I lost sight of my original goal.


Well-Known Member
When I originally came to LHCF my goal was to grow my hair to shoulder length and style it in a swinging bob like Melinda (Bird) on soul food the series. It was truly a challenge for me in that my hair was always breaking and it seemed that it never grew in the back. Therefore I was either cutting it or wearing it in a phony pony. After surfing the boards for a while, my hair self confidence grew. I looked at so many inspiring journals and photos so much so that I moved my goal to Bra Strap lenght. Never mind that I hadn't met my first goal.:look:

I was in the kitchen with my husband yesterday and he said ur hair sure is growning. :D I had to stop cooking and check the mirror. Then it occurred to me that I had met my original goal.:bdance: YEAH! So I say all of that to say don't forget what you came here for you might just be there already. I want to thank you ladies for all the encouragement advice and post. Onward to BSL!

God Bless LHCF you are making some women's wildest hair dreams come true.
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Great job. I think I am thinking too hard about reaching my hair goal (shoulder length). I get discouraged at times. Your story has set me back on track. I needed that. Good luck on your hair journey.
What a nice story. Thanks for sharing and congratulatons! Now where are the pics! I know you didn't come in here w/o them! NOw get to snapping!