:......I only wanted subtle layers, like on the last few inches of my hair....nothing drastic. (baby steps girl, baby steps...:grin:)
Now if you can find that product that will get me to hold my pin curls...heck, if I could just hook up some decent pin curls, I would be rockin and rollin!!
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BB, this won't be a problem if your shortest layer is cut long enough to serve your bun purposes. I have long layers on my own natural hair and I have had no problems, no matter how I style my hair.

Thanks for letting me know that this is "do-able". (being able to maintain my length for my bun). You know I can't live without that lifesaver! (my bun)
I would think that layers would look better in a WnG than all one length b/c the curls would frame your face like a halo and bounce around, all one length looks like a mushroom cloud - not cool. When I reach my relaxed goal (MBL) I will probably get layers. This is my first time having blunt ends and Im not so crazy about it.I think they look great if your hair cascades STRAIGHT down your back, but otherwise I feel like the hair just sits there. There are advantages to each, but I definitely think layers liven up your hair and give it that shampoo commercial feel.
I would think that layers would look better in a WnG than all one length b/c the curls would frame your face like a halo and bounce around, all one length looks like a mushroom cloud - not cool. When I reach my relaxed goal (MBL) I will probably get layers. This is my first time having blunt ends and Im not so crazy about it.I think they look great if your hair cascades STRAIGHT down your back, but otherwise I feel like the hair just sits there. There are advantages to each, but I definitely think layers liven up your hair and give it that shampoo commercial feel.

:grin: @ the bolded. But you do have a point though!!!

Thanks for your insight.
This is exactly what I did when I transitioned. I got layers and would get trims every 3 months. For me it worked GREAT.

When I was relaxed I had one length hair and loved it but now that I am natural that is not an option. I need layers to reduce the bulk of my hair (I have a lot) and to avoid the triangle look.

How long did it take you to completely transition? See I am getting trims every 60 days as it is and I just think getting it trimmed off shorter lengths (layers) will just help a sista out with this transition.

Having layers while transitioning sounds like a really good idea. If you find you don't like the layers on your relaxed hair, you may still like them on your natural hair. They are sublte, and I find that they give the hair some shape. Plus, IMHO, since you will be cutting the relaxed hair off anyway, why not enjoy a new style in the meantime? :yep:

I'm natural, and I have layers. I love the layers when I wear my hair curly (99.9% of the time), but I had my hair flat-ironed in April, and I didn't like the way my hair felt. If that makes sense. I have dense hair, but my strands are fine, so my hair was too light-weight for me. I think that was a result of having the layers cut in, it takes away some of the weight. My length may have also been a factor though, I was neck length.

Whatever you decide, I'm sure you'll look fabulous.
How long did it take you to completely transition? See I am getting trims every 60 days as it is and I just think getting it trimmed off shorter lengths (layers) will just help a sista out with this transition.


It took me about 15 months to be 100% natural. I was really desperate to get rid of the relaxed ends but didn't dare to do the big chop. My trims consisted of getting rid of those relaxed ends as much as I could but leaving enough length to be able to do a ponytail.