I made my goal but. . . .(pics)

My hair only does that after i flat iron it :(

I know I could. I did buy some blackstrap molasses as a treat for my hair though. I still don't know exactly what I'll do with it, but hopefully it can stop this shedding and breaking I am experiencing. I think if I can stop all that, then my hair should make my next goal rather quickly.:yep:

Congrats at reaching your goal. I feel I will be SL forever.................

I know what you mean. I felt shoulder length for EVER. It wasn't until I looked back at some of my pics and realize that I actually started out my journey shorter than I realized and grew out at a decent rate. Especially in light of the fact that for the first year and a half of my journey, I trimmed regularly to get rid of the damaged hair from my over processing, every six week, overlapping relaxer days. lol

I am at 8 weeks now and I'm not panicing for a relaxer yet
congrats on reaching apl! And good luck with getting to full apl :)

I have an elastic band addiction too, is it really that bad to use them? :/ oops
Congratulations! Your hair looks good:yep:

I went through spurts of where my hair looked long (or not) right now, its long because its something else to handle. but next week I may be like wow, its.just.not.long:ohwell:

Its a part of the hair journey.

Congrats!!! Keep growing girl, when you're surrounded by heads like these everyday nothing seems long anymore lol.
I know what you mean. I feel the same way even tho i know it's growing. I dont know I guess we're suffering from that hair anorexia lol