I need some advice y'all.... (LONG)


Well-Known Member
ETA: Sorry this is so long but I needed to vent... You can skip to the last 3 paragraphs if need be.

Well my childhood friend just pretty much professed his love for me. And now I really don't know what to do...

I'll give y'all some background.... We used to talk when I was a sophomore in college. Very briefly. I bumped into him in the mall once with my mom and he was pretty much in shock and stuttering the first time. This was right after we graduated high school (I didn't go to middle or high school with him. I was bussed to schools outside our neighborhood. We never really talked like that other than seeing each other in passing. I knew he lived 2 streets over from me but I didn't know what house.). The second time I was in the mall again (I was there with my HS sweetheart but he was in another store. We weren't dating then.) and we exchanged numbers. We kept in contact after that. We went on a few dates. He told me he always liked me but I was too far up my high school sweetheart's butt at the time and in school an hour away. He ended up meeting this girl and they got together. A few months later I ended up getting with my HS sweetheart for good. We broke up a year later but still dated off and on up until maybe a year and a half ago.

They were together 3 years. We remained friends the whole time and saw each other on occasion (he used to live 2 streets over from me) but we never went out or anything. We talked online from time to time but that was about it. I never met his gf. I knew they had problems because sometimes he would talk to me about them but I never met her. She tried to start some mess with me once maybe 2 years ago online because I left a comment on his MySpace. He made her apologize but that was the only time I ever really interacted with her. I never really understood what he saw in her but I never said anything to him about it. If he wanted to talk, I would listen but that was as far as it went. Sometimes he would make little sly comments saying things like "It could have been you" or stuff like that. I never really paid it any mind back then but now it's starting to bother me.

They broke up this past May. They were living together for the last year. He was moving out of his parents house and she went with him. He said he assumed the issues they had would get better (mostly communication and some other things) when they started living together but they didn't. She ended up leaving him because she wanted to get married. She pretty much gave him an ultimatum and left. When he didn't step up to the plate she came back and got her stuff. We had a few conversations about it. More him talking and me listening. IMO, he was great to her and she was just difficult for no reason. But of course I can only go off what he told me.

So anyway... Fast forward to now the past few months we've been hanging out. We've been on some dates and have been hanging out. For Christmas he really surprised me and went out of his way. He bought me some great presents and I really didn't expect anything from him. Clearly he was listening to things I had said in the past and went out and got them. We never exchanged presents in the past or even talked about exchanging presents this year. I never even told him what I wanted for Xmas. He continues to go out of his way to do things for me just because. It was just really weird because I couldn't figure it out. I couldn't figure out why. He's never really made any moves on me. Not like that. A few days he caught me off guard because he said he missed me. I guess he had gotten used to me being around lately.

He works for a utility company here in town and with the wind and outages they've had him working around the clock and traveling from county to county. Last night and tonight. He hasn't really slept since Friday night. He called me a few times when he was out in the field. We were on the phone most of the night last night until I fell asleep. He was stuck an hour away waiting for somebody to come relieve him. When he finally got off tonight he called me. He said he was going to get something to eat and then head home. He called me back when he was on his way home. Around 1 or so. Half sleep and dead tired. Knowing he had to be up in a few hours to be back to work. The convo starts off with him doing something and I commented about us being too comfortable with each other. Mainly him but whatever. :rolleyes: He said he's completely comfortable around me because we've been good friends for a long time. So then he just starts talking out the blue about how great I am and that he's glad he has me in his life. He said he likes to do things to make me happy because I'm his oldest friend (13 years). He loves that we talk everyday. (At first it was via IM and text. He used to keep me company during the day when I worked full time. But lately it's turned into phone calls. Multiple calls a day.) And I'm like is that the only reason? He says yes at first...

Then he lets it slip out that it's really because I've always been there for him. Especially during the hardest time in his life (the breakup) and he appreciates that. And for that reason whatever I want or need he has it for me. He said I deserve it. Then he says that he loves him some T. That I'm gorgeous and beautiful and smart. That I'm the only person in his life that's Ryde or Die for him. That he feels the same way about me. That that's what he wants in a mate. And that anything I want from him I can have because I'm always there for him. All this stuff. And I'm like wow. You're serious. Wow. I was in shock and he got quiet. Then he said he was confused. I could tell he was about to pass out at any moment because he was so tired. So I let him get off the phone and try to get some sleep. I told him I would call and check on him tommorow around lunch time. I really just needed to get off the phone because I didn't know what to say. That and to digest all of this info.

