i normally don't complain, but i gotta vent!

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don't make me go around guessing and starting rumours now. someone did PM me but i refuse to believe this talk of betrayal begins and ends at Clear. come on people. Juice. Tea. Spill!! :sekret:

this stuff happens a lot. most of it gets reported and the thread disappears. but yeah i am just sick of companies trying to run game on us. we are not stupid! we are educated consumers around here. if a company just wants us to try the product, then they need to say so!
I can see CLEARLY now the rain is gone lol you were like welcome but I got you boo boo.
pretty commercial on tv though.
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I don't spend much time on the hair section of the board so I guess I missed the incident. But do we really buy another product every time someone here starts a gushy new thread about it?? I can understand newbies making some impulse purchases but isn't there a point where brand preference kicks in? Just askin'.
Oh, okay. I just saw the Clear Shampoo thread. Hmmm, these individuals need to be called out.

:lol: You're the only one with heart. I like you! I'm going to go check it out.

ETA: Um.....that stuff is ALL over Wal-Mart. I just recently saw it and was like wow. It's right there by Suave. It's a cheap line that's chock full of crap ingredients. So I don't really think the the poster of that thread was a vendor.....they may have been a legit question......MAYBE. But it is in Wal-Mart, it's cheap, and looks like crap.
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I looked at her joindate and her previous posts, and I'm lost. How do we know she's not a newbie who is really excited and has no idea about the crap products at walmart and other retail stores? How do we know she doesn't really think it could be great and wants a review, and isn't a pusher? I'm sure there are people here who have been reading the boards for a long time, join, and jump in without realizing no one really knows their intentions but themselves.

And if that's the case, what do newbies have to do to avoid getting pinned as an annoying product pusher?
Well I clearly have a problem. I bought it on a whim in the grocery store. It was cheap figured I would read about it here sooner or later. Had I read this thread or the other one I wouldn't have bought it. If I can find my receipt I will return it. I don't like that fake poster stuff either. It has the opposite effect on me. If I think they are fake I won't buy their crap, ever. I don't appreciate that.
i am sick and tired of being taken advantage of by businesses being slick, trying push to their hair products on us! enough already! there is place on this board for that. they need to pay the money for advertising and have a seat. nobody is stupid. i don't mind trying new things out. i am a proud product junkie! but don't be slick about trying to get me on your product bandwagon. they come on here(joining the same day) and start raving about some product we have never heard of. they don't say hi and introduce themselves, or discuss their hair journey and what brought them here. they just start right in on this so-called great product that just sounds so promising.

ok vent over!

This is exactly what mop top/Enso did on NC. I remember thinking she was promoting her own line because her first post was about a new product that no one else knew of.
abcd09 said:
I looked at her joindate and her previous posts, and I'm lost. How do we know she's not a newbie who is really excited and has no idea about the crap products at walmart and other retail stores? How do we know she doesn't really think it could be great and wants a review, and isn't a pusher? I'm sure there are people here who have been reading the boards for a long time, join, and jump in without realizing no one really knows their intentions but themselves.

And if that's the case, what do newbies have to do to avoid getting pinned as an annoying product pusher?

After i saw her previous post I am so lil confused
And just in case anyone was actually wondering about the prod its pretty popular in India. I didnt know they sold it in the states. I thought it was just their version of head and shoulders O_o
She seemed genuinely interested in using MN.

yeah i read that too... i'm not drinking her kool aid! :lol: how you start a thread asking about a product you bought, haven't used it to give a review, and don't even come back to post a response or clarify. she didn't even say hi or thanks for the welcome!
This forum cracks me up! I had to search for that thread! Let me be honest, I wouldn't have caught on at all!

I came to work feeling a bit down today but this just gave me the smile I needed. Thanks ladies! @shortdub78....you're the best!
This forum cracks me up! I had to search for that thread! Let me be honest, I wouldn't have caught on at all!

I came to work feeling a bit down today but this just gave me the smile I needed. Thanks ladies! @shortdub78....you're the best!

i lurk a lot, so i see a lot! i normally don't say nothing, but i'm getting sick of this crap! :lol:
yeah i read that too... i'm not drinking her kool aid! :lol: how you start a thread asking about a product you bought, haven't used it to give a review, and don't even come back to post a response or clarify. she didn't even say hi or thanks for the welcome!

shortdub78 I got you. I guess she was on the MN bagwagon too!!!! :lachen:
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