"I know hair... your hair's not real!"

Yes, I have, back when I was relaxed.

And it was family which made it hurt even more. A stranger? YES, it's stupid and ignorant but we know how some people can be. But FAMILY? I saw her for the first time in almost a year and didn't even get a hello but a slightly smarmy sounding "Is that ALL yours?"

Now, while I probably won't get weave checked for some time( I get the "Oh, I didn't know you had hair like that.")
What a wonderful compliment! The only thing that has even remotely happened to me like that is when I was in the hairstylist's chair a lady passed by and asked him.."that a weave?" He said, "no, it's her's", and she kept on steppin'.

Chevelure, don't down play it! A weave check in the salon is somethin serious! She just didn't want to show out in front of all of those hair people :drunk:
That was extra stank:nono: some people just need to get their lives together period. I'm soooo glad you were wearing your own hair!

You know what? I mostly get polite encouraging comments from other ladies....its really nice:yep: Today I went to the BSS with a lightly blown out bantu knot out that was kinky and big like as wide as my shoulders and as I was walking toward the exit frustrated that I couldn't find the right hair for my mom this lady at the register was like WHOO thats some thick ole hair to her daughter with a big smile on her face....I said thanks... it was really sweet.

When my hair is straightened I get weave checked regularly to the point that it no longer surprises me but its usually in a very admiring sweet spirit that people ask me and I let them touch.

I've always had an aversion to fake hair, for a bunch of reasons but I really do take pride in my progress and telling ladies that stop me on the street yes this is my hair and no I don't have easy-going loose curls I have hair just like you....it really inspires alot of ladies and I wouldn't be able to do that with fake hair....when I go away to school again though...I'm not gonna mind hiding my hair under crochet braids....once I'm back in my dorm/campus its like meh who cares? lol
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That's crazy, OP. I haven't had a straight-up hater story, but I've had some friends in disbelief that I do my own hair, go a few months without a relaxer, and never wear weaves anymore.

It's like some ppl think that EVERYONE wears a weave. It's frustrating.
Ugh! What an ill mannered so and so! People's ugliness is so exhausting sometimes. I hope I don't have comments like this when I finally start wearing my own hair out. Esp since my most common daily style is an inverted bob wig... :lachen: People will just KNOW :rolleyes: that I'm wearing a weave when they see my stuff...