Why did he have to tell me all this? Why now? And why at 2 in the morning when he's dead tired? I'm wondering if he feels like he picked the wrong girl 4 years ago... But I don't want to be the rebound chick either. They've been broken up for like 8 or 9 months now. I don't think he's totally over her yet. He tries to act like it but he's not. He realizes that it wasn't meant to be. And that they weren't good for each other now that he's looking back at the relationship. But on the flip side I think he's still a little bitter behind the whole thing.

I really don't know what to do now. I mean he's my friend and I love him to death but IDK I just feel like things are gonna be awkward now. Like I'm walking on egg shells or something. I never really know what he's thinking. And we've never really had a convo about me and him before. It just kind of came out of nowhere. Maybe it had been on his mind all day or all night last night when he was out in the field. IDK. I don't know why he came out the blue with this now. Or what his intentions are. I'm so lost. :nono:
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my question is, if he wasn't your friend, would you welcome a relationship with him?... would he fit the criteria for being your "man"...

if the answer to those are yes, then i say go for it... the cat's already out of the bag... there's really only one of two things to do, IMO....

and, i don't think u'd be a rebound... rebounds generally don't receive that kind of attention (to my knowledge)
I believe he was saying how he really feels for you. Based on what you said this man has eyes only for you even though sleep deprived.

How do you feel about him?
Is there any kind of attraction there?
Do you want to be more than friends?

These are questions you need to answer. I secretly wish you go for it.
I believe he was saying how he really feels for you. Based on what you said this man has eyes only for you even though sleep deprived.

How do you feel about him?
Is there any kind of attraction there?
Do you want to be more than friends?

These are questions you need to answer. I secretly wish you go for it.

awww me too
I must truly be a sap because that was such a sweet post :drunk:

Me and my first love were together for 3 1/2 years........I started dating someone a couple of months after we broke up, and he started dating this girl about 6 months after we broke up. Well he married that girl last Fall and they seem very happy. So, I say that to say although we were crazy about each other, being in a rlshp with each other wasn't a good situation. Your friend sounds like a good man who is trying to move on with his life and get at the girl he's always had the hots for :grin:

Ok, I know that was early early in the morning when you wrote this thread, but how do you feel now? Do you like him a little bit?
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I feel like he was being genuinely sincere:yep:
It sounds like he was very honest,and very open about what he has probably been wanting to say for a really long time.

I don't know him personally,so i can't say if i think he has had enough time to get over his ex.What makes you think that he hasn't?I'm not trying tobe smart,just seriously want to know what he does or says that gives the impression that he is not yet over his ex.

Since the background of you guys' relationship seems so healthy(i.e.you were not creeping when he was still with her,and vice versa) I say that this definitely does not seem like a recipe for disaster.

As long that you are confident that he is not on the rebound,and just looking to fill a space that he is used to being occupied,then go ahead and do-the-do:grin:
my question is, if he wasn't your friend, would you welcome a relationship with him?... would he fit the criteria for being your "man"...

if the answer to those are yes, then i say go for it... the cat's already out of the bag... there's really only one of two things to do, IMO....

and, i don't think u'd be a rebound... rebounds generally don't receive that kind of attention (to my knowledge)

ITA about the rebound. It's been 9 months. If he missed her that much, he would have went and got her. I know he is your friend but to me, that is the best part. You guys already have a relationship that goes beyond the physical. I think you should let him know that whatever you do, you want to try to salvage the friendship. That may not happen but that may add another level of respect to the relationship.
Number 1) Da hell you doin up at 4:21 in the mornin'? :spinning:

Number 2) I think the other ladies ask some good questions. How DO you feel about him?

I know people always feel like it's tricky to get involved with friends but I think more relationships would work if people were truly friends first.

It seems like you guys have a lot of respect for each other and I really think that even if it didn't work out romantically, you would be able to remain friends (granted you don't break up because of cheating, etc.)

It can definitely be done. My ex across the street started off as one of my boys when I was 14 and he was 13. We were together on and off during high school but broke up for good freshman year of college (the one and only time I've cheated). 11 years, x amount of relationships and 1 kid later, we're still good friends! :yep:
Awww............ that is so sweet. I think you should go for it too. I think he just wanted to share what is in his heart for you :yep: I don't know if you like him like "that" too but if you do, go for it!!! Just in time for V-Day!!! :grin:
Thanks for all your responses ladies. I know that was a lot to read. :lol: I couldn't even go to sleep when we got off the phone around 3. So that's why I posted.

To answer your questions - yes he meets my criteria for a man. And yes I've always liked him like that. We get along great, he's probably everything I could have ever asked for. I was pretty much sold when he rubbed my feet one day because I said they hurt from being on my feet all night at work. That just about did it for me. I didn't even have to ask he just grabbed a foot. :lol: Then he made an elopement joke while rubbing my foot and I was like :look:. He wants to go away for the weekend for his bday and wants me to go. Then he said well I'm glad she didn't get that idea while we were out in Vegas because I would have been like hell no I'm not marrying you. They went away for his bday when he turned 21. But that joke made me put on the brakes for a minute. Who jokes about that? So I was a little confused in that regard too. I've kind of kept a brick wall between us all this time because of the whole situation with that girl. He's been extra touchy feely lately when we were together. Even around his friends. It weirded me out at first because he never acted like that before.

