I need work


Well-Known Member
I know that you need to work on yourself before you get into a relationship and all but what if you are already in a relationship (and very happy with the relationship) but need to work on yourself...do u end the relationship and hopefully after your done soul searching try to to re kindle your love or do you work on yourself while still with your SO?
im dependent ive always had the safety net of my parents or my SO ...so i can work when i please, spend my money however i want and never pay bills so now i want to be more independent and take care of myself however do i need 2 move out just to gain independence or can i learn how to be responsible while still living with the SO?
I suggest working on yourself first, without thought of breaking off a relationship... unless it REALLY gets to a point where you feel compelled to need /have your space for an indefinite period of time.

I find that when I want to "go find myself," the men I date tend to act like fools and tell me no... :look: Looking back, I should have been dropped one... and I'm married to the other one.

But, I digress. When U really want your space... you will know it!
I suggest working on yourself first, without thought of breaking off a relationship... unless it REALLY gets to a point where you feel compelled to need /have your space for an indefinite period of time.

I find that when I want to "go find myself," the men I date tend to act like fools and tell me no... :look: Looking back, I should have been dropped one... and I'm married to the other one.

But, I digress. When U really want your space... you will know it!

Thanks girl

the funny thing is i dont feel like i need space it just seems like everyone around me is more responsible than i am and i kinda feel like thats where i am "suppose" 2 be. Im happy my SO supports me in everything i do one week its makeup hes paying for lessons next its fashion styling he come home from work with a ton of info for becoming a fashion stylist..he always says he dont want me to loose my drive....so i feel like i have great support to do whatever i want however i see the bills are becoming overwelming for him and i plan to help where i can and all but to make a long story short is something wrong with me for not wanting my own right now? my friend told me today he feels that" ppl see something in me that they want to help me reach my dreams and that why they help me it doesnt mean im not capable of not taking care of myself ..why turn down help?"
Thanks girl

the funny thing is i dont feel like i need space it just seems like everyone around me is more responsible than i am and i kinda feel like thats where i am "suppose" 2 be. Im happy my SO supports me in everything i do one week its makeup hes paying for lessons next its fashion styling he come home from work with a ton of info for becoming a fashion stylist..he always says he dont want me to loose my drive....so i feel like i have great support to do whatever i want however i see the bills are becoming overwelming for him and i plan to help where i can and all but to make a long story short is something wrong with me for not wanting my own right now? my friend told me today he feels that" ppl see something in me that they want to help me reach my dreams and that why they help me it doesnt mean im not capable of not taking care of myself ..why turn down help?"
Nope.... everything will handle itself in time. Just be grateful for the man you have, and helping him when you can always shows sweetness.