I miss my DH!


New Member
I am deployed and have been gone for almost 2 months. I miss my DH! I thought I was ok but little things are starting to set me off, I'm trippin, I know it but I miss my DH. I feel like crying, I just need to vent and I'm hoping some of you ladies can help me feel a little better.:cry4:
It will be okay. I'm sure your hubby misses you too!! My hubby deployed almost a month ago and I miss him terribly, but I just try to stay busy, and remind myself that it will be over soon. You will have days like that, but just try to send a few more e-mails and pictures and phone calls. It helps my day when I can hear my hubby's voice.

I know it's hard, but you will make it!! We are here for you. :hug3:Hugs to you...
I know how you feel, my husband was deployed for 18 months. Go somewhere by yourself and get a good cry than woman up. Because you
got to SOLIDER right now. Take care of yourself
Cry. Pray. Then be strong so that you can be done with your tour and return to your DH who I am sure misses you too. Hun, hugs, hugs, and more hugs. We are very proud of you and we pray for your reunion with your family.
He doesn't act like he misses me! I know how he is and I know if he is missing me he is going to act the same when I call him and we got into and arguement on the phone yesterday, I was so upset because he acts like he doesn't understand or care how I feel sometimes and it's so frustrating and I decdied I was gonna give us a few days between callsbecause I figure maybe he will act like I have been gone sometime if we don't talk everday but I feel like I'm punishing myself. I really want to talk to him all the time and I am feeling crappy. Should I just call? I don't know how else to get him to understand how I feel.............