It's just IDK I feel like I'm his second choice. For some reason when he first got with her I was a little mad at him. Because it came out of nowhere. It was like we were cool, we were talking and then BAM he had a gf. For some reason I always felt like he chose her over me. I don't know why he got with her. And I told him that last night and he said that looking back he doesn't know either. He said all his friends didn't like her, his mom didn't, etc. But nobody aired that out until after they broke up. They just kept their mouths shut the whole time. Maybe I'm thinking too much into it? I mean we were young, and I was away at school.

And then on top of everything my nosey mother is all in my business. She knows we had been hanging out. So she's always asking so what's up with you and B? Where's B? Especially after the Christmas presents. And I'm like STOP IT YOU'RE GONNA JINX IT!!!! She's always liked him ever since the first time he came to my house to take me on date. And whenever he would stop by to say hello (when my parents still lived here) he would always speak to my parents when he came in. They knew him and liked him.

And the ex has been calling a lot lately. She claims she wants them to be friends but he said he doesn't want to be her friend. Sometimes he answers sometimes he doesn't. I wish he would just hit ignore all the time. He bumped into her in the mall one day a few weeks ago. She saw him and called him and he hit ignore on his phone. When he didn't answer she came into the store where he was and was being all extra talking about call me sometime and all this foolishness. That heifer wants me to cut her. :mad:

A few months after they broke up she moved in with some guy who is supposedly an ex of hers from high school. He found out last week on "accident" that she's supposed to be engaged by the summer. To be honest, I think she set it up like that because she wanted to hurt him on purpose. We had a conversation about it and he said it just made him mad all over again. Something about now he see's that all she really wanted was a title and to be married. And that since she wasn't able to strong arm him into doing it she went and got somebody else. I mean after being with someboy for 3 years I would start to wonder about marriage too. But I wouldn't want to marry somebody I wasn't happy and having problems with either. Which were pretty much his reasons for not even thinking about marrying her. Now he thinks that she might have been cheating on him all along. Especially since she held out on sex for a lot of the relationship after they had already been having sex. That was a big problem for them too. I think he knows it's time to move on and that he's ready but he's still bitter because she left him.

We've talked about it on more than one occassion and he said that he'd never take her back. And that he learned a lot by them living together. He said he'd rather had figured out now that they were not compatible than later on down the road after they were married. That's why he never even brought up the issue. He said he just couldn't see it happening. But on the flip side he said he feels like he's wasted almost 4 years of his life. And that he's been out of the loop with dating for so long he doesn't know where to start.

For some reason I'm sensing a bit of low self esteem too just from some of his comments. Like he thinks nobody is going to want him or something. He has a lot going for him so IDK why he feels that way. And on top of that he's a cutie. But I have noticed he's gained some weight over the past year or so. He was never really a skinny guy but he used to be thinner when we were younger. He's trying to work it off though. Other than that I don't see any problem. Maybe that came from this whole thing with her? He's said on more than one occasion that he couldn't understand why she acted the way she did. He said he tried his hardest to be the best bf to her and she still turned around and acted like an ass. She just didn't appreciate anything he did. I'm over here jumping up and down and she's like uhh yeah... that's umm nice. :look: I think she wreaked havoc on his self esteem too. There's just so much going on. I'm about to call him in a few. He usually goes to lunch around 11. We'll see what he says... I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even bring up our convo from last night.
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From what you have said, I feel he is genuine, and has really liked you for a while (like all those years you were friends).

Go for it! Please
I'll be the first wet blanket. I'd say let it sit for a little bit. Being friends with someone is a whole other ball game than dating them. It doesn't matter how long you've known each other, how close you are etc. Take a lot of time to think about it. Don't do the follow your heart thing...use your mind first and then let your heart follow.

He may genuinely want to be with you, but he needs to handle his business with the other woman, not just answering her call "sometimes." Also, trust your instincts. He might be falling back on you because as you said, you've noticed he sounds like he is in a place of "low self-esteem."

Keep your eyes wide open and take it real slow...
I don't think you were his second choice at all. I think old girl was his second choice. You sound like the one that almost got away and he doesn't want that to happen again. I say go for it. If you guys are truely friends you will still be friends regardless of what happens.
Number 1) Da hell you doin up at 4:21 in the mornin'? :spinning:

Number 2) I think the other ladies ask some good questions. How DO you feel about him?

