"I know hair... your hair's not real!"


Well-Known Member
This evening I quickly went into the BSS. When I finished and stepped out I bumped into an old class mate. She was with a companion that I've never seen before in my life and she seemed to have an attitude (plus a busted face and a busted weave). My class mate said: "Oh my gosh, you finally relaxed your hair. I like it." I said thanks and then her companion just came out with: "That's not your real hair, you got some good tracks but you can't fool me, I know hair."
I don't mind getting weave checked but this girl said it with such hate and attitude. :wallbash:
I corrected her (with a bit of attitude myself :grin:) and my class mate stated that when we knew each other and I had natural hair, it was even longer than that. I then said that when I relaxed my hair in April I cut a lot of hair off because of split, thin heads. Then Miss Attitude just stared at me and had nothing to say. Then she said she's going to the shop and left. My friend didn't know what to say and just changed the subject from hair.

So, I'm starting this thread to see if any of you ladies have had some hater weave check you with such venom.
Even without the pics she got her point across....

Plenty of females can be haters by nature, but I try not to pay any attention to them :)
Glad you got an attitude right back with that nasty chick. And yes I am dying to see pictures, I.JUST.GOT.TO.SEE, what brought out that venom :lick:
OP, I feel you, I think people are soooo freaking ignorant when they insist your hair isn't real. Its so ridiculous. It happened to me a few times and the killer was when I was at a bss when one of the employees who was a dude asked and then insisted that my hair wasn't real.

People are a trip. Don't worry about it. :)
Hmmm... Well I don't have any pictures on my laptop so I guess you're right then lol :sad:.

Aww, just playin' with ya! I have yet to be weave checked and I cannot wait!:grin:

I can't believe that a person that doesn't even know you would act like that :nono:. I like how you handled the situation, though.

I still wanna see pics :lick:
really G. who cares what old girl had to say, or think about your hair.

She Does Not Matter.

I'm happy for your compliment too! "I know hair" oh that was rich. Maybe one day she will come across some beneficial hair info.
That's never happened to me b/c I don't have enuff to make folks from my past envious (YET)...but she was so wrong. That hateful woman needs Jesus. Pray for her and KIM. I find that people like that are often so unhappy in so many areas of their own life that they want to bring others down who got it going on. It is true that MISERY LOVES COMPANY.
Glad you got an attitude right back with that nasty chick. And yes I am dying to see pictures, I.JUST.GOT.TO.SEE, what brought out that venom :lick:

In response to the bolded I THINK it's because I'm quite dark skinned. My hair is not too long (past shoulder length but just below APL) but it's quite thick and it's really soft in texture.
Because of this I think she assumed since I'm dark, I can't have soft hair that's past my ears :perplexed
really G. who cares what old girl had to say, or think about your hair.

She Does Not Matter.

I'm happy for your compliment too! "I know hair" oh that was rich. Maybe one day she will come across some beneficial hair info.

Yeah, she should have said, I WANNA know hair! I wanna know YOUR hair! :lol: Something... Oh well, Gabrielle. Can't be fabulous without fans :yep:
Can you say "Ewwww" who the heck.....ugh. I hate when people do ignorant things like that. You did the right thing by telling her what it is and by not entertaining her any further.
`It never ceases to amaze me with these stories about rude people on here. I dont get weave checked often and have never had someone be rude like that about my hair to my face.
I get weaved check and I get stylist checked too. Sometimes women ask me who does my hair and I tell them I do and they give me the nastiest attitude as if I could not be capable of being a DIYer? Just because you cannot even wash your own hair doesn't mean my hands are tied as well.

I would laugh in that hater's face and do a hair toss. Hi hater. I see you. LMAO!
People are a trip. I went to my 10 yr HS reunion and got weave checked by an old classmate. I was shocked. Just wasn't expecting it. I mean, home girl put her hand all up in it! We were posing together for a picture and she did a weave check. Just goes to show... ppl are insane.
People are a trip. I went to my 10 yr HS reunion and got weave checked by an old classmate. I was shocked. Just wasn't expecting it. I mean, home girl put her hand all up in it! We were posing together for a picture and she did a weave check. Just goes to show... ppl are insane.

If someone put their hand in my hair to do a weave check, they're getting one hot slap :hardslap:
1: Ummmm DEF had a hater do a weave check! One time I had my hair all over the place and it was air dried & this lady says "Girl put all that hair up." Ive had a male check my scalp for tracks. AND after i died my hair blue black another male asked if it was a weave ponytail. I was crackin up.
2: In response to the OPs sig, you should consider trying southerntease's string & tape measure method to track hair. I am now trying to get my hair to 11 inches instead of BSL. Cuz all of our bodies are different. (esp me cuz my head is extra long)
People are a trip. I went to my 10 yr HS reunion and got weave checked by an old classmate. I was shocked. Just wasn't expecting it. I mean, home girl put her hand all up in it! We were posing together for a picture and she did a weave check. Just goes to show... ppl are insane.

Thats funny!!! I think we should be flattered. If they think our hair looks like weave then were doing a good job. I love the way weave looks!!! Shiny & Well hydrated!
What a wonderful compliment! The only thing that has even remotely happened to me like that is when I was in the hairstylist's chair a lady passed by and asked him.."that a weave?" He said, "no, it's her's", and she kept on steppin'.