I opened a can of worms. Help!


Well-Known Member
I had an assignment for my Evidence class and didn't know exactly what to do, so I looked up a couple of my classmates' numbers to see if they knew. I called one guy, and he said he hadn't looked at the assignment. Then like 10 minutes later, he called back to add something.

That was a few weeks ago. I called him again last week to ask a question about our exam. Well, he called me on Thursday night, when I was getting into bed about to read that Young Jeezy article that MissJetsetter posted about. I told him I was going to bed. He said that we should study together. I said that I like studying by myself. He said, "That sounds like a dismissal." I was like *shrug.* Then he told me to please, please call him when it's not school-related.

Fast forward to Sunday night, I'm getting home after 12am, he calls again to apologize for Thursday night. He said that he'd been drinking and was sorry for telling me how he feels about me. I was like :huh: Then he said that he's not trying to be a hater, but he wants to know if I'm with my ex, WCG. I told him no. He said that everybody knows that he likes me (except me apparently). He said that his friends told him to "save face," but he just has to say that during the summer session, I "looked good as h*lllllllllllllllllllll." He was talking about the little dresses that I wore, and he was lilke. I know you weren't trying to be sexy. I know it was hot, but I was looking at your arms, your back, your legs. I was looking at everything! From then on, all I could do is laugh, because he was just spilling his guts. I didn't know what to say. He asked me out several times after saying that he was in love with me. He said he didn't know how I got his number, but he's glad I did.

Then the next day I called him back, because I felt bad for laughing. He told me that he had been drinking that night, too, and that his friend took his phone from him after the call. Then I didn't feel so bad for laughing, because he probably wouldn't have said those things otherwise.

The weird thing about this guy is that he's the "blackest" person in the school, except he's white! I could have sworn I was talking to a black man on the phone if I didn't know it was him. At a Black Law Student Association meeting, he told me some of the 2Ls were pointing and laughing at him. Then on the phone he told me that he thought he was cool with the "black (my label) clique" in our class, but he heard some people were talking about him. Heck, even I was and am talking about him. He seems quite suspect with the whole "black" thing. I already posted about him before: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=163011

I certainly think it will be awkward seeing him every day after this.
I think I would be irritated, you seem pretty calm though. that's good.
Well, the guy has always been extremely nice and respectful to me. I guess I know why now, but heck, I'm wondering it everytime he drinks he's going to call me and tell me how he really feels. We have classes together, and I hope he doesn't try to sit beside me and get cozy with me. He's not someone I'd like to go out with because of the reasons mentioned above and the fact that he drinks (at least twice in one week) and smokes. He asked me if the reason I wasn't accepting his offers was because he was white. That's not it, but I don't want to seem judgmental either by bringing up the smoking or drinking thing.
You know, I must really be on this site too much because I TOTALLY remember you mentioning him in that thread. Like, I didn't even need to open it because I remembered. :lol:

MissJ, I think you owe it to him to explain why you're reluctant to go out with him, only because he spilled his guts to you. You should just tell him that it's because you don't like the smoking and drinking. That could be enough to prompt him to stop? (Then again, it's hard to change a man). Those are just my thoughts on the matter.
Well, the guy has always been extremely nice and respectful to me. I guess I know why now, but heck, I'm wondering it everytime he drinks he's going to call me and tell me how he really feels. We have classes together, and I hope he doesn't try to sit beside me and get cozy with me. He's not someone I'd like to go out with because of the reasons mentioned above and the fact that he drinks (at least twice in one week) and smokes. He asked me if the reason I wasn't accepting his offers was because he was white. That's not it, but I don't want to seem judgmental either by bringing up the smoking or drinking thing.

MissJ, you and your love life! :drunk:
That poor boy, he's so hung up on you.

By saying you won't date him becuase he smokes and drinks, you're not being judgemental. You're telling the truth.
Oh...just man up already!:lachen: Why he gotta be "drunk" to spill out his feelings about you?

On a lighter note....he seems nice (I read your other thread).:yep: Is it that you don't like him like that that's causing the issue?
Yeah, I don't like him like that. The law school is a small community. Everybody is always in everybody else's business, especially if you're black since there are only a few of us. I pretty much stayed clear of that last year. He actually told me that I was a mystery to people, and he wanted to know if I was with my ex. Most people told him that I was. I guess that's why I didn't know he liked me, because after he saw my ex and me together at the Halloween party, he sort backed off.

Anyway, everybody hangs out in small groups. Since the guy heard the black people were talking about him, I doubt if he'll be hanging out with them. He asked me on the phone what I was going to do now that my "ace boon coon" was gone (the person I hung out with dropped). First, I had to pause, because I've only heard older black people and like my mom use the term "ace boon coon." It was like what the heck is up with this guy? Then I answered that I'd have to find another friend. He was like, "You've got me." In his mind, we'll probably be joined at the hip now. I hope he doesn't come to sit beside me in Criminal Procedure on the first day when seats are assigned.
Yeah, I don't like him like that. The law school is a small community. Everybody is always in everybody else's business, especially if you're black since there are only a few of us. I pretty much stayed clear of that last year. He actually told me that I was a mystery to people, and he wanted to know if I was with my ex. Most people told him that I was. I guess that's why I didn't know he liked me, because after he saw my ex and me together at the Halloween party, he sort backed off.

Anyway, everybody hangs out in small groups. Since the guy heard the black people were talking about him, I doubt if he'll be hanging out with them. He asked me on the phone what I was going to do now that my "ace boon coon" was gone (the person I hung out with dropped). First, I had to pause, because I've only heard older black people and like my mom use the term "ace boon coon." It was like what the heck is up with this guy? Then I answered that I'd have to find another friend. He was like, "You've got me." In his mind, we'll probably be joined at the hip now. I hope he doesn't come to sit beside me in Criminal Procedure on the first day when seats are assigned.

That poor fellow...he might've had a chance had he used a different approach.:ohwell:

Well, ain't nothing wrong with friendship....I just hope that he's able tio handle that. You know most guys use that as a "stepping stone" to "get in":look:
Evidence...you're a 2L right??? You are going to be seeing this guy for the next 2+ years in school (unless he flunks out because of his drinking :)). If you are not feeling him like that then don't date him, and limit your contact with him. He sounds a little crazy. Reminds me of a couple guys I knew in law school...always high, not sure how they graduated!!!!
Yes, we're 2Ls. It's funny that you mention his possibly flunking out for drinking. I heard that he was kicked out of a club downtown for drinking too much. I'm sure he doesn't know I know that, though. So, that coupled with the two drunk dialing episodes is not a good look for him. I'm just going to be normal and hope he doesn't sit beside me.
Oh...just man up already!:lachen: Why he gotta be "drunk" to spill out his feelings about you?

On a lighter note....he seems nice (I read your other thread).:yep: Is it that you don't like him like that that's causing the issue?

I'm with you on that one. Seems like a nice guy but the drunk dialing is out of line. He doesn't "know you" like that.

OP Would you consider this guy if he wasn't a drinker/smoker? If you would then let him know that those things turn you off. If not then it really doesn't matter what he thinks the reason is you're not interested and there's nothing he can do to change your mind.
Yeah, I don't like him like that. The law school is a small community. Everybody is always in everybody else's business, especially if you're black since there are only a few of us. I pretty much stayed clear of that last year. He actually told me that I was a mystery to people, and he wanted to know if I was with my ex. Most people told him that I was. I guess that's why I didn't know he liked me, because after he saw my ex and me together at the Halloween party, he sort backed off.

Anyway, everybody hangs out in small groups. Since the guy heard the black people were talking about him, I doubt if he'll be hanging out with them. He asked me on the phone what I was going to do now that my "ace boon coon" was gone (the person I hung out with dropped). First, I had to pause, because I've only heard older black people and like my mom use the term "ace boon coon." It was like what the heck is up with this guy? Then I answered that I'd have to find another friend. He was like, "You've got me." In his mind, we'll probably be joined at the hip now. I hope he doesn't come to sit beside me in Criminal Procedure on the first day when seats are assigned.

ahahahahahahah, im sorry but ace boon coon made me laugh for some reason. i guess actually seeing it typed out is what's weird. Ive been known on many occassions to say ace boon coon (and im 27). anywho, yeah let ol boy know it's because of the drinking and smoking cause it kinda sucks when you dont know why someone isn't into you and you end up assuming and end up all types of wrong. in addition, not that you're obligated to do so, but as you said he was always nice and respectful to you (save the drunken phone calls) so it would just be nice to let him know and not have him wondering.
The guy called me tonight to tell me that our grades were in. I said that I had checked them two days ago. Then he gave the reason told me that he called, because he called everybody to tell them. I'm starting to see a pattern. Every time he contacts me, he has to give a reason as to why, like these times on myspace. :lol:

I am in class right now. Yeah behind you. I cannot focus on what he is saying at all! I am trying not to go to sleep so I am playing on myspace.

Other than that I didn't have anything to say so PEACE!!!
Last day of class. It feels so good. I hate waking up this early in the summertime. Then again I am glad we are not coming to class when it is 105 degrees. Just giving a shout out to ya because i have no further commentary to add about evidence. lol. Peace.