I know people always feel like it's tricky to get involved with friends but I think more relationships would work if people were truly friends first.

It seems like you guys have a lot of respect for each other and I really think that even if it didn't work out romantically, you would be able to remain friends (granted you don't break up because of cheating, etc.)

It can definitely be done. My ex across the street started off as one of my boys when I was 14 and he was 13. We were together on and off during high school but broke up for good freshman year of college (the one and only time I've cheated). 11 years, x amount of relationships and 1 kid later, we're still good friends! :yep:

ITA. An older lady told me to marry a friend. She said it works out SOOO much better that way. We tend to do things backwards, and try to become friends after we are physically/sexually attracted, but that doesn't always work, because at that point, we overlook obvious problems so we can get to the sex.

I don't think you were his second choice at all. I think old girl was his second choice. You sound like the one that almost got away and he doesn't want that to happen again. I say go for it. If you guys are truely friends you will still be friends regardless of what happens.

I REALLY agree with this. He didn't want ole girl, he wanted the OP, he just couldn't get to her. He made do with the other chick until he could get back to his first choice. I think it's so romantic :love:
He seems like he wants to be with you. You said you like him go slow but go for it none the less.
As for homegirl he needs to forget about keeping up contact with her. They have no kids so there are no ties. He should change his number all together or something. Or she will have to get cut. lol
Thanks ladies!!! We'll see what happens.

Since he is your friend I think you need to talk to him. Seriously let him know what you are feeling. Let the communication and emotions flow when you are near him. If he can take it and still wants in then you have your answer.

Good luck. '08 is definitely your year chiika go for it!!!.
Yes, this is a sweet post.

I have to go with Vivmaiko on this one. The fact that you are having these hang ups and questions are just signs for you to truly slow down and not jump into it too soon. You've known the boy for years now, and like you said... it's kind of weird that he is acting this way and after this break up too.

Have you told him how you really feel about this whole deal, maybe it's time to have this talk with him? He really does seem like a genuine person, but only time will tell. If he feels the way that he says he does, then he will have no problems allowing you to think things through and basically leave the ball on your court.

That's all I have to say,


P.S - Do keep us updated...
I'm gonna wait and see how the whole thing plays out. I have too many qualms about the whole situation. We've been friends all this time so nothing is really changing right now.

Also Ironically my horoscope for today says this:

Someone for whom you have a soft spot is putting you to the test right now. You have a lot of patience, and they are all too aware of it. It's not that they are taking advantage of you, it's just that they are not taking your deadline requests seriously enough. If they keep stalling for time, pressing them to hurry up could only trigger a power play, so be careful. You don't want to make them think that they're not meeting your expectations. Just keep waiting.

Go figure? :ohwell:
I think you should wait it out a bit...It sounds like it could have some great potential. After reading your second post on the old gf getting married; it would make me cautious at jumping into a relationship with him. Devulging your feelings may be a good idea, but keep your eyes open for signs. He might not even know yet that he is on the rebound. You don't want him to realize this in the middle of your potential relationship.
I'll be the first wet blanket. I'd say let it sit for a little bit. Being friends with someone is a whole other ball game than dating them. It doesn't matter how long you've known each other, how close you are etc. Take a lot of time to think about it. Don't do the follow your heart thing...use your mind first and then let your heart follow.

He may genuinely want to be with you, but he needs to handle his business with the other woman, not just answering her call "sometimes." Also, trust your instincts. He might be falling back on you because as you said, you've noticed he sounds like he is in a place of "low self-esteem."

Keep your eyes wide open and take it real slow...

ITA as well. This isn't a movie. This is real life. He sounds like a sweet, genuine guy, but proceed with caution. Take is slow, and when it looks like it's for real...jump in and enjoy it!!!:grin:
OP there was a thread started sometime about women on the board's experiences dating childhood sweethearts. Try and find it if you can. I hate searching...
OP there was a thread started sometime about women on the board's experiences dating childhood sweethearts. Try and find it if you can. I hate searching...

That was my thread. And it was about the same guy. :lol: I posted it when he first started hanging around a lot.
I think you should just take it slow. Just play around with the idea, like go on a date with him without letting him know it's a date. Date him without telling him for a bit and see what happens. Really though, if this guy is so great then I don't get it. it sounds like you are scared of what could happen. it's really easy to talk yourself out of something that is scary. Be open but careful.
I think you should just take it slow. Just play around with the idea, like go on a date with him without letting him know it's a date. Date him without telling him for a bit and see what happens. Really though, if this guy is so great then I don't get it. it sounds like you are scared of what could happen. it's really easy to talk yourself out of something that is scary. Be open but careful.

That's what we've been doing. :look: