I need help with my hair please


Well-Known Member
I finally made it to BSL.:grin: I was going to start a thread about my accomplishment but I am so disappointed with the thickness of my hair. I have always had thick hair even before LHCF, but the length of my hair never grew past APL. It seems that the longer may hair is getting the thinner it looks and feels. Is this normal? Will I eventually regain my thickness as I approach Midback and longer?
Are you wearing it down a lot? perhaps it's friction wear n tear that's thinning out the ends?

Or is it an allover thinness?

Congrats on BSL!!!!!! :)

Sorry about the thinning :(
Congrats to you! Have you taken a look at the deep conditioning challenge thread? A lot of ladies hair completely turned around with frequent DCs. :yep:
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Congratz on making bsl! I think once you start to maintain at a certain length that will give all the strands a chance to catch up.
Are you wearing it down a lot? perhaps it's friction wear n tear that's thinning out the ends?

Or is it an allover thinness?

Congrats on BSL!!!!!! :)

Sorry about the thinning :(

Nope. I am the bunning queen. I actually didn't notice the thinning until just a week ago when I straighten to do a length check. When I wash and air dry my hair appears thick but after flat ironing it just looked lifeless.

My roots are still full it's just my ends that seem thin.
Then again maybe you have some tension somewhere that is causing breakage? Have you examined your hair to see if there's any breakage anywhere?
it could be breakage, Are you moisturizing and deep conditioning regularly.

I have been shedding a bit but I really don't think it's breakage. I also have a really bad case of hand in hair syndrome, maybe the consequence are finally catching up with me.:perplexed

Congrates to you! Have you taken a look at the deep condionting challenge thread? A lot of ladies hair completely turned around with frequent DCs. :yep:
I will definitely check out that thread. My dry broke about 6 months ago and I have not done a deep conditioning under a dry since. That could be it too. I am going to purchase a pibbs soon so that I can religious incorporate deep condition like I use to do.

Congratz on making bsl! I think once you start to maintain at a certain length that will give all the strands a chance to catch up.

Thanks. I sure hope so.

Come on over to the I Love Protein Thread or to the My hair was thin now it's thick thread....great insights can be found there.
Then again maybe you have some tension somewhere that is causing breakage? Have you examined your hair to see if there's any breakage anywhere?

I thought about that which is why I wore my hair down all this week but I was so self conscious because of the thinning. I got tons of compliments because I hardly ever where it down, but you know that people on the outside of LHCF have a different perception about hair.
I finally made BSL this month, but my hair was very thin. Unfortunately, the longer my hair gets, the thinner it gets. I made the hard decision of having my hairdresser cut my hair back to APL. I have to admit, my hair and ends feel nice and thick. I hope this helps.

I finally made it to BSL.:grin: I was going to start a thread about my accomplishment but I am so disappointed with the thickness of my hair. I have always had thick hair even before LHCF, but the length of my hair never grew past APL. It seems that the longer may hair is getting the thinner it looks and feels. Is this normal? Will I eventually regain my thickness as I approach Midback and longer?
My hair does this as well. It gets thinner from APL to BSL BUT if I wait it out. Let it grow to BSL and a bit beyond it starts thickening up again. I think the issue is the back hairs grow faster than the front. I have learned to wait for the front and sides to catch up and they always do. You can wait it out in braids/weaves/buns or cut it. I find when I cut it it just keeps happening...back takes off again and sides and front slowly move on.

Maybe instead of cutting back to APL you can maintain it all at BSL. That would give the rest a chance to catch up.