I made my goal but. . . .(pics)


Well-Known Member
My hair isn't what I'd consider long anymore. I thought when I made it here I'd have a party and just whip my hair around like the ladies in the shampoo commercials. I guess I need to set a new goal or something.

On the plus side, I didn't have to do as much to retain the length, I've just been using healthy hair practices such as little to no manipulation. I don't comb my hair nearly as much as I use to. I finger comb it A LOT. I deep condition. I keep my hair up(though not in healthy buns all the time. I REALLY need to break this elastic band addiction).

My longest layer is what's APL so I guess I need to aim for full APL. Somehow I feel like full APL is really a lot longer and fuller than measuring just by the longest layer.

I usually don't panic about relaxing until at least week 8, which I am at right now. I didn't even realize I was 8 weeks post.
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Ahhh hair anorexia at it's finest, yes I know exactly what you mean. As my hair approaches APL I'm like "this doesn't look that long" :perplexed:lachen:hopefully we'll feel like it's long once we reach BSL. Congratulations!!
Congrats on making APL! ITA with flowinlocks, you have the infamous hair anorexia...it's caused by looking at all these WL ladies on here! :lachen:
Congrats on making APL.

I know how you feel, I felt exactly the same way when my longest layer reached APL. I was really "meh" about it.
Well, once I reach full, fluffy APL, I am sure I will move it further down, but right now my hair is longer than it's ever been so anything longer is gravy......
Congrats! Don't let hair anorexia get you down. Enjoy your goal and if you want to keep growing it, then happy hair growing.

- Maria
Hair Anorexia Member
Ahhh hair anorexia at it's finest, yes I know exactly what you mean. As my hair approaches APL I'm like "this doesn't look that long" :perplexed:lachen:hopefully we'll feel like it's long once we reach BSL. Congratulations!!

That's what I was afraid of . People around me are all drooling at the length and I'm like :look: :ohwell: It's a'ight.

Congrats on making APL! ITA with flowinlocks, you have the infamous hair anorexia...it's caused by looking at all these WL ladies on here! :lachen:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:I wouldn't doubt it. Since coming here I look at "long" hair from a totally different perspective now.

Congrats on making APL.

I know how you feel, I felt exactly the same way when my longest layer reached APL. I was really "meh" about it.

Yeah. I almost didn't post an update. Mostly, because I just asumed that my hair was no where near APL. I just happened to miss curling a piece yesterday and caught a glimpse of it in the mirror. I was shocked where it ended on my back.

I had actually been considering cutting it all off into some funky cut since I felt like it wasn't growing. I guess I'll put that thought on the back burner and chase a new goal. full APL here I come.
I totally hear you. I don't consider my hair long at all, but others have commented on it (that's the only way I could accept it). What's funny is I'm full apl and have bsl on the longest (or should I say lowest) strands and simply do not consider my hair long yet.
However, congratulations on making apl. Enjoy your length and be proud of your accomplishment!
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Congrats on reaching your goal!! I thought all I wanted was APL length hair but after being here a while I see that will never do. Might as well chase WL hair.
So, after digging up this thread i posted when I colored, and looking at my roots now, I can see that I grow EXACTLY 1/2" per month. Is this average growth? With that being said, I guess, by next year this time, Well say, Dec 2010, I could technically be full APL with my lowest layers at or beyond BSL.

Can I speed up my rate of growth without any harsh growth aids?
Congrats on reaching your goal. It was the same for me, my goal was APL, but now that the back of my hair is there, I realized that I need to set a tougher goal- I am going for MBL instead. Good luck on your hair journey :)
Girl I know exactly what u mean. My longest layer is also APL, but to me, it just seems like I'm stuck at "long-ish" shoulder length :ohwell:
:congrats: Setting a new goal is a great idea :yep:

I like to set short term goals (with a long term goal in mind) and that seems to work really well for me.

My hair isn't what I'd consider long anymore. I thought when I made it here I'd have a party and just whip my hair around like the ladies in the shampoo commercials. I guess I need to set a new goal or something.

My hair only does that after i flat iron it